How to use the xarray.merge function in xarray

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xarray examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github PyPSA / atlite / atlite / datasets / View on Github external
def prepare_month_sarah(era5_func, xs, ys, year, month, template_sis, template_sid, resolution):
    with xr.open_mfdataset(template_sis.format(year=year, month=month)) as ds_sis, \
         xr.open_mfdataset(template_sid.format(year=year, month=month)) as ds_sid:
        ds = xr.merge([ds_sis, ds_sid])

        ds = _rename_and_clean_coords(ds, add_lon_lat=False)
        ds = ds.sel(x=as_slice(xs), y=as_slice(ys))

        def interpolate(ds, dim='time'):
            def _interpolate1d(y):
                nan = np.isnan(y)
                if nan.all(): return y
                x = lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
                y[nan] = np.interp(x(nan), x(~nan), y[~nan])
                return y

            def _interpolate(a):
                return a.map_blocks(partial(np.apply_along_axis, _interpolate1d, -1), dtype=a.dtype)

            data_vars = ds.data_vars.values() if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset) else (ds,)
github fatiando / rockhound / rockhound / View on Github external
resolutions = ["6min", "2min"]
    if resolution not in resolutions:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid seafloor age grid resolution '{}'. Must be one of {}.".format(
                resolution, resolutions
    fname_age = REGISTRY.fetch(
        "age.3.{}.nc.bz2".format(resolution[0]), processor=Decompress()
    fname_error = REGISTRY.fetch(
        "ageerror.3.{}.nc.bz2".format(resolution[0]), processor=Decompress()
    if not load:
        return [fname_age, fname_error]
    grid = xr.merge(
            xr.open_dataset(fname_age, **kwargs).rename(z="age") / 100,
            xr.open_dataset(fname_error, **kwargs).rename(z="uncertainty") / 100,
    # Add more metadata and fix some names
    grid = grid.rename(x="longitude", y="latitude")
    grid.attrs["title"] = "Age of oceanic lithosphere"
    grid.attrs["doi"] = "10.1029/2007GC001743"
    grid.age.attrs["long_name"] = "Age of oceanic lithosphere"
    grid.age.attrs["units"] = "million_years"
    grid.uncertainty.attrs["long_name"] = "Age uncertainty"
    grid.uncertainty.attrs["units"] = "million_years"
    return grid
github PyPSA / atlite / atlite / View on Github external
This get the data for a set of features from a module. All modules in
    `atlite.datasets` are allowed.
    parameters =
    lock = SerializableLock()
    datasets = []
    get_data = datamodules[module].get_data

    for feature in features:
        feature_data = get_data(cutout, feature, tmpdir=tmpdir, lock=lock, **parameters)

    if len(datasets) >= 1 and isinstance(datasets[0], Delayed):
        datasets = dask.compute(*datasets)

    ds = xr.merge(datasets, compat='equals')
    for v in ds:
        ds[v].attrs['module'] = module
    return ds
github atmtools / typhon / typhon / utils / View on Github external
                var_name: "/".join([group_name, var_name])
                for var_name in group.variables

        # Add the group name also to the dimensions:
        group = group.rename({
            dim: "/".join([group_name, dim])
            for dim in group.dims
            if dim not in group.coords


    return xarray.merge(datasets)
github ECCO-GROUP / ECCOv4-py / ecco_v4_py / View on Github external
print ('we had files but did not load any matching %s ' % \
            # update some metadata for fun.
            g = update_ecco_dataset_geospatial_metadata(g)
            g = update_ecco_dataset_temporal_coverage_metadata(g)
            # Add this DataArray to the DataSet g_all
            # -- if this is the first DataArray, then make g_all, g
            if len(g_all) == 0:
                g_all = g
            # otherwise merge g into g_all
                g_all = xr.merge((g_all,g))
                # when you merge DataArrays or DataSets some metadata can
                # be lost.  This bit ensures that all the metadata is carried
                # over to g_all
                for g_attr_key in g.attrs.keys():
                    if g_attr_key not in g_all.attrs.keys():
                        g_all.attrs[g_attr_key] = g.attrs[g_attr_key]
    # finished loading all variable DataArrays
    # update metadata again
    if len(g_all) > 0:
        g_all = update_ecco_dataset_geospatial_metadata(g_all)
        g_all = update_ecco_dataset_temporal_coverage_metadata(g_all)
        g_all.attrs = OrderedDict(sorted(g_all.attrs.items()))
        print('we ended up with nothing loaded!')
github landlab / landlab / landlab / components / network_sediment_transporter / View on Github external
# grain size and mean sediment density calculations

