How to use the uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype function in uproot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few uproot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), STLString(awkward)), branch._context, 6)

                if getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(awkward.numpy.bool_))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype("i1"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype("u1"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">i2"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u2"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">i4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">i8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">f4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">f8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(STLString(awkward))), branch._context, 6)

                m = re.match(b"bitset<([1-9][0-9]*)>", branch._fClassName)
                if m is not None:
                    return asstlbitset(int(

                if branch._fClassName == b"string":
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bytestarts = byteoffsets[local_entrystart     : local_entrystop    ] + self.skipbytes
                bytestops  = byteoffsets[local_entrystart + 1 : local_entrystop + 1]

                mask = awkward.util.numpy.zeros(len(data), dtype=awkward.util.numpy.int8)
                mask[bytestarts[bytestarts < len(data)]] = 1
      , bytestops[bytestops < len(data)], -1)
                awkward.util.numpy.cumsum(mask, out=mask)
                data = data[mask.view(awkward.util.numpy.bool_)]

                content = self.content.fromroot(data, None, 0, bytestops[-1])

                itemsize = 1
                sub = self.content
                while hasattr(sub, "content"):
                    sub = sub.content
                if isinstance(sub, uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype):
                    itemsize = sub.fromdtype.itemsize

                counts = bytestops - bytestarts
                shift = math.log(itemsize, 2)
                if shift == round(shift):
                    awkward.util.numpy.right_shift(counts, int(shift), out=counts)
                    awkward.util.numpy.floor_divide(counts, itemsize, out=counts)

                offsets = awkward.util.numpy.empty(len(counts) + 1, awkward.util.INDEXTYPE)
                offsets[0] = 0
                awkward.util.numpy.cumsum(counts, out=offsets[1:])

                return JaggedArray(offsets[:-1], offsets[1:], content)
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if streamerClass._methods is None:
                                    return asjagged(astable(asdtype(recarray)), skipbytes=10)
                                    return asjagged(asobj(astable(asdtype(recarray)), streamerClass._methods), skipbytes=10)

                if hasattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName"):
                    m = re.match(b"bitset<([1-9][0-9]*)>", branch._streamer._fTypeName)
                    if m is not None:
                        return asjagged(asstlbitset(int(, skipbytes=6)

                if getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype(awkward.numpy.bool_), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("i1"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("u1"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("i2"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("u2"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("i4"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("u4"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("i8"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("u8"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("f4"), skipbytes=10)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector":
                    return asjagged(asdtype("f8"), skipbytes=10)
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    array : ``numpy.ndarray``
        the array to fill, instead of allocating a new one.

    :py:class:`asarray `
        new interpretation.

_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.empty).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.compatible).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.numitems).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.source_numitems).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.fromroot).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.destination).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.fill).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.clip).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.finalize).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]

################################################################ uproot.interp.numerical.asarray

uproot.interp.numerical.asarray.__doc__ = \
u"""Interpret branch as array data that should overwrite an existing array.

    This interpretation directs branch-reading functions to fill the given Numpy array with branch contents. See :py:class:`asdtype ` to allocate a new array, rather than filling an existing array.


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def __init__(self, cls, context, skipbytes):
        super(asgenobj, self).__init__(uproot.interp.jagged.asjagged(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype(self.awkward.ObjectArray.CHARTYPE), skipbytes=skipbytes), asgenobj._Wrapper(cls, context))
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def futures2df(futures, outputtype, entrystart, entrystop, flatten, flatname, awkward):
    import pandas

    if flatname is None:
        flatname = default_flatname

    if not flatten or all(interpretation.__class__ is not asjagged for name, interpretation, future in futures):
        columns = []
        data = {}
        for name, interpretation, future in futures:
            array = future()

            if isinstance(interpretation, asobj) and isinstance(interpretation.content, astable):
                interpretation = interpretation.content
            if isinstance(interpretation, astable) and isinstance(interpretation.content, asdtype):
                interpretation = interpretation.content

            if isinstance(interpretation, asdtype):
                if interpretation.todims == ():
                    if interpretation.todtype.names is None:
                        fn = flatname(name, None, ())
                        data[fn] = array
                        for nn in interpretation.todtype.names:
                            if not nn.startswith(" "):
                                fn = flatname(name, nn, ())
                                data[fn] = array[nn]
                    for tup in itertools.product(*[range(x) for x in interpretation.todims]):
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return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"vector >" or branch._fClassName == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">f4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"vector >" or branch._fClassName == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">f8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(STLString(awkward))), branch._context, 6)

                if branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype(awkward.numpy.bool_)), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("i1")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("u1")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("i2")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("u2")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("i4")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("u4")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("i8")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("u8")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("f4")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map" or branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("f8")), branch._context, 6)
                elif branch._fClassName == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), STLString(awkward)), branch._context, 6)
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return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("u8")), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"map" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("f4")), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"map" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), asdtype("f8")), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"map":
                    return asgenobj(STLMap(STLString(awkward), STLString(awkward)), branch._context, 6)

                if getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(awkward.numpy.bool_))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype("i1"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype("u1"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">i2"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u2"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">i4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">i8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">u8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">f4"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >" or getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(asdtype(">f8"))), branch._context, 6)
                elif getattr(branch._streamer, "_fTypeName", None) == b"vector >":
                    return asgenobj(STLVector(STLVector(STLString(awkward))), branch._context, 6)
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    todtype : ``None`` or ``numpy.dtype``
        if not ``None``, change the destination type.

    todims : ``None`` or tuple of ints
        if not ``None``, change the destination dimensions.

    :py:class:`asdtype `
        new interpretation.

_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.toarray).__doc__ = \
u"""Create a :py:class:`asarray ` interpretation from this one.

    array : ``numpy.ndarray``
        the array to fill, instead of allocating a new one.

    :py:class:`asarray `
        new interpretation.

_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.empty).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.compatible).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
_method(uproot.interp.numerical.asdtype.numitems).__doc__ = interp_fragments["see1"]
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def compatible(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, asdtype) and self.todtype == other.todtype

    def numitems(self, numbytes, numentries):
        dtype, shape = _dtypeshape(self.fromdtype)
        quotient, remainder = divmod(numbytes, dtype.itemsize)
        assert remainder == 0
        return quotient

    def fromroot(self, data, byteoffsets, local_entrystart, local_entrystop, keylen):
        dtype, shape = _dtypeshape(self.fromdtype)
        return data.view(dtype).reshape((-1,) + shape)[local_entrystart:local_entrystop]

class asarray(asdtype):
    # makes __doc__ attribute mutable before Python 3.3
    __metaclass__ = type.__new__(type, "type", (asdtype.__metaclass__,), {})

    def __init__(self, fromdtype, toarray):
        if isinstance(fromdtype, self.awkward.numpy.dtype):
            self.fromdtype = fromdtype
        elif isinstance(fromdtype, string_types) and len(fromdtype) > 0 and fromdtype[0] in (">", "<", "=", "|", b">", b"<", b"=", b"|"):
            self.fromdtype = self.awkward.numpy.dtype(fromdtype)
            self.fromdtype = self.awkward.numpy.dtype(fromdtype).newbyteorder(">")
        self.toarray = toarray

    def todtype(self):
        return self.awkward.numpy.dtype((self.toarray.dtype, self.toarray.shape[1:]))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "asarray({0}, )".format(repr(str(self.fromdtype)), self.toarray.dtype, self.toarray.shape, id(self.toarray))