
26 via 59 paths







Find, fix and prevent vulnerabilities in your code.

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critical severity

SQL Injection

  • Vulnerable module: knex
  • Introduced through: knex@0.12.9

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9
    Remediation: Upgrade to knex@0.19.5.


knex is a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to SQL Injection. None


Upgrade knex to version 0.19.5 or higher.


high severity

SQL Injection

  • Vulnerable module: knex
  • Introduced through: knex@0.12.9

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9
    Remediation: Upgrade to knex@2.4.0.


knex is a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to SQL Injection due to missing escape of field objects, which allows ignoring the WHERE clause of a SQL query.

Note: Exploiting this vulnerability is possible when using MySQL DB.


const knex = require('knex')({
    client: 'mysql2',
    connection: {
        host: '',
        user: 'root',
        password: 'supersecurepassword',
        database: 'poc',
        charset: 'utf8'

knex.schema.hasTable('users').then((exists) => {
    if (!exists) {
        knex.schema.createTable('users', (table) => {
            name: "admin",
            secret: "you should not be able to return this!"
            name: "guest",
            secret: "hello world"

attackerControlled = {
    "name": "admin"

    .where({secret: attackerControlled})
    .then((userSecret) => console.log(userSecret))


Upgrade knex to version 2.4.0 or higher.


high severity

Arbitrary File Write

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Arbitrary File Write. node-tar aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. This is, in part, achieved by ensuring that extracted directories are not symlinks. Additionally, in order to prevent unnecessary stat calls to determine whether a given path is a directory, paths are cached when directories are created.

This logic was insufficient when extracting tar files that contained both a directory and a symlink with the same name as the directory, where the symlink and directory names in the archive entry used backslashes as a path separator on posix systems. The cache checking logic used both \ and / characters as path separators. However, \ is a valid filename character on posix systems.

By first creating a directory, and then replacing that directory with a symlink, it is possible to bypass node-tar symlink checks on directories, essentially allowing an untrusted tar file to symlink into an arbitrary location. This can lead to extracting arbitrary files into that location, thus allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite.

Additionally, a similar confusion could arise on case-insensitive filesystems. If a tar archive contained a directory at FOO, followed by a symbolic link named foo, then on case-insensitive file systems, the creation of the symbolic link would remove the directory from the filesystem, but not from the internal directory cache, as it would not be treated as a cache hit. A subsequent file entry within the FOO directory would then be placed in the target of the symbolic link, thinking that the directory had already been created.


Upgrade tar to version 6.1.7, 5.0.8, 4.4.16 or higher.


high severity

Arbitrary File Write

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Arbitrary File Write. node-tar aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. This is, in part, achieved by ensuring that extracted directories are not symlinks. Additionally, in order to prevent unnecessary stat calls to determine whether a given path is a directory, paths are cached when directories are created.

This logic is insufficient when extracting tar files that contain two directories and a symlink with names containing unicode values that normalized to the same value. Additionally, on Windows systems, long path portions would resolve to the same file system entities as their 8.3 "short path" counterparts. A specially crafted tar archive can include directories with two forms of the path that resolve to the same file system entity, followed by a symbolic link with a name in the first form, lastly followed by a file using the second form. This leads to bypassing node-tar symlink checks on directories, essentially allowing an untrusted tar file to symlink into an arbitrary location and extracting arbitrary files into that location.


Upgrade tar to version 6.1.9, 5.0.10, 4.4.18 or higher.


high severity

Arbitrary File Write

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Arbitrary File Write. node-tar aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be outside of the extraction target directory is not extracted. This is, in part, accomplished by sanitizing absolute paths of entries within the archive, skipping archive entries that contain .. path portions, and resolving the sanitized paths against the extraction target directory.

This logic is insufficient on Windows systems when extracting tar files that contain a path that is not an absolute path, but specify a drive letter different from the extraction target, such as C:some\path. If the drive letter does not match the extraction target, for example D:\extraction\dir, then the result of path.resolve(extractionDirectory, entryPath) resolves against the current working directory on the C: drive, rather than the extraction target directory.

Additionally, a .. portion of the path can occur immediately after the drive letter, such as C:../foo, and is not properly sanitized by the logic that checks for .. within the normalized and split portions of the path.

Note: This only affects users of node-tar on Windows systems.


Upgrade tar to version 6.1.9, 5.0.10, 4.4.18 or higher.


high severity

Arbitrary File Overwrite

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Arbitrary File Overwrite. This is due to insufficient symlink protection. node-tar aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. This is, in part, achieved by ensuring that extracted directories are not symlinks. Additionally, in order to prevent unnecessary stat calls to determine whether a given path is a directory, paths are cached when directories are created.

This logic is insufficient when extracting tar files that contain both a directory and a symlink with the same name as the directory. This order of operations results in the directory being created and added to the node-tar directory cache. When a directory is present in the directory cache, subsequent calls to mkdir for that directory are skipped. However, this is also where node-tar checks for symlinks occur. By first creating a directory, and then replacing that directory with a symlink, it is possible to bypass node-tar symlink checks on directories, essentially allowing an untrusted tar file to symlink into an arbitrary location and subsequently extracting arbitrary files into that location.


