Remove sensitive data in your files and Azure Repos history

Escrito por:
Edward Thompson

6 de maio de 2019

0 minutos de leitura

This post highlights best practice #2 — removing sensitive data from your files and repository — from our series of 8 security best practices for Azure Repos.

Remove sensitive data in your files and Azure Repos history

If you find sensitive data in your Azure Repos repository, you need to do a number of things to recover. First of all you'll need to invalidate the tokens and passwords that were once public. Once a secret is public on the internet, you should assume it's in the hands of attackers and react accordingly.Of course you'll also need to remove the same sensitive data from your repository, but don't forget that Azure Repos is very good at keeping a full history of all your commits. Those tokens will remain in history and in other branches. So although you should remove that data, it's still critical to invalidate those secret tokens.

Continue reading the list of 8 Azure Repos security best practices:

  1. Never store credentials as code/config in Azure Repos

  2. Remove sensitive data in your files and Azure Repos history

  3. Tightly control access

  4. Add a file

  5. Use Personal Access Tokens

  6. Provide granular permissions and groups for users

  7. Add security testing to Pull Requests

  8. Rotate SSH keys and personal access tokens

If you haven’t done so yet, make sure you download this cheat sheet now and pin it up, so your future decisions are secure decisions.


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