How to use xarray - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xarray examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github corteva / rioxarray / test / integration / View on Github external
with env:
            with as src:
                with rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT(src, crs="epsg:4326") as vrt:
                    expected_shape = (vrt.width, vrt.height)
                    expected_crs =
                    expected_res = vrt.res
                    # Value of single pixel in center of image
                    lon, lat = vrt.xy(vrt.width // 2, vrt.height // 2)
                    expected_val = next(vrt.sample([(lon, lat)]))
                    with xr.open_rasterio(vrt) as da:
                        actual_shape = (da.sizes["x"], da.sizes["y"])
                        actual_crs =
                        actual_res = da.res
                        actual_val = da.sel(dict(x=lon, y=lat), method="nearest").data

                        assert_equal(actual_shape, expected_shape)
                        assert_equal(actual_crs, expected_crs)
                        assert_equal(actual_res, expected_res)
                        assert_equal(expected_val, actual_val)
github pySTEPS / pysteps / examples / View on Github external
def load_mch(filename, timestep, **importer_kwargs):
    R, quality, meta = importer(filename, **importer_kwargs)
    x1 = meta["x1"]
    y1 = meta["y1"]
    xsize = meta["xpixelsize"]
    ysize = meta["ypixelsize"]

    ds = xr.Dataset(
        {"precipitation": (["y", "x"], R[::-1, :])},
            "x": (
                np.arange(x1 + xsize // 2, x1 + xsize * R.shape[1], xsize),
            "y": (
                np.arange(y1 + ysize // 2, y1 + ysize * R.shape[0], ysize),
            "time": (["time"], [timestep]),
    root = [
github CCI-Tools / cate / cate / core / View on Github external
# The file size is fine
        return xr.open_mfdataset(paths, concat_dim=concat_dim, **kwargs)

    divisor = sqrt(n_chunks)

    # Chunking will pretty much 'always' be 2x2, very rarely 3x3 or 4x4. 5x5
    # would imply an uncompressed single file of ~6GB! All expected grids
    # should be divisible by 2,3 and 4.
    if not (n_lat % divisor == 0) or not (n_lon % divisor == 0):
        raise ValueError("Can't find a good chunking strategy for the given"
                         "data source. Are lat/lon coordinates divisible by "

    chunks = {lat: n_lat // divisor, lon: n_lon // divisor}

    return xr.open_mfdataset(paths, concat_dim=concat_dim, chunks=chunks, **kwargs)
github DeniseCaiLab / minian / minian / View on Github external
def psd_fft(varr):
    _T = len(varr.coords['frame'])
    ns = _T // 2 + 1
    if _T % 2 == 0:
        freq_crd = np.linspace(0, 0.5, ns)
        freq_crd = np.linspace(0, 0.5 * (_T - 1) / _T, ns)
    print("computing psd of input")
    varr_fft = xr.apply_ufunc(
    varr_fft = varr_fft.assign_coords(freq=freq_crd)
    varr_psd = 1 / _T * np.abs(varr_fft)**2
    return varr_psd
github PyPSA / atlite / test / View on Github external
def update_feature_test(cutout, red):
    """atlite should be able to overwrite a feature.""" ='influx_direct')
    red.prepare('influx', overwrite=True)
github joonro / BLP-Python / tests / View on Github external
dims=['markets', 'nsiminds', 'vars'],
            attrs={'Desc': 'random draws given for the estimation.'}

        s_jt = ps2['s_jt'].reshape(-1, )  # s_jt for nmkts * nbransd
        self.s_jt = xr.DataArray(
            s_jt.reshape((nmkts, nbrands)),
            coords=[range(nmkts), range(nbrands),],
            dims=['markets', 'brands'],
            attrs={'Desc': 'Market share of each brand.'}

        self.ans = ps2['ans'].reshape(-1, )

        Z = np.c_[Z_org[:, 1:], X1[:, 1:]]
        self.Z = xr.DataArray(
            Z.reshape((self.nmkts, self.nbrands, -1)),
            coords=[range(nmkts), range(nbrands), range(Z.shape[-1])],
            dims=['markets', 'brands', 'vars'],
            attrs={'Desc': 'Instruments'}
github ceholden / yatsm / tests / structural_break / View on Github external
def test_cusum_OLS(test_data, strucchange_cusum_OLS):
    """ Tested against strucchange 1.5.1
    y = test_data.pop('y')
    X = test_data
    # Test sending pandas
    result = cu.cusum_OLS(X, y)
    assert np.allclose(result.score, strucchange_cusum_OLS[0])
    assert np.allclose(result.pvalue, strucchange_cusum_OLS[1])

    # And ndarray and xarray
    result = cu.cusum_OLS(X.values, xr.DataArray(y, dims=['time']))
    assert np.allclose(result.score, strucchange_cusum_OLS[0])
    assert np.allclose(result.pvalue, strucchange_cusum_OLS[1])
github opendatacube / datacube-stats / tests / View on Github external
def test_new_med_std():
    stdndwi = NormalisedDifferenceStats('green', 'nir', 'ndwi', stats=['std'])
    arr = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(5, 100, 100))
    data_array_1 = xr.DataArray(arr, dims=('time', 'y', 'x'),
                                coords={'time': list(range(5))}, attrs={'crs': 'Fake CRS'})
    arr = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(5, 100, 100))
    data_array_2 = xr.DataArray(arr, dims=('time', 'y', 'x'),
                                coords={'time': list(range(5))}, attrs={'crs': 'Fake CRS'})
    dataset = xr.Dataset(data_vars={'green': data_array_1, 'nir': data_array_2}, attrs={'crs': 'Fake CRS'})
    result = stdndwi.compute(dataset)

    assert isinstance(result, xr.Dataset)
    assert 'ndwi_std' in result.data_vars
github dcs4cop / xcube / test / core / View on Github external
def create_test_dataset(cls, shape, chunks=None):
        size = int(
        dims = ["time", "y", "x"]
        a_data = np.linspace(0, 1, size, dtype=np.float64).reshape(shape)
        a = xr.DataArray(a_data, dims=dims)
        b_data = np.linspace(-1, 0, size, dtype=np.float64).reshape(shape)
        b = xr.DataArray(b_data, dims=dims)
        if chunks:
            a.encoding.update(chunks=chunks, chunksizes=chunks)
            b.encoding.update(chunks=chunks, chunksizes=chunks)
            return xr.Dataset(dict(a=a, b=b)).chunk(chunks={dims[i]: chunks[i] for i in range(len(dims))})
            return xr.Dataset(dict(a=a, b=b))
github jcmgray / xyzpy / tests / test_gen / View on Github external
def foo2_dataset(a, b):
    import numpy as np
    import xarray as xr
    x = np.tile(a + b, (2, 3))
    return xr.Dataset({'x': (['t1', 't2'], x)})