Upgrade tar to version 3.2.3, 4.4.15, 5.0.7, 6.1.2 or higher.


high severity

Arbitrary File Overwrite

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Arbitrary File Overwrite. This is due to insufficient absolute path sanitization.

node-tar aims to prevent extraction of absolute file paths by turning absolute paths into relative paths when the preservePaths flag is not set to true. This is achieved by stripping the absolute path root from any absolute file paths contained in a tar file. For example, the path /home/user/.bashrc would turn into home/user/.bashrc.

This logic is insufficient when file paths contain repeated path roots such as ////home/user/.bashrc. node-tar only strips a single path root from such paths. When given an absolute file path with repeating path roots, the resulting path (e.g. ///home/user/.bashrc) still resolves to an absolute path.


Upgrade tar to version 3.2.2, 4.4.14, 5.0.6, 6.1.1 or higher.


high severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: ajv
  • Introduced through: ajv@4.11.8 and sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 ajv@4.11.8
    Remediation: Upgrade to ajv@6.12.3.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 har-validator@4.2.1 ajv@4.11.8
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.


ajv is an Another JSON Schema Validator

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. A carefully crafted JSON schema could be provided that allows execution of other code by prototype pollution. (While untrusted schemas are recommended against, the worst case of an untrusted schema should be a denial of service, not execution of code.)


Prototype Pollution is a vulnerability affecting JavaScript. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. JavaScript allows all Object attributes to be altered, including their magical attributes such as __proto__, constructor and prototype. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values. Properties on the Object.prototype are then inherited by all the JavaScript objects through the prototype chain. When that happens, this leads to either denial of service by triggering JavaScript exceptions, or it tampers with the application source code to force the code path that the attacker injects, thereby leading to remote code execution.

There are two main ways in which the pollution of prototypes occurs:

  • Unsafe Object recursive merge

  • Property definition by path

Unsafe Object recursive merge

The logic of a vulnerable recursive merge function follows the following high-level model:

merge (target, source)

  foreach property of source

    if property exists and is an object on both the target and the source

      merge(target[property], source[property])


      target[property] = source[property]

When the source object contains a property named __proto__ defined with Object.defineProperty() , the condition that checks if the property exists and is an object on both the target and the source passes and the merge recurses with the target, being the prototype of Object and the source of Object as defined by the attacker. Properties are then copied on the Object prototype.

Clone operations are a special sub-class of unsafe recursive merges, which occur when a recursive merge is conducted on an empty object: merge({},source).

lodash and Hoek are examples of libraries susceptible to recursive merge attacks.

Property definition by path

There are a few JavaScript libraries that use an API to define property values on an object based on a given path. The function that is generally affected contains this signature: theFunction(object, path, value)

If the attacker can control the value of “path”, they can set this value to __proto__.myValue. myValue is then assigned to the prototype of the class of the object.

Types of attacks

There are a few methods by which Prototype Pollution can be manipulated:

Type Origin Short description
Denial of service (DoS) Client This is the most likely attack.
DoS occurs when Object holds generic functions that are implicitly called for various operations (for example, toString and valueOf).
The attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr and alters its state to an unexpected value such as Int or Object. In this case, the code fails and is likely to cause a denial of service.
For example: if an attacker pollutes Object.prototype.toString by defining it as an integer, if the codebase at any point was reliant on someobject.toString() it would fail.
Remote Code Execution Client Remote code execution is generally only possible in cases where the codebase evaluates a specific attribute of an object, and then executes that evaluation.
For example: eval(someobject.someattr). In this case, if the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr they are likely to be able to leverage this in order to execute code.
Property Injection Client The attacker pollutes properties that the codebase relies on for their informative value, including security properties such as cookies or tokens.
For example: if a codebase checks privileges for someuser.isAdmin, then when the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.isAdmin and sets it to equal true, they can then achieve admin privileges.

Affected environments

The following environments are susceptible to a Prototype Pollution attack:

  • Application server

  • Web server

  • Web browser

How to prevent

  1. Freeze the prototype— use Object.freeze (Object.prototype).

  2. Require schema validation of JSON input.

  3. Avoid using unsafe recursive merge functions.

  4. Consider using objects without prototypes (for example, Object.create(null)), breaking the prototype chain and preventing pollution.

