How to use the @ionic/utils-fs.remove function in @ionic/utils-fs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ionic/utils-fs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / integrations / cordova / index.ts View on Github external

    const onFileCreate = handlers.onFileCreate ? handlers.onFileCreate : lodash.noop;
    const conflictHandler = handlers.conflictHandler ? handlers.conflictHandler : async () => false;

    const { createRequest, download } = await import('../../utils/http');
    const { tar } = await import('../../utils/archive');`Downloading integration ${input(}`);
    const tmpdir = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), `ionic-integration-${}`);

    // TODO: etag

    if (await pathExists(tmpdir)) {
      await remove(tmpdir);

    await mkdirp(tmpdir);

    const ws = tar.extract({ cwd: tmpdir });
    const { req } = await createRequest('GET', this.archiveUrl, this.e.config.getHTTPConfig());
    await download(req, ws, {});

    const contents = await readdirSafe(tmpdir);
    const blacklist: string[] = [];

    debug(`Integration files downloaded to ${strong(tmpdir)} (files: ${ => strong(f)).join(', ')})`);

    for (const f of contents) {
      const projectf = path.resolve(, f);
github ionic-team / starters / src / commands / build.ts View on Github external
async run(inputs: CommandLineInputs, options: CommandLineOptions) {
    const [ starter ] = inputs;
    const current = options['current'] ? true : false;
    const wipe = options['wipe'] ? true : false;

    const gitVersion = (await runcmd('git', ['--version'])).trim();


    if (wipe) {
      console.log(`Wiping ${chalk.bold(`${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/*`)}`);
      await remove(`${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/*`);

    const changedBaseFiles = await gatherChangedBaseFiles();

    if (!current && changedBaseFiles.length > 0) {
        `Changes detected in ${ => chalk.bold(p)).join(', ')}.\n` +
        `You must either commit/reset these changes OR explicitly use the ${'--current')} flag, which ignores starter baserefs.`


    if (starter) {
      const starterDir = path.resolve(starter);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / repair.ts View on Github external
async cordovaRepair(cordova: Required, runinfo: CommandInstanceInfo) {
    const tasks = this.createTaskChain();

    const platformsDir = path.resolve(cordova.root, 'platforms');
    const pluginsDir = path.resolve(cordova.root, 'plugins');`Removing ${strong(prettyPath(platformsDir))}`);
    await remove(platformsDir);`Removing ${strong(prettyPath(pluginsDir))}`);
    await remove(pluginsDir);


    await runCommand(runinfo, ['cordova', 'prepare', '--no-build']);
github ionic-team / starters / src / lib / build.ts View on Github external
const baseDir = path.resolve(REPO_DIRECTORY, ionicType, 'base');
  const tmpdest = path.resolve(BUILD_DIRECTORY, id);

  log(id, 'Building...');

  const manifest = await readStarterManifest(starterDir);

  if (!manifest) {
    throw new Error(`No starter manifest found in ${starterDir}`);

  await copy(baseDir, tmpdest, {});
  await copy(starterDir, tmpdest, {});

  try {
    await remove(path.resolve(tmpdest, '.git'));
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
      throw e;

  const pkgPath = path.resolve(tmpdest, 'package.json');
  const pkg = await readPackageJsonFile(pkgPath);

  log(id, `Performing manifest operations for ${chalk.bold(}`);

  if (manifest.packageJson) {
    _.mergeWith(pkg, manifest.packageJson, (objv, v) => _.isArray(v) ? v : undefined);
    await writeFile(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, undefined, 2) + '\n', { encoding: 'utf8' });
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / repair.ts View on Github external
async cordovaRepair(cordova: Required, runinfo: CommandInstanceInfo) {
    const tasks = this.createTaskChain();

    const platformsDir = path.resolve(cordova.root, 'platforms');
    const pluginsDir = path.resolve(cordova.root, 'plugins');`Removing ${strong(prettyPath(platformsDir))}`);
    await remove(platformsDir);`Removing ${strong(prettyPath(pluginsDir))}`);
    await remove(pluginsDir);


    await runCommand(runinfo, ['cordova', 'prepare', '--no-build']);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / start.ts View on Github external
throw new FatalException(
          `Git CLI not found on your PATH.\n` +
          `Git must be installed to clone apps with ${input('ionic start')}. ${installationDocs}`

    if (gitTopLevel && !this.schema.cloned) {`Existing git project found (${strong(gitTopLevel)}). Git operations are disabled.`);

    const tasks = this.createTaskChain();`Preparing directory ${input(prettyPath(projectDir))}`);

    if (this.canRemoveExisting) {
      await remove(projectDir);

    await mkdir(projectDir);


    if (this.schema.cloned) {
      await'git', ['clone', this.schema.url, projectDir, '--progress'], { stdio: 'inherit' });
    } else {
      const starterTemplate = await this.findStarterTemplate(this.schema.template, this.schema.type, tag);
      await this.downloadStarterTemplate(projectDir, starterTemplate);

    let project: IProject | undefined;

    if (this.project && this.project.details.context === 'multiapp' && !this.schema.cloned) {
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / repair.ts View on Github external
const { pkgManagerArgs } = await import('../lib/utils/npm');
    const [ installer, ...installerArgs ] = await pkgManagerArgs(this.env.config.get('npmClient'), { command: 'install' });

    const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
    const packageLockFile = path.resolve(, 'package-lock.json');
    const nodeModulesDir = path.resolve(, 'node_modules');`Removing ${strong(prettyPath(packageLockFile))}`);
    const packageLockFileExists = await pathExists(packageLockFile);

    if (packageLockFileExists) {
      await unlink(packageLockFile);
    }`Removing ${strong(prettyPath(nodeModulesDir))}`);
    await remove(nodeModulesDir);


    await, installerArgs, { cwd:, stdio: 'inherit' });