How to use zigpy - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few zigpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_security_iaswd_warning_mode(raw, mode, name):
    """Test warning command class of IasWD cluster."""

    def _test(warning, data):
        assert warning.serialize() == data
        assert warning == raw
        assert warning.mode == mode
        assert == name
        warning.mode = mode
        assert warning.serialize() == data
        assert warning.mode == mode

    data = types.uint8_t(raw).serialize()
    _test(sec.IasWd.Warning(raw), data)

    extra = b"The rest of the owl\xaa\x55"
    warn, rest = sec.IasWd.Warning.deserialize(data + extra)
    assert rest == extra
    _test(warn, data)
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def test_struct_init():
    class TestStruct(t.Struct):
        a: t.uint8_t
        b: t.uint16_t
        c: t.CharacterString

    ts = TestStruct(a=1, b=0x0100, c="TestStruct")
    assert repr(ts)
    assert isinstance(ts.a, t.uint8_t)
    assert isinstance(ts.b, t.uint16_t)
    assert isinstance(ts.c, t.CharacterString)
    assert ts.a == 1
    assert ts.b == 0x100
    assert ts.c == "TestStruct"

    ts2, remaining = TestStruct.deserialize(b"\x01\x00\x01\x0aTestStruct")
    assert not remaining
    assert ts == ts2
    assert ts.serialize() == ts2.serialize()

    ts3 = ts2.replace(b=0x0100)
    assert ts3 == ts2
    assert ts3.serialize() == ts2.serialize()

    ts4 = ts2.replace(b=0x0101)
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async def test_groups(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
        Device, "schedule_initialize", mock_dev_init(Status.ENDPOINTS_INIT)

    group_id, group_name = 0x1221, "app db Test Group 0x1221"

    async def mock_request(*args, **kwargs):
        return [ZCLStatus.SUCCESS, group_id]

    monkeypatch.setattr(zigpy.zcl.Cluster, "request", mock_request)

    db = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "test.db")
    app = await make_app(db)
    ieee = make_ieee()
    app.handle_join(99, ieee, 0)

    dev = app.get_device(ieee)
    ep = dev.add_endpoint(1)
    ep.profile_id = 260
    ep.device_type = profiles.zha.DeviceType.PUMP

    ieee_b = make_ieee(2)
    app.handle_join(100, ieee_b, 0)
    dev_b = app.get_device(ieee_b)
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def test_struct_init():
    class TestStruct(t.Struct):
        a: t.uint8_t
        b: t.uint16_t
        c: t.CharacterString

    ts = TestStruct(a=1, b=0x0100, c="TestStruct")
    assert repr(ts)
    assert isinstance(ts.a, t.uint8_t)
    assert isinstance(ts.b, t.uint16_t)
    assert isinstance(ts.c, t.CharacterString)
    assert ts.a == 1
    assert ts.b == 0x100
    assert ts.c == "TestStruct"

    ts2, remaining = TestStruct.deserialize(b"\x01\x00\x01\x0aTestStruct")
    assert not remaining
    assert ts == ts2
    assert ts.serialize() == ts2.serialize()

    ts3 = ts2.replace(b=0x0100)
    assert ts3 == ts2
    assert ts3.serialize() == ts2.serialize()

    ts4 = ts2.replace(b=0x0101)
    assert ts4 != ts2
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async def test_permit(app, ieee):
    ncp_ieee = t.EUI64(map(t.uint8_t, range(8, 16)))
    app._ieee = ncp_ieee
    app.devices[ieee] = mock.MagicMock()
    app.devices[ieee].zdo.permit = mock.MagicMock(
    app.permit_ncp = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=asyncio.coroutine(mock.MagicMock()))
    await app.permit(node=(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
    assert app.devices[ieee].zdo.permit.call_count == 0
    assert app.permit_ncp.call_count == 0
    await app.permit(node=ieee)
    assert app.devices[ieee].zdo.permit.call_count == 1
    assert app.permit_ncp.call_count == 0
    await app.permit(node=ncp_ieee)
    assert app.devices[ieee].zdo.permit.call_count == 1
    assert app.permit_ncp.call_count == 1
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def make_ieee(init=0):
    return t.EUI64(map(t.uint8_t, range(init, init + 8)))
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def test_ota_image_destination():
    extra = b"abcdefghklmnpqr"

    dst = t.EUI64.deserialize(b"12345678")[0]

    hdr, rest = _test_ota_img_header(b"\x02\x00", dst.serialize(), extra)
    assert rest == extra
    assert hdr.security_credential_version_present is False
    assert hdr.device_specific_file is True
    assert hdr.upgrade_file_destination == dst
    assert hdr.hardware_versions_present is False
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data = tsn.serialize()
    extra = b"abcdefExtraDataHere"
    hdr, rest = types.ZDOHeader.deserialize(cmd_id, data + extra)
    assert rest == extra
    assert hdr.tsn == tsn
    assert hdr.command_id == cmd_id
    assert hdr.is_reply is False

    hdr.command_id = types.ZDOCmd.Bind_rsp
    assert hdr.is_reply is True

    assert hdr.serialize() == data

    new_tsn = 0xBB
    hdr.tsn = new_tsn
    assert isinstance(hdr.tsn, t.uint8_t)
    assert hdr.tsn == new_tsn
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async def test_broadcast(app): = t.EUI64(map(t.uint8_t, [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]))

    (profile, cluster, src_ep, dst_ep, data) = (
    await device.broadcast(app, profile, cluster, src_ep, dst_ep, 0, 0, 123, data)

    assert app.broadcast.call_count == 1
    assert app.broadcast.call_args[0][0] == profile
    assert app.broadcast.call_args[0][1] == cluster
    assert app.broadcast.call_args[0][2] == src_ep
    assert app.broadcast.call_args[0][3] == dst_ep
    assert app.broadcast.call_args[0][7] == data
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assert (epid in signature) or (
                "profile" in epdata and "device_type" in epdata
            if "profile" in epdata:
                profile = epdata["profile"]
                assert isinstance(profile, int) and 0 <= profile <= 0xFFFF
            if "device_type" in epdata:
                device_type = epdata["device_type"]
                assert isinstance(device_type, int) and 0 <= device_type <= 0xFFFF

            all_clusters = epdata.get("input_clusters", []) + epdata.get(
                "output_clusters", []
            for cluster in all_clusters:
                assert (
                    (isinstance(cluster, int) and cluster in Cluster._registry)
                    or (isinstance(cluster, int) and _check_range(cluster))
                    or issubclass(cluster, Cluster)