  5. As a best practice use Map instead of Object.

For more information on this vulnerability type:

Arteau, Oliver. “JavaScript prototype pollution attack in NodeJS application.” GitHub, 26 May 2018


Upgrade ajv to version 6.12.3 or higher.


high severity

Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Vulnerable module: ansi-regex
  • Introduced through: bookshelf@0.10.4, knex@0.12.9 and others

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 bookshelf@0.10.4 chalk@1.1.3 has-ansi@2.0.0 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to bookshelf@0.14.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9 chalk@1.1.3 has-ansi@2.0.0 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to knex@0.16.4.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 bookshelf@0.10.4 chalk@1.1.3 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to bookshelf@0.14.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9 chalk@1.1.3 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to knex@0.16.4.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 yargs@6.6.0 string-width@1.0.2 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to yargs@8.0.1.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 yargs@6.6.0 cliui@3.2.0 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to yargs@10.1.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 yargs@6.6.0 cliui@3.2.0 string-width@1.0.2 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to yargs@10.1.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 yargs@6.6.0 cliui@3.2.0 wrap-ansi@2.1.0 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to yargs@13.2.4.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 yargs@6.6.0 cliui@3.2.0 wrap-ansi@2.1.0 string-width@1.0.2 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to yargs@13.2.4.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 npmlog@4.1.2 gauge@2.7.4 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 npmlog@4.1.2 gauge@2.7.4 string-width@1.0.2 strip-ansi@3.0.1 ansi-regex@2.1.1


Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) due to the sub-patterns [[\\]()#;?]* and (?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*.


import ansiRegex from 'ansi-regex';

for(var i = 1; i <= 50000; i++) {
    var time =;
    var attack_str = "\u001B["+";".repeat(i*10000);
    var time_cost = - time;
    console.log("attack_str.length: " + attack_str.length + ": " + time_cost+" ms")


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade ansi-regex to version 3.0.1, 4.1.1, 5.0.1, 6.0.1 or higher.


high severity

Denial of Service (DoS)

  • Vulnerable module: sqlite3
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@5.0.3.


Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) which will invoke the toString function of the passed parameter. If passed an invalid Function object it will throw and crash the V8 engine.


let sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose(); 
let db = new sqlite3.Database(':memory:'); 
db.serialize(function() {"CREATE TABLE lorem (info TEXT)");"INSERT INTO lorem VALUES (?)", [{toString: 23}]);  


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its intended and legitimate users.

Unlike other vulnerabilities, DoS attacks usually do not aim at breaching security. Rather, they are focused on making websites and services unavailable to genuine users resulting in downtime.

One popular Denial of Service vulnerability is DDoS (a Distributed Denial of Service), an attack that attempts to clog network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines.

When it comes to open source libraries, DoS vulnerabilities allow attackers to trigger such a crash or crippling of the service by using a flaw either in the application code or from the use of open source libraries.

Two common types of DoS vulnerabilities:

  • High CPU/Memory Consumption- An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to take a disproportionate amount of time to process. For example, commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload.

  • Crash - An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to crash. For Example, npm ws package


Upgrade sqlite3 to version 5.0.3 or higher.


high severity

Denial of Service (DoS)

  • Vulnerable module: trim-newlines
  • Introduced through: internal-ip@1.2.0

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 internal-ip@1.2.0 meow@3.7.0 trim-newlines@1.0.0
    Remediation: Upgrade to internal-ip@2.0.0.


trim-newlines is a Trim newlines from the start and/or end of a string

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) via the end() method.


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its intended and legitimate users.

Unlike other vulnerabilities, DoS attacks usually do not aim at breaching security. Rather, they are focused on making websites and services unavailable to genuine users resulting in downtime.

One popular Denial of Service vulnerability is DDoS (a Distributed Denial of Service), an attack that attempts to clog network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines.

When it comes to open source libraries, DoS vulnerabilities allow attackers to trigger such a crash or crippling of the service by using a flaw either in the application code or from the use of open source libraries.

Two common types of DoS vulnerabilities:

  • High CPU/Memory Consumption- An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to take a disproportionate amount of time to process. For example, commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload.

  • Crash - An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to crash. For Example, npm ws package


Upgrade trim-newlines to version 3.0.1, 4.0.1 or higher.


high severity

Denial of Service (DoS)

  • Vulnerable module: ws
  • Introduced through: ws@2.3.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 ws@2.3.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to ws@3.3.1.


ws is a simple to use websocket client, server and console for node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. A specially crafted value of the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header that used Object.prototype property names as extension or parameter names could be used to make a ws server crash.


const WebSocket = require('ws');
const net = require('net');

const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 3000 }, function () {
  const payload = 'constructor';  // or ',;constructor'

  const request = [
    'GET / HTTP/1.1',
    'Connection: Upgrade',
    'Sec-WebSocket-Key: test',
    'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 8',
    `Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: ${payload}`,
    'Upgrade: websocket',

  const socket = net.connect(3000, function () {


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its intended and legitimate users.

Unlike other vulnerabilities, DoS attacks usually do not aim at breaching security. Rather, they are focused on making websites and services unavailable to genuine users resulting in downtime.

One popular Denial of Service vulnerability is DDoS (a Distributed Denial of Service), an attack that attempts to clog network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines.

When it comes to open source libraries, DoS vulnerabilities allow attackers to trigger such a crash or crippling of the service by using a flaw either in the application code or from the use of open source libraries.

Two common types of DoS vulnerabilities:

  • High CPU/Memory Consumption- An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to take a disproportionate amount of time to process. For example, commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload.

  • Crash - An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to crash. For Example, npm ws package


Upgrade ws to version 1.1.5, 3.3.1 or higher.


high severity

Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Vulnerable module: hawk
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 hawk@3.1.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@5.0.3.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 hawk@3.1.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.


hawk is a library for the HTTP Hawk Authentication Scheme.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in header parsing where each added character in the attacker's input increases the computation time exponentially.


