How to use the zigpy.types function in zigpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few zigpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_ota_image_destination():
    extra = b"abcdefghklmnpqr"

    dst = t.EUI64.deserialize(b"12345678")[0]

    hdr, rest = _test_ota_img_header(b"\x02\x00", dst.serialize(), extra)
    assert rest == extra
    assert hdr.security_credential_version_present is False
    assert hdr.device_specific_file is True
    assert hdr.upgrade_file_destination == dst
    assert hdr.hardware_versions_present is False
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return cls(raw.decode("utf8", errors="replace")), data[cls._size :]

    def serialize(self):
        return self.encode("utf8").ljust(self._size, b"\x00")

class OTAImageHeader(t.Struct):
    OTA_HEADER = MAGIC_VALUE.to_bytes(4, "little")

    upgrade_file_id: t.uint32_t
    header_version: t.uint16_t
    header_length: t.uint16_t
    field_control: t.uint16_t
    manufacturer_id: t.uint16_t
    image_type: t.uint16_t
    file_version: t.uint32_t
    stack_version: t.uint16_t
    header_string: HeaderString
    image_size: t.uint32_t

    def security_credential_version_present(self) -> bool:
        if self.field_control is None:
            return None
        return bool(self.field_control & 0x01)

    def device_specific_file(self) -> bool:
        if self.field_control is None:
            return None
        return bool(self.field_control & 0x02)
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status._name_ =
        status._value_ = value
        return status

NWK = ("NWKAddr", t.NWK)
NWKI = ("NWKAddrOfInterest", t.NWK)
IEEE = ("IEEEAddr", t.EUI64)
STATUS = ("Status", Status)

class _CommandID(t.uint16_t, hex_repr=True):

class ZDOCmd(t.enum_factory(_CommandID)):
    # Device and Service Discovery Server Requests
    NWK_addr_req = 0x0000
    IEEE_addr_req = 0x0001
    Node_Desc_req = 0x0002
    Power_Desc_req = 0x0003
    Simple_Desc_req = 0x0004
    Active_EP_req = 0x0005
    Match_Desc_req = 0x0006
    Complex_Desc_req = 0x0010
    User_Desc_req = 0x0011
    Discovery_Cache_req = 0x0012
    Device_annce = 0x0013
    User_Desc_set = 0x0014
    System_Server_Discovery_req = 0x0015
    Discovery_store_req = 0x0016
    Node_Desc_store_req = 0x0017
github zigpy / zigpy / zigpy / zcl / clusters / View on Github external
    client_commands = {}

class Ballast(Cluster):
    """Attributes and commands for configuring a lighting

    cluster_id = 0x0301
    ep_attribute = "light_ballast"
    attributes = {
        # Ballast Information
        0x0000: ("physical_min_level", t.uint8_t),
        0x0001: ("physical_max_level", t.uint8_t),
        0x0002: ("ballast_status", t.bitmap8),
        # Ballast Settings
        0x0010: ("min_level", t.uint8_t),
        0x0011: ("max_level", t.uint8_t),
        0x0012: ("power_on_level", t.uint8_t),
        0x0013: ("power_on_fade_time", t.uint16_t),
        0x0014: ("intrinsic_ballast_factor", t.uint8_t),
        0x0015: ("ballast_factor_adjustment", t.uint8_t),
        # Lamp Information
        0x0020: ("lamp_quantity", t.uint8_t),
        # Lamp Settings
        0x0030: ("lamp_type", t.LimitedCharString(16)),
        0x0031: ("lamp_manufacturer", t.LimitedCharString(16)),
        0x0032: ("lamp_rated_hours", t.uint24_t),
        0x0033: ("lamp_burn_hours", t.uint24_t),
        0x0034: ("lamp_alarm_mode", t.bitmap8),
        0x0035: ("lamp_burn_hours_trip_point", t.uint24_t),
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0x006F: ("status_flags", t.bitmap8),
        0x0100: ("application_type", t.uint32_t),
    server_commands = {}
    client_commands = {}

class BinaryValue(Cluster):
    cluster_id = 0x0011
    ep_attribute = "binary_value"
    attributes = {
        0x0004: ("active_text", t.CharacterString),
        0x001C: ("description", t.CharacterString),
        0x002E: ("inactive_text", t.CharacterString),
        0x0042: ("minimum_off_time", t.uint32_t),
        0x0043: ("minimum_on_time", t.uint32_t),
        0x0051: ("out_of_service", t.Bool),
        0x0055: ("present_value", t.Single),
        # 0x0057: ('priority_array', TODO.array),  # Array of 16 structures of (boolean,
        # single precision)
        0x0067: ("reliability", t.enum8),
        0x0068: ("relinquish_default", t.Single),
        0x006F: ("status_flags", t.bitmap8),
        0x0100: ("application_type", t.uint32_t),
    server_commands = {}
    client_commands = {}

class MultistateInput(Cluster):
    cluster_id = 0x0012
    ep_attribute = "multistate_input"
github zigpy / zigpy / zigpy / zcl / View on Github external
                schema = commands[hdr.command_id][1]
                hdr.frame_control.is_reply = commands[hdr.command_id][2]
            except KeyError:
                self.warning("Unknown cluster-specific command %s", hdr.command_id)
                return hdr, data
            # General command
                schema = foundation.COMMANDS[hdr.command_id][0]
                hdr.frame_control.is_reply = foundation.COMMANDS[hdr.command_id][1]
            except KeyError:
                self.warning("Unknown foundation command %s", hdr.command_id)
                return hdr, data

        value, data = t.deserialize(data, schema)
        if data != b"":
            self.warning("Data remains after deserializing ZCL frame")

        return hdr, value
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return hdr, data

    def serialize(self) -> bytes:
        data = super().serialize()
        if self.security_credential_version_present:
            data += self.security_credential_version.serialize()
        if self.device_specific_file:
            data += self.upgrade_file_destination.serialize()
        if self.hardware_versions_present:
            data += self.minimum_hardware_version.serialize()
            data += self.maximum_hardware_version.serialize()
        return data

class ElementTagId(t.enum16):
    UPGRADE_IMAGE = 0x0000
    ECDSA_SIGNATURE = 0x0001

class SubElement(bytes):
    def data(self):
        return self

    def length(self):
        return t.uint32_t(len(self))

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def serialize(self):
        return self.encode("utf8").ljust(self._size, b"\x00")

class OTAImageHeader(t.Struct):
    OTA_HEADER = MAGIC_VALUE.to_bytes(4, "little")

    upgrade_file_id: t.uint32_t
    header_version: t.uint16_t
    header_length: t.uint16_t
    field_control: t.uint16_t
    manufacturer_id: t.uint16_t
    image_type: t.uint16_t
    file_version: t.uint32_t
    stack_version: t.uint16_t
    header_string: HeaderString
    image_size: t.uint32_t

    def security_credential_version_present(self) -> bool:
        if self.field_control is None:
            return None
        return bool(self.field_control & 0x01)

    def device_specific_file(self) -> bool:
        if self.field_control is None:
            return None
        return bool(self.field_control & 0x02)