How to use the uproot.write.objects.TTree.newbranch function in uproot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few uproot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_ttree_empty_tbranch_multitree_uproot(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b = newbranch("int32")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        for i in range(10):
            f["t"*(i+1)] = tree

    f =
    for i in range(10):
        assert f["t" * (i + 1)]["intBranch"]._classname == b"TBranch"
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_multi_branch_one_basket_diff_type(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b1 = newbranch("int32")
    b2 = newbranch("int64")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b1, "int8Branch": b2}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=">i4")
    b = numpy.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype=">i8")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    tree = f.Get("t")
    intBranchdata = tree.AsMatrix(["intBranch"]).astype(">i4")
    int8Branchdata = tree.AsMatrix(["int8Branch"]).astype(">i8")
    for i in range(5):
        assert a[i] == intBranchdata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_multi_branch_one_basket_diff_type(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b1 = newbranch("int32")
    b2 = newbranch("int64")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b1, "int8Branch": b2}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=">i4")
    b = numpy.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype=">i8")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    tree = f.Get("t")
    intBranchdata = tree.AsMatrix(["intBranch"]).astype(">i4")
    int8Branchdata = tree.AsMatrix(["int8Branch"]).astype(">i8")
    for i in range(5):
        assert a[i] == intBranchdata[i]
        assert b[i] == int8Branchdata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_many_basket(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b = newbranch(">i4")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1], dtype=">i4")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree
        for i in range(101):

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    tree = f.Get("t")
    treedata = tree.AsMatrix().astype(">i4")
    for i in range(101):
        assert a[0] == treedata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_many_basket_uproot(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b = newbranch(">i4")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1], dtype=">i4")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree
        for i in range(101):

    f =
    tree = f["t"]
    treedata = tree.array("intBranch")
    for i in range(101):
        assert a[0] == treedata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_multi_branch_one_basket_same_type(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b1 = newbranch("int32")
    b2 = newbranch("int32")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b1, "intBranch2": b2}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=">i4")
    b = numpy.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype=">i4")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    tree = f.Get("t")
    intBranchdata = tree.AsMatrix(["intBranch"]).astype(">i4")
    int8Branchdata = tree.AsMatrix(["intBranch2"]).astype(">i4")
    for i in range(5):
        assert a[i] == intBranchdata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_tree_compression(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b = newbranch(">i4")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=">i4")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=uproot.ZLIB(4)) as f:
        f["t"] = tree

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    tree = f.Get("t")
    treedata = tree.AsMatrix().astype(">i4")
    for i in range(5):
        assert a[i] == treedata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_branch_basket_one_tleafs(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b = newbranch(">i2")
    branchdict = {"int2Branch": b}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=">i2")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    tree = f.Get("t")
    treedata = tree.AsMatrix().astype(">i2")
    for i in range(5):
        assert a[i] == treedata[i]
github scikit-hep / uproot / tests / View on Github external
def test_branch_basket_one_rewrite_root(tmp_path):
    filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root")

    b = newbranch("int32")
    branchdict = {"intBranch": b}
    tree = newtree(branchdict)
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).astype("int32").newbyteorder(">")
    with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=None) as f:
        f["t"] = tree

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename, "UPDATE")
    t = ROOT.TObjString("Hello World")

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename)
    assert f.Get("Hello World") == "Hello World"
github scikit-hep / uproot / uproot / write / objects / View on Github external
temp_arr[0:len(branch._branch.fields["_fBasketBytes"])] = branch._branch.fields["_fBasketBytes"]
                branch._branch.fields["_fBasketBytes"] = temp_arr

            tree = TTreeImpl(, newtree(), self._branch.file)
            tree.fName = self._treelvl1._tree.fName
            tree.fTitle = self._treelvl1._tree.fTitle

            tree.fields["_fEntries"] = self._treelvl1._tree.fields["_fEntries"]
            tree.fields["_fTotBytes"] = self._treelvl1._tree.fields["_fTotBytes"]
            tree.fields["_fZipBytes"] = self._treelvl1._tree.fields["_fZipBytes"]

            temp_branches = {}
            for name, branch in self._treelvl1._branches.items():
                compression = getattr(branch._branch, "compression", branch._branch.file.compression)
                temp_branches[name] = TBranch(name, newbranch(branch._branch.type, ""), compression, self._treelvl1, branch._branch.file)
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fWriteBasket"] = branch._branch.fields["_fWriteBasket"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fEntries"] = branch._branch.fields["_fEntries"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fBasketEntry"] = branch._branch.fields["_fBasketEntry"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fEntryNumber"] = branch._branch.fields["_fEntryNumber"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fMaxBaskets"] = branch._branch.fields["_fMaxBaskets"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fBasketSeek"] = branch._branch.fields["_fBasketSeek"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fBasketBytes"] = branch._branch.fields["_fBasketBytes"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fTotBytes"] = branch._branch.fields["_fTotBytes"]
                temp_branches[name]._branch.fields["_fZipBytes"] = branch._branch.fields["_fZipBytes"]

            tree.branches = copy(temp_branches)

            cursor = uproot.write.sink.cursor.Cursor(self._branch.file._fSeekFree)
            tree.write_key = uproot.write.TKey.TKey(fClassName=self._treelvl1._tree.write_key.fClassName,