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade hawk to version 9.0.1 or higher.


high severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: fast-json-patch
  • Introduced through: fast-json-patch@1.2.2

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 fast-json-patch@1.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to fast-json-patch@3.1.1.


fast-json-patch is a leaner and meaner implementation of JSON-Patch.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via constructor/prototype in fast-json-patch.js.

This is another method to exploit SNYK-JS-FASTJSONPATCH-595663.


// poc.js
let fastjsonpatch = require("fast-json-patch");
function A() {}
let a = new A();
let b = new A();
console.log("Before : " + a.polluted);
console.log("Before : " + b.polluted);
const patch = [{op: "replace", path: "/constructor/prototype/polluted", value: "Yes! Its Polluted"}];
fastjsonpatch.applyPatch(a, patch);
console.log("After : " + a.polluted);
console.log("After : " + b.polluted);

npm i fast-json-patch   # Install affected module
node poc.js   #  Run the PoC


Upgrade fast-json-patch to version 3.1.1 or higher.


high severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: fast-json-patch
  • Introduced through: fast-json-patch@1.2.2

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 fast-json-patch@1.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to fast-json-patch@2.2.1.


fast-json-patch is a leaner and meaner implementation of JSON-Patch.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via applyPatch and applyOperation in fast-json-patch.js.


Prototype Pollution is a vulnerability affecting JavaScript. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. JavaScript allows all Object attributes to be altered, including their magical attributes such as __proto__, constructor and prototype. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values. Properties on the Object.prototype are then inherited by all the JavaScript objects through the prototype chain. When that happens, this leads to either denial of service by triggering JavaScript exceptions, or it tampers with the application source code to force the code path that the attacker injects, thereby leading to remote code execution.

There are two main ways in which the pollution of prototypes occurs:

  • Unsafe Object recursive merge

  • Property definition by path

Unsafe Object recursive merge

The logic of a vulnerable recursive merge function follows the following high-level model:

merge (target, source)

  foreach property of source

    if property exists and is an object on both the target and the source

      merge(target[property], source[property])


      target[property] = source[property]

When the source object contains a property named __proto__ defined with Object.defineProperty() , the condition that checks if the property exists and is an object on both the target and the source passes and the merge recurses with the target, being the prototype of Object and the source of Object as defined by the attacker. Properties are then copied on the Object prototype.

Clone operations are a special sub-class of unsafe recursive merges, which occur when a recursive merge is conducted on an empty object: merge({},source).

lodash and Hoek are examples of libraries susceptible to recursive merge attacks.

Property definition by path

There are a few JavaScript libraries that use an API to define property values on an object based on a given path. The function that is generally affected contains this signature: theFunction(object, path, value)

If the attacker can control the value of “path”, they can set this value to __proto__.myValue. myValue is then assigned to the prototype of the class of the object.

Types of attacks

There are a few methods by which Prototype Pollution can be manipulated:

Type Origin Short description
Denial of service (DoS) Client This is the most likely attack.
DoS occurs when Object holds generic functions that are implicitly called for various operations (for example, toString and valueOf).
The attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr and alters its state to an unexpected value such as Int or Object. In this case, the code fails and is likely to cause a denial of service.
For example: if an attacker pollutes Object.prototype.toString by defining it as an integer, if the codebase at any point was reliant on someobject.toString() it would fail.
Remote Code Execution Client Remote code execution is generally only possible in cases where the codebase evaluates a specific attribute of an object, and then executes that evaluation.
For example: eval(someobject.someattr). In this case, if the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr they are likely to be able to leverage this in order to execute code.
Property Injection Client The attacker pollutes properties that the codebase relies on for their informative value, including security properties such as cookies or tokens.
For example: if a codebase checks privileges for someuser.isAdmin, then when the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.isAdmin and sets it to equal true, they can then achieve admin privileges.

Affected environments

The following environments are susceptible to a Prototype Pollution attack:

  • Application server

  • Web server

  • Web browser

How to prevent

  1. Freeze the prototype— use Object.freeze (Object.prototype).

  2. Require schema validation of JSON input.

  3. Avoid using unsafe recursive merge functions.

  4. Consider using objects without prototypes (for example, Object.create(null)), breaking the prototype chain and preventing pollution.

  5. As a best practice use Map instead of Object.

For more information on this vulnerability type:

Arteau, Oliver. “JavaScript prototype pollution attack in NodeJS application.” GitHub, 26 May 2018


Upgrade fast-json-patch to version 2.2.1 or higher.


medium severity

Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF)

  • Vulnerable module: request
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0


request is a simplified http request client.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) due to insufficient checks in the lib/redirect.js file by allowing insecure redirects in the default configuration, via an attacker-controller server that does a cross-protocol redirect (HTTP to HTTPS, or HTTPS to HTTP).

