How to use the trimesh.util.is_shape function in trimesh

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few trimesh examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mikedh / pypocketing / tests / View on Github external
def test_contour(self):
        path = get_model('wrench.dxf')
        poly = path.polygons_full[0]
        # generate tool paths
        toolpaths = pocketing.contour.contour_parallel(poly, .05)

        assert all(trimesh.util.is_shape(i, (-1, 2))
                   for i in toolpaths)
github mikedh / pypocketing / tests / View on Github external
def check_arcs(arcs):
    # arcs should be 2D or 2D 3-point arcs
    assert trimesh.util.is_shape(arcs, (-1, 3, (3, 2)))
    # make sure arcs start where previous arc begins
    for a, b in zip(arcs[:-1], arcs[1:]):
        assert np.allclose(a[2], b[0])
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
    points : (n,3) float, list of points in space
    directions : (n,3) float, directions of rays

    signed_distance : (n,) float, length of rays
    points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!')

    directions = np.asanyarray(directions, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(directions, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('directions must be (n,3)!')

    if len(points) != len(directions):
        raise ValueError('number of points must equal number of directions!')

    faces, rays, locations = mesh.ray.intersects_id(points, directions,
    if len(rays) > 0:
        distances = np.linalg.norm(locations - points[rays],
        distances = np.array([])

    # Reject intersections at distance less than tol.planar
    rays = rays[distances > tol.planar]
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
mesh   : trimesh.Trimesh
      Mesh to query
    points : (m, 3) float
      Points in space

    closest : (m, 3) float
      Closest point on triangles for each point
    distance : (m,)  float
    triangle_id : (m,) int
      Index of triangle containing closest point
    points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!')

    # do a tree- based query for faces near each point
    candidates = nearby_faces(mesh, points)
    # view triangles as an ndarray so we don't have to recompute
    # the MD5 during all of the subsequent advanced indexing
    triangles = mesh.triangles.view(np.ndarray)

    # create the corresponding list of triangles
    # and query points to send to the closest_point function
    query_point = deque()
    query_tri = deque()
    for triangle_ids, point in zip(candidates, points):
        query_point.append(np.tile(point, (len(triangle_ids), 1)))
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
polygon : shapely.geometry.Polygon
      Profile to sweep along path
    path : (n, 3) float
      A path in 3D
    angles :  (n,) float
      Optional rotation angle relative to prior vertex
      at each vertex

    mesh : trimesh.Trimesh
      Geometry of result

    path = np.asanyarray(path, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(path, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('Path must be (n, 3)!')

    # Extract 2D vertices and triangulation
    verts_2d = np.array(polygon.exterior)[:-1]
    base_verts_2d, faces_2d = triangulate_polygon(polygon, **kwargs)
    n = len(verts_2d)

    # Create basis for first planar polygon cap
    x, y, z = util.generate_basis(path[0] - path[1])
    tf_mat = np.ones((4, 4))
    tf_mat[:3, :3] = np.c_[x, y, z]
    tf_mat[:3, 3] = path[0]

    # Compute 3D locations of those vertices
    verts_3d = np.c_[verts_2d, np.zeros(n)]
    verts_3d = tf.transform_points(verts_3d, tf_mat)
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
    points : (n, 3) float
      Points to be rendered
    colors : (n, 3) or (n, 4) float
      Colors for each point
    group : str
      Rendering group for the vertex list

    args : (7,) tuple
      Args for vertex list constructor
    points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)

    if util.is_shape(points, (-1, 2)):
        points = np.column_stack((points, np.zeros(len(points))))
    elif not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('Pointcloud must be (n,3)!')

    index = np.arange(len(points)).tolist()

    args = (len(points),  # number of vertices
            GL_POINTS,   # mode
            group,       # group
            index,       # indices
            ('v3f/static', points.reshape(-1)),
            colors_to_gl(colors, len(points)))
    return args
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / ray / View on Github external
If the point is on the surface of the mesh, behavior is

    mesh: Trimesh object
    points: (n,3) points in space

    contains : (n) bool
                  Whether point is inside mesh or not
    # convert points to float and make sure they are 3D
    points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)')

    # placeholder result with no hits we'll fill in later
    contains = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)

    # cull points outside of the axis aligned bounding box
    # this avoids running ray tests unless points are close
    inside_aabb = bounds.contains(intersector.mesh.bounds,

    # if everything is outside the AABB, exit early
    if not inside_aabb.any():
        return contains

    # default ray direction is random, but we are not generating
    # uniquely each time so the behavior of this function is easier to debug
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
# extract a set of convex hull vertices and normals from the input
    # we bother to do this to avoid recomputing the full convex hull if
    # possible
    if hasattr(obj, 'convex_hull'):
        # if we have been passed a mesh, use its existing convex hull to pull from
        # cache rather than recomputing. This version of the cached convex hull has
        # normals pointing in arbitrary directions (straight from qhull)
        # using this avoids having to compute the expensive corrected normals
        # that mesh.convex_hull uses since normal directions don't matter here
        vertices = obj.convex_hull.vertices
        hull_normals = obj.convex_hull.face_normals
    elif util.is_sequence(obj):
        # we've been passed a list of points
        points = np.asanyarray(obj)
        if util.is_shape(points, (-1, 2)):
            return oriented_bounds_2D(points)
        elif util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
            hull_obj = spatial.ConvexHull(points)
            vertices = hull_obj.points[hull_obj.vertices]
            hull_normals, valid = triangles.normals(
            raise ValueError('Points are not (n,3) or (n,2)!')
        raise ValueError(
            'Oriented bounds must be passed a mesh or a set of points!')

    # convert face normals to spherical coordinates on the upper hemisphere
    # the vector_hemisphere call effectivly merges negative but otherwise
    # identical vectors
    spherical_coords = util.vector_to_spherical(
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
Return the 2D bounding box size of each triangle.

    triangles : (n, 3, 3) float
      Triangles in space
    areas : (n,) float
      Optional area of input triangles

    box :  (n, 2) float
      The size of each triangle's 2D oriented bounding box
    triangles = np.asanyarray(triangles, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(triangles, (-1, 3, 3)):
        raise ValueError('Triangles must be (n, 3, 3)!')

    if areas is None:
        areas = area(triangles=triangles,

    # the edge vectors which define the triangle
    a = triangles[:, 1] - triangles[:, 0]
    b = triangles[:, 2] - triangles[:, 0]

    # length of the edge vectors
    length_a = (a**2).sum(axis=1)**.5
    length_b = (b**2).sum(axis=1)**.5

    # which edges are acceptable length
    nonzero_a = length_a > tol.merge