How to use varname - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few varname examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pwwang / liquidpy / liquid / tags / View on Github external
"""Tag for

{% for   %}
{% endfor %}
from varname import namedtuple
from ..tagmgr import register_tag
from ..tag import Tag
from ..tagfrag import try_render

ForLoop = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ['first', 'index', 'index0', 'last',
     'length', 'rindex', 'rindex0']

class TagFor(Tag):
    """Class for for tag"""

    SYNTAX = r"""
    inner_tag: tag_for
    !tag_for: $tagnames VAR "in" atom for_args*
    ?for_args: for_limit_arg | for_offset_arg | for_reversed_arg
    for_limit_arg: "limit" ":" (int|var)
    for_offset_arg: "offset" ":" (int|var)
    for_reversed_arg: "reversed"
github pwwang / liquidpy / liquid / common / tags / View on Github external
"""Tag cycle

{% for   %}
    {% cycle "one", "two", "three" %}
{% endfor %}
from varname import namedtuple
from lark import v_args
from ...tagmgr import register_tag
from ..tagparser import Tag, TagTransformer
from ..tagfrag import TagFrag, TagFragConst

CycleObject = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ['group', 'args', 'at']

class TagFragCycle(TagFrag):

    def render(self, local_envs, global_envs):
        group, args =
        group = group.render(local_envs, global_envs)
        args = [arg.render(local_envs, global_envs) for arg in args]
        return CycleObject(group, args, at=[0])

class TransformerCycle(TagTransformer):
    """Transformer for fragment parsing cycle tag"""
    atom = TagTransformer.tags__atom
github pwwang / liquidpy / liquid / common / tags / View on Github external
{{ product.title }}
{% endtablerow %}

import importlib
from varname import namedtuple
from lark import v_args
from ...tagmgr import register_tag
from ..tagparser import Tag, TagTransformer
from ..tagfrag import TagFrag, TagFragConst

# tagfor module, we cannot do: from . import for
# since for is a keyword
tagfor = importlib.import_module('.for', package=__package__)

TablerowObject = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ['itername', 'obj', 'limit', 'offset', 'cols']

class TagFragTablerow(TagFrag):

    def render(self, local_envs, global_envs):
        itername, expr, args =
        obj = expr.render(local_envs, global_envs)
        args = dict(args)

        limit = args.get('limit', None)
        if limit:
            limit = limit.render(local_envs, global_envs)

        offset = args.get('offset', None)
        if offset:
github pwwang / liquidpy / liquid / common / View on Github external
from functools import partial
from collections import deque, OrderedDict
from varname import namedtuple
from diot import Diot
from lark import v_args, Lark, Transformer as LarkTransformer
from lark.exceptions import VisitError as LarkVisitError
# load all shared tags
from . import tags # pylint: disable=unused-import
from ..tagmgr import get_tag
from ..config import LIQUID_LOG_INDENT
from ..exceptions import (
    TagUnclosed, EndTagUnexpected,

TagContext = namedtuple(['template_name', # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class Transformer(LarkTransformer):
    """Transformer class to transform the trees/tokens

        _stacks (deque): The stack used to handle the relationships between
        _direct_tags (list): The direct tags of the ROOT tag

    def __init__(self, config, template_info):
github pwwang / liquidpy / liquid / tags / View on Github external
"""Tag tabrow

{% tablerow product in collection.products %}
  {{ product.title }}
{% endtablerow %}
from varname import namedtuple
from ..tagmgr import register_tag
from ..tag import Tag
from ..tagfrag import try_render

ForLoop = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ['first', 'index', 'index0', 'last',
     'length', 'rindex', 'rindex0']

class TagTablerow(Tag):
    """Class for tablerow tag"""

    SYNTAX = r"""
    inner_tag: tag_tablerow
    !tag_tablerow: $tagnames VAR "in" atom tablerow_args*
    ?tablerow_args: tablerow_limit_arg | tablerow_offset_arg | tablerow_cols_arg
    tablerow_limit_arg: "limit" ":" (int|var)
    tablerow_offset_arg: "offset" ":" (int|var)
    tablerow_cols_arg: "cols" ":" (int|var)
github pwwang / PyPPL / pyppl / View on Github external
def copy(self, id=None, tag=None, depends=True):
        Like `proc`'s `copy` function, copy a procset.
        Each processes will be copied.
            id (str): Use a different id if you don't
                want to use the variant name
            tag (str): The new tag of all copied processes
            depends (bool): Whether to copy the dependencies or not.
                Default: True
                - dependences for processes in starts will not be copied
            (ProcSet): The new procset
        id = id or varname()
        ret = self.__class__(*self.procs.values(),

        if depends:
            for proc in ret.procs.values():
                proc.depends = [
                    ret.procs[] if dep is self.procs[] else dep
                    for dep in self.procs[].depends

            ret.starts.add(Proxy(ret.procs[] for proc in self.starts))
            ret.ends.add(Proxy(ret.procs[] for proc in self.ends))
github pwwang / PyPPL / pyppl / View on Github external
def __init__(self, *procs, id=None, tag=None, copy=True, depends=True):
            *procs (Proc) : the set of processes
            **kwargs: Other arguments to instantiate a `ProcSet`
                depends (bool): Whether auto deduce depends.
                    Default: `True`
                id (str): The id of the procset.
                    Default: `None` (the variable name)
                tag (str): The tag of the processes. Default: `None`
                copy (bool): Whether copy the processes or just use them.
                    Default: `True`

        self.__dict__['id'] = id or varname()
        self.__dict__['tag'] = tag
        self.__dict__['starts'] = Proxy()
        self.__dict__['ends'] = Proxy()
        self.__dict__['delegates'] = OrderedDiot(diot_nest=False)
        self.__dict__['procs'] = OrderedDiot(diot_nest=False)
        self.__dict__['modules'] = Diot(diot_nest=False)
        # save initial states before a module is called
        # states will be resumed before each module is called
        self.__dict__['initials'] = Diot(diot_nest=False)

        prevproc = None
        for proc in procs:
            assert hasattr(proc, 'id') and hasattr(proc, 'tag'), (
                'Argument has to be a Proc object: %r.' % proc
            if copy:
github pwwang / PyPPL / pyppl / View on Github external
def copy(self, id=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, invalid-name
        Copy a process to a new one
        Depends and nexts will be copied
            id: The id of the new process
            kwargs: Other arguments for constructing a process
        newid = id or varname()
        raw_attrs = {key: try_deepcopy(value)
                     for key, value in self.__attrs_property_raw__.items()
                     if key not in ('input', 'id', 'channel', 'jobs',
                                    'runtime_config', 'depends', 'nexts')}
        # attr.ib not in __attrs_property_raw__
            # only keep the keys of input
            'input': (','.join(self._input)
                      if isinstance(self._input, list)
                      else ','.join(self._input.keys())
                      if isinstance(self._input, dict)
                      else self._input),
            'desc': self.desc,
            'envs': try_deepcopy(self.envs),
            'nthread': self.nthread,
github pwwang / PyPPL / pyppl / View on Github external
        default=attr.Factory(lambda: varname(caller=2)),


Dark magics about variable names in python.

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