NOTE: request package has been deprecated, so a fix is not expected. See


A fix was pushed into the master branch but not yet published.


medium severity

Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion') due to the lack of folders count validation during the folder creation process. An attacker who generates a large number of sub-folders can consume memory on the system running the software and even crash the client within few seconds of running it using a path with too many sub-folders inside.


Upgrade tar to version 6.2.1 or higher.


medium severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: tough-cookie
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 tough-cookie@2.3.4


tough-cookie is a RFC6265 Cookies and CookieJar module for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to improper handling of Cookies when using CookieJar in rejectPublicSuffixes=false mode. Due to an issue with the manner in which the objects are initialized, an attacker can expose or modify a limited amount of property information on those objects. There is no impact to availability.


// PoC.js
async function main(){
var tough = require("tough-cookie");
var cookiejar = new tough.CookieJar(undefined,{rejectPublicSuffixes:false});
// Exploit cookie
await cookiejar.setCookie(
  "Slonser=polluted; Domain=__proto__; Path=/notauth",
// normal cookie
var cookie = await cookiejar.setCookie(
  "Auth=Lol;; Path=/notauth",

//Exploit cookie
var a = {};


Prototype Pollution is a vulnerability affecting JavaScript. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. JavaScript allows all Object attributes to be altered, including their magical attributes such as __proto__, constructor and prototype. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values. Properties on the Object.prototype are then inherited by all the JavaScript objects through the prototype chain. When that happens, this leads to either denial of service by triggering JavaScript exceptions, or it tampers with the application source code to force the code path that the attacker injects, thereby leading to remote code execution.

There are two main ways in which the pollution of prototypes occurs:

  • Unsafe Object recursive merge

  • Property definition by path

Unsafe Object recursive merge

The logic of a vulnerable recursive merge function follows the following high-level model:

merge (target, source)

  foreach property of source

    if property exists and is an object on both the target and the source

      merge(target[property], source[property])


      target[property] = source[property]

When the source object contains a property named __proto__ defined with Object.defineProperty() , the condition that checks if the property exists and is an object on both the target and the source passes and the merge recurses with the target, being the prototype of Object and the source of Object as defined by the attacker. Properties are then copied on the Object prototype.

Clone operations are a special sub-class of unsafe recursive merges, which occur when a recursive merge is conducted on an empty object: merge({},source).

lodash and Hoek are examples of libraries susceptible to recursive merge attacks.

Property definition by path

There are a few JavaScript libraries that use an API to define property values on an object based on a given path. The function that is generally affected contains this signature: theFunction(object, path, value)

If the attacker can control the value of “path”, they can set this value to __proto__.myValue. myValue is then assigned to the prototype of the class of the object.

Types of attacks

There are a few methods by which Prototype Pollution can be manipulated:

Type Origin Short description
Denial of service (DoS) Client This is the most likely attack.
DoS occurs when Object holds generic functions that are implicitly called for various operations (for example, toString and valueOf).
The attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr and alters its state to an unexpected value such as Int or Object. In this case, the code fails and is likely to cause a denial of service.
For example: if an attacker pollutes Object.prototype.toString by defining it as an integer, if the codebase at any point was reliant on someobject.toString() it would fail.
Remote Code Execution Client Remote code execution is generally only possible in cases where the codebase evaluates a specific attribute of an object, and then executes that evaluation.
For example: eval(someobject.someattr). In this case, if the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr they are likely to be able to leverage this in order to execute code.
Property Injection Client The attacker pollutes properties that the codebase relies on for their informative value, including security properties such as cookies or tokens.
For example: if a codebase checks privileges for someuser.isAdmin, then when the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.isAdmin and sets it to equal true, they can then achieve admin privileges.

Affected environments

The following environments are susceptible to a Prototype Pollution attack:

  • Application server

  • Web server

  • Web browser

How to prevent

  1. Freeze the prototype— use Object.freeze (Object.prototype).

  2. Require schema validation of JSON input.

  3. Avoid using unsafe recursive merge functions.

  4. Consider using objects without prototypes (for example, Object.create(null)), breaking the prototype chain and preventing pollution.

  5. As a best practice use Map instead of Object.

For more information on this vulnerability type:

Arteau, Oliver. “JavaScript prototype pollution attack in NodeJS application.” GitHub, 26 May 2018


Upgrade tough-cookie to version 4.1.3 or higher.


medium severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: hoek
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 hawk@3.1.3 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@5.0.3.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 hawk@3.1.3 boom@2.10.1 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@5.0.3.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 hawk@3.1.3 sntp@1.0.9 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@5.0.3.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 hawk@3.1.3 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 hawk@3.1.3 cryptiles@2.0.5 boom@2.10.1 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@5.0.3.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 hawk@3.1.3 boom@2.10.1 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 hawk@3.1.3 sntp@1.0.9 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 request@2.81.0 hawk@3.1.3 cryptiles@2.0.5 boom@2.10.1 hoek@2.16.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.


hoek is an Utility methods for the hapi ecosystem.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The utilities function allow modification of the Object prototype. If an attacker can control part of the structure passed to this function, they could add or modify an existing property.