        # FUTURE: make it possible to circumvent this if mean grain size
        # has already been calculated (e.g. during 'zeroing' runs)

        # Calculate mean values for density and grain size (weighted by volume).
        sel_parcels = current_parcels.where(
            current_parcels.element_id != self.OUT_OF_NETWORK

        d_weighted = sel_parcels.D * sel_parcels.volume
        rho_weighted = sel_parcels.density * sel_parcels.volume = "d_weighted" = "rho_weighted"

        grouped_by_element = xr.merge(
            (sel_parcels.element_id, sel_parcels.volume, d_weighted, rho_weighted)

        d_avg = grouped_by_element.sum().d_weighted / grouped_by_element.sum().volume
        rho_avg = (
            grouped_by_element.sum().rho_weighted / grouped_by_element.sum().volume

        self._d_mean_active = np.zeros(self._grid.size("link"))
        self._d_mean_active[d_avg.element_id.values.astype(int)] = d_avg.values

        self._rhos_mean_active = np.zeros(self._grid.size("link"))
        self._rhos_mean_active[rho_avg.element_id.values.astype(int)] = rho_avg.values
github geoschem / gcpy / gcpy / View on Github external
format(spc, lspc))
            if verbose:
                print(" -> adding {} with scale {}".\
                      format(spc, lspc_dict[lspc][spc]))
            darr.values = darr.values + \
                          ds_new[varname].values * lspc_dict[lspc][spc]
            num_spc = num_spc + 1

        # Replace values with NaN is no species found in dataset
        if num_spc == 0:
            print('No constituent species found in file. Setting to NaN.')
            darr.values = np.full(darr.shape, np.nan)

        # Merge new variable into dataset
        ds_new = xr.merge([ds_new, darr])

    return ds_new
github c-h-david / shbaam / src / View on Github external
print('Concatenating files')

def get_datespan(ds_all):
    :param ds_all:
    :return: date_range a string of values to use in the filename of the model
    year_start =[0].astype('datetime64[Y]').astype(int) + 1970
    year_end =[len(].astype('datetime64[Y]').astype(int) + 1970
    month_start =[0].astype('datetime64[M]').astype(int) % 12 + 1
    month_end =[len(].astype('datetime64[M]').astype(int) % 12 + 1
    date_range = str(year_start)+str(month_start).zfill(2)+'_'+str(year_end)+str(month_end).zfill(2)
    return date_range

ds_all = xr.merge([xr.open_dataset(f) for f in flist])
print('- Done')

#Creating output file
print('Creating output file')


print('- All monthly files from ' + MODEL + ' combined and saved to: ' + fout)
github landlab / landlab / landlab / graph / View on Github external
update_node_at_cell(self.ds, node_at_cell)
        update_nodes_at_face(self.ds, nodes_at_face)

        rename = {
            "mesh": "dual",
            "node": "corner",
            "link": "face",
            "patch": "cell",
            "x_of_node": "x_of_corner",
            "y_of_node": "y_of_corner",
            "nodes_at_link": "corners_at_face",
            "links_at_patch": "faces_at_cell",
            "max_patch_links": "max_cell_faces",
        self._ds = xr.merge([self._ds, self._dual.ds.rename(rename)])

        self._origin = (0., 0.)

        self._frozen = False

        if kwds.get("sort", True):
github fatiando / rockhound / rockhound / View on Github external
fnames = [
            "{}_slab2_{}.grd".format(ZONES[zone]["fname_indicator"], dataset)
        for dataset in DATASETS
    if not load:
        return fnames
    arrays = [xr.open_dataarray(f).rename(x="longitude", y="latitude") for f in fnames]
    for array, dataset in zip(arrays, DATASETS): = dataset
        # Change long_name and add units of each array
        array.attrs["long_name"] = DATASETS[dataset]["name"]
        array.attrs["units"] = DATASETS[dataset]["units"]
    # Merge arrays into a single xr.Dataset
    grid = xr.merge(arrays)
    # Change units of thickness, depth and depth_uncertainty to meters
    # Also change units of the actual_range attribute to meters
    for field in ("thickness", "depth", "depth_uncertainty"):
        grid[field] *= 1000
        grid[field].attrs["actual_range"] *= 1000
    # Change long_name and units of longitude and latitude coords
    grid.longitude.attrs["long_name"] = "Longitude"
    grid.longitude.attrs["units"] = "degrees"
    grid.latitude.attrs["long_name"] = "Latitude"
    grid.latitude.attrs["units"] = "degrees"
    # Add attributes to the xr.Dataset
            "title": "Slab2 model - Zone: {}".format(ZONES[zone]["name"]),
            "zone": zone,
            "zone_full_name": ZONES[zone]["name"],