PoC by Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)

var Hoek = require('hoek');
var malicious_payload = '{"__proto__":{"oops":"It works !"}}';

var a = {};
console.log("Before : " + a.oops);
Hoek.merge({}, JSON.parse(malicious_payload));
console.log("After : " + a.oops);


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade hoek to version 4.2.1, 5.0.3 or higher.


medium severity

Missing Release of Resource after Effective Lifetime

  • Vulnerable module: inflight
  • Introduced through: mqtt@2.18.9 and sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 mqtt@2.18.9 help-me@1.1.0 glob-stream@6.1.0 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 rimraf@2.7.1 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 rimraf@2.7.1 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2 fstream@1.0.12 rimraf@2.7.1 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 fstream@1.0.12 rimraf@2.7.1 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2 fstream@1.0.12 rimraf@2.7.1 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 fstream-ignore@1.0.5 fstream@1.0.12 rimraf@2.7.1 glob@7.2.3 inflight@1.0.6


Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Missing Release of Resource after Effective Lifetime via the makeres function due to improperly deleting keys from the reqs object after execution of callbacks. This behavior causes the keys to remain in the reqs object, which leads to resource exhaustion.

Exploiting this vulnerability results in crashing the node process or in the application crash.

Note: This library is not maintained, and currently, there is no fix for this issue. To overcome this vulnerability, several dependent packages have eliminated the use of this library.

To trigger the memory leak, an attacker would need to have the ability to execute or influence the asynchronous operations that use the inflight module within the application. This typically requires access to the internal workings of the server or application, which is not commonly exposed to remote users. Therefore, “Attack vector” is marked as “Local”.


const inflight = require('inflight');

function testInflight() {
  let i = 0;
  function scheduleNext() {
    let key = `key-${i++}`;
    const callback = () => {
    for (let j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) {
      inflight(key, callback);


  if (i % 100 === 0) {




There is no fixed version for inflight.


medium severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: minimist
  • Introduced through: knex@0.12.9

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9 minimist@1.1.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to knex@0.16.4.


minimist is a parse argument options module.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The library could be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype using a constructor or __proto__ payload.

PoC by Snyk

require('minimist')('--__proto__.injected0 value0'.split(' '));
console.log(({}).injected0 === 'value0'); // true

require('minimist')('--constructor.prototype.injected1 value1'.split(' '));
console.log(({}).injected1 === 'value1'); // true


Prototype Pollution is a vulnerability affecting JavaScript. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. JavaScript allows all Object attributes to be altered, including their magical attributes such as __proto__, constructor and prototype. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values. Properties on the Object.prototype are then inherited by all the JavaScript objects through the prototype chain. When that happens, this leads to either denial of service by triggering JavaScript exceptions, or it tampers with the application source code to force the code path that the attacker injects, thereby leading to remote code execution.

There are two main ways in which the pollution of prototypes occurs:

  • Unsafe Object recursive merge

  • Property definition by path

Unsafe Object recursive merge

The logic of a vulnerable recursive merge function follows the following high-level model:

merge (target, source)

  foreach property of source

    if property exists and is an object on both the target and the source

      merge(target[property], source[property])


      target[property] = source[property]

When the source object contains a property named __proto__ defined with Object.defineProperty() , the condition that checks if the property exists and is an object on both the target and the source passes and the merge recurses with the target, being the prototype of Object and the source of Object as defined by the attacker. Properties are then copied on the Object prototype.

Clone operations are a special sub-class of unsafe recursive merges, which occur when a recursive merge is conducted on an empty object: merge({},source).

lodash and Hoek are examples of libraries susceptible to recursive merge attacks.

Property definition by path

There are a few JavaScript libraries that use an API to define property values on an object based on a given path. The function that is generally affected contains this signature: theFunction(object, path, value)

If the attacker can control the value of “path”, they can set this value to __proto__.myValue. myValue is then assigned to the prototype of the class of the object.

Types of attacks

There are a few methods by which Prototype Pollution can be manipulated:

Type Origin Short description
Denial of service (DoS) Client This is the most likely attack.
DoS occurs when Object holds generic functions that are implicitly called for various operations (for example, toString and valueOf).
The attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr and alters its state to an unexpected value such as Int or Object. In this case, the code fails and is likely to cause a denial of service.
For example: if an attacker pollutes Object.prototype.toString by defining it as an integer, if the codebase at any point was reliant on someobject.toString() it would fail.
Remote Code Execution Client Remote code execution is generally only possible in cases where the codebase evaluates a specific attribute of an object, and then executes that evaluation.
For example: eval(someobject.someattr). In this case, if the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr they are likely to be able to leverage this in order to execute code.
Property Injection Client The attacker pollutes properties that the codebase relies on for their informative value, including security properties such as cookies or tokens.
For example: if a codebase checks privileges for someuser.isAdmin, then when the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.isAdmin and sets it to equal true, they can then achieve admin privileges.

Affected environments

The following environments are susceptible to a Prototype Pollution attack:

  • Application server

  • Web server

  • Web browser

How to prevent

  1. Freeze the prototype— use Object.freeze (Object.prototype).

  2. Require schema validation of JSON input.

  3. Avoid using unsafe recursive merge functions.

  4. Consider using objects without prototypes (for example, Object.create(null)), breaking the prototype chain and preventing pollution.

  5. As a best practice use Map instead of Object.

For more information on this vulnerability type:

Arteau, Oliver. “JavaScript prototype pollution attack in NodeJS application.” GitHub, 26 May 2018


Upgrade minimist to version 0.2.1, 1.2.3 or higher.


medium severity

Prototype Pollution

  • Vulnerable module: yargs-parser
  • Introduced through: yargs@6.6.0

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 yargs@6.6.0 yargs-parser@4.2.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to yargs@7.0.0.


yargs-parser is a mighty option parser used by yargs.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The library could be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype using a __proto__ payload.

Our research team checked several attack vectors to verify this vulnerability:

  1. It could be used for privilege escalation.
  2. The library could be used to parse user input received from different sources:
    • terminal emulators
    • system calls from other code bases
    • CLI RPC servers

PoC by Snyk

const parser = require("yargs-parser");
console.log(parser(' baz'));


Prototype Pollution is a vulnerability affecting JavaScript. Prototype Pollution refers to the ability to inject properties into existing JavaScript language construct prototypes, such as objects. JavaScript allows all Object attributes to be altered, including their magical attributes such as __proto__, constructor and prototype. An attacker manipulates these attributes to overwrite, or pollute, a JavaScript application object prototype of the base object by injecting other values. Properties on the Object.prototype are then inherited by all the JavaScript objects through the prototype chain. When that happens, this leads to either denial of service by triggering JavaScript exceptions, or it tampers with the application source code to force the code path that the attacker injects, thereby leading to remote code execution.

There are two main ways in which the pollution of prototypes occurs:

  • Unsafe Object recursive merge

  • Property definition by path

Unsafe Object recursive merge

The logic of a vulnerable recursive merge function follows the following high-level model:

merge (target, source)

  foreach property of source

    if property exists and is an object on both the target and the source

      merge(target[property], source[property])


      target[property] = source[property]

When the source object contains a property named __proto__ defined with Object.defineProperty() , the condition that checks if the property exists and is an object on both the target and the source passes and the merge recurses with the target, being the prototype of Object and the source of Object as defined by the attacker. Properties are then copied on the Object prototype.

Clone operations are a special sub-class of unsafe recursive merges, which occur when a recursive merge is conducted on an empty object: merge({},source).

lodash and Hoek are examples of libraries susceptible to recursive merge attacks.

Property definition by path

There are a few JavaScript libraries that use an API to define property values on an object based on a given path. The function that is generally affected contains this signature: theFunction(object, path, value)

If the attacker can control the value of “path”, they can set this value to __proto__.myValue. myValue is then assigned to the prototype of the class of the object.

Types of attacks

There are a few methods by which Prototype Pollution can be manipulated:

Type Origin Short description
Denial of service (DoS) Client This is the most likely attack.
DoS occurs when Object holds generic functions that are implicitly called for various operations (for example, toString and valueOf).
The attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr and alters its state to an unexpected value such as Int or Object. In this case, the code fails and is likely to cause a denial of service.
For example: if an attacker pollutes Object.prototype.toString by defining it as an integer, if the codebase at any point was reliant on someobject.toString() it would fail.
Remote Code Execution Client Remote code execution is generally only possible in cases where the codebase evaluates a specific attribute of an object, and then executes that evaluation.
For example: eval(someobject.someattr). In this case, if the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.someattr they are likely to be able to leverage this in order to execute code.
Property Injection Client The attacker pollutes properties that the codebase relies on for their informative value, including security properties such as cookies or tokens.
For example: if a codebase checks privileges for someuser.isAdmin, then when the attacker pollutes Object.prototype.isAdmin and sets it to equal true, they can then achieve admin privileges.

Affected environments

The following environments are susceptible to a Prototype Pollution attack:

  • Application server

  • Web server

  • Web browser

How to prevent

  1. Freeze the prototype— use Object.freeze (Object.prototype).

  2. Require schema validation of JSON input.

  3. Avoid using unsafe recursive merge functions.

  4. Consider using objects without prototypes (for example, Object.create(null)), breaking the prototype chain and preventing pollution.

  5. As a best practice use Map instead of Object.

For more information on this vulnerability type:

Arteau, Oliver. “JavaScript prototype pollution attack in NodeJS application.” GitHub, 26 May 2018


Upgrade yargs-parser to version 5.0.1, 13.1.2, 15.0.1, 18.1.1 or higher.


medium severity

Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Vulnerable module: glob-parent
  • Introduced through: knex@0.12.9 and mqtt@2.18.9

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9 liftoff@2.2.5 findup-sync@0.4.3 micromatch@2.3.11 parse-glob@3.0.4 glob-base@0.3.0 glob-parent@2.0.0
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 mqtt@2.18.9 help-me@1.1.0 glob-stream@6.1.0 glob-parent@3.1.0


glob-parent is a package that helps extracting the non-magic parent path from a glob string.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The enclosure regex used to check for strings ending in enclosure containing path separator.

PoC by Yeting Li

var globParent = require("glob-parent")
function build_attack(n) {
var ret = "{"
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ret += "/"

return ret;



Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade glob-parent to version 5.1.2 or higher.


medium severity

Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Vulnerable module: ws
  • Introduced through: ws@2.3.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 ws@2.3.1
    Remediation: Upgrade to ws@5.2.3.


ws is a simple to use websocket client, server and console for node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). A specially crafted value of the Sec-Websocket-Protocol header can be used to significantly slow down a ws server.


for (const length of [1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000]) {
  const value = 'b' + ' '.repeat(length) + 'x';
  const start = process.hrtime.bigint();

  value.trim().split(/ *, */);

  const end = process.hrtime.bigint();

  console.log('length = %d, time = %f ns', length, end - start);


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade ws to version 7.4.6, 6.2.2, 5.2.3 or higher.


low severity

Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Vulnerable module: braces
  • Introduced through: knex@0.12.9

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 knex@0.12.9 liftoff@2.2.5 findup-sync@0.4.3 micromatch@2.3.11 braces@1.8.5
    Remediation: Upgrade to knex@0.14.3.


braces is a Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). It used a regular expression (^\{(,+(?:(\{,+\})*),*|,*(?:(\{,+\})*),+)\}) in order to detects empty braces. This can cause an impact of about 10 seconds matching time for data 50K characters long.

Disclosure Timeline

  • Feb 15th, 2018 - Initial Disclosure to package owner
  • Feb 16th, 2018 - Initial Response from package owner
  • Feb 18th, 2018 - Fix issued
  • Feb 19th, 2018 - Vulnerability published


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade braces to version 2.3.1 or higher.


low severity

Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

  • Vulnerable module: tar
  • Introduced through: sqlite3@3.1.13

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar@2.2.2
    Remediation: Upgrade to sqlite3@4.0.0.
  • Introduced through: homie-dashboard@intech-rgb/homie-dashboard#3452dff8a787ac42f3af54877b2c90f3e2861eb6 sqlite3@3.1.13 node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 tar-pack@3.4.1 tar@2.2.2


tar is a full-featured Tar for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). When stripping the trailing slash from files arguments, the f.replace(/\/+$/, '') performance of this function can exponentially degrade when f contains many / characters resulting in ReDoS.

This vulnerability is not likely to be exploitable as it requires that the untrusted input is being passed into the tar.extract() or tar.list() array of entries to parse/extract, which would be unusual.


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its original and legitimate users. There are many types of DoS attacks, ranging from trying to clog the network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines (a Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS - attack) to sending crafted requests that cause a system to crash or take a disproportional amount of time to process.

The Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) is a type of Denial of Service attack. Regular expressions are incredibly powerful, but they aren't very intuitive and can ultimately end up making it easy for attackers to take your site down.

Let’s take the following regular expression as an example:

regex = /A(B|C+)+D/

This regular expression accomplishes the following:

  • A The string must start with the letter 'A'
  • (B|C+)+ The string must then follow the letter A with either the letter 'B' or some number of occurrences of the letter 'C' (the + matches one or more times). The + at the end of this section states that we can look for one or more matches of this section.
  • D Finally, we ensure this section of the string ends with a 'D'

The expression would match inputs such as ABBD, ABCCCCD, ABCBCCCD and ACCCCCD

It most cases, it doesn't take very long for a regex engine to find a match:

0.04s user 0.01s system 95% cpu 0.052 total

1.79s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.812 total

The entire process of testing it against a 30 characters long string takes around ~52ms. But when given an invalid string, it takes nearly two seconds to complete the test, over ten times as long as it took to test a valid string. The dramatic difference is due to the way regular expressions get evaluated.

Most Regex engines will work very similarly (with minor differences). The engine will match the first possible way to accept the current character and proceed to the next one. If it then fails to match the next one, it will backtrack and see if there was another way to digest the previous character. If it goes too far down the rabbit hole only to find out the string doesn’t match in the end, and if many characters have multiple valid regex paths, the number of backtracking steps can become very large, resulting in what is known as catastrophic backtracking.

Let's look at how our expression runs into this problem, using a shorter string: "ACCCX". While it seems fairly straightforward, there are still four different ways that the engine could match those three C's:

  1. CCC
  2. CC+C
  3. C+CC
  4. C+C+C.

The engine has to try each of those combinations to see if any of them potentially match against the expression. When you combine that with the other steps the engine must take, we can use RegEx 101 debugger to see the engine has to take a total of 38 steps before it can determine the string doesn't match.

From there, the number of steps the engine must use to validate a string just continues to grow.

String Number of C's Number of steps
ACCCX 3 38

By the time the string includes 14 C's, the engine has to take over 65,000 steps just to see if the string is valid. These extreme situations can cause them to work very slowly (exponentially related to input size, as shown above), allowing an attacker to exploit this and can cause the service to excessively consume CPU, resulting in a Denial of Service.


Upgrade tar to version 6.1.4, 5.0.8, 4.4.16 or higher.
