How to use the trimesh.util function in trimesh

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few trimesh examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mikedh / trimesh / tests / View on Github external
If True raise a ValueError if a mesh
      that should be loadable returns a non- Trimesh object.

    meshes : list
      Trimesh objects from models folder
    # use deterministic file name order
    file_names = sorted(os.listdir(dir_models))

    meshes = []
    for file_name in file_names:
        extension = trimesh.util.split_extension(file_name).lower()
        if extension in trimesh.available_formats():
            loaded = trimesh.util.make_sequence(get_mesh(file_name))
            for m in loaded:
                # is the loaded mesh a Geometry object or a subclass:
                # Trimesh, PointCloud, Scene
                type_ok = isinstance(m, trimesh.parent.Geometry)
                if raise_error and not type_ok:
                    raise ValueError('%s returned a non- Trimesh object!',
                if not isinstance(m, trimesh.Trimesh) or (
                        only_watertight and not m.is_watertight):
                yield m
            log.warning('%s has no loader, not running test on!',
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / path / View on Github external
to run, total points sampled is
                    count * factor * max_iter

        hit : (n, 2) float
               Random points inside polygon

        poly = self.polygons_full
        if len(poly) == 0:
            samples = np.array([])
        elif len(poly) == 1:
            samples = polygons.sample(poly[0], count=count, **kwargs)
            samples = util.vstack_empty([
                polygons.sample(i, count=count, **kwargs)
                for i in poly])

        return samples
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
as_int : (n, d) int
      Data as integers
    # convert to any numpy array
    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    # if data is already an integer or boolean we're done
    # if the data is empty we are also done
    if data.dtype.kind in 'ib' or data.size == 0:
        return data.astype(dtype)

    # populate digits from kwargs
    if digits is None:
        digits = util.decimal_to_digits(tol.merge)
    elif isinstance(digits, float) or isinstance(digits, np.float):
        digits = util.decimal_to_digits(digits)
    elif not (isinstance(digits, int) or isinstance(digits, np.integer)):
        log.warning('Digits were passed as %s!', digits.__class__.__name__)
        raise ValueError('Digits must be None, int, or float!')

    # data is float so convert to large integers
    data_max = np.abs(data).max() * 10**digits
    # ignore passed dtype if we have something large
    dtype = [np.int32, np.int64][int(data_max > 2**31)]
    # multiply by requested power of ten
    # then subtract small epsilon to avoid "go either way" rounding
    # then do the rounding and convert to integer
    as_int = np.round((data * 10 ** digits) - 1e-6).astype(dtype)

    return as_int
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / exchange / View on Github external
# if vertex normals are stored in cache export them
        # these will have been autogenerated if they have ever been called
        export += 'vn '
        export += util.array_to_string(mesh.vertex_normals,
                                       col_delim=' ',
                                       row_delim='\nvn ',
                                       digits=8) + '\n'

    if (include_texture and
        'vertex_texture' in mesh.metadata and
            len(mesh.metadata['vertex_texture']) == len(mesh.vertices)):
        # if vertex texture exists and is the right shape export here
        export += 'vt '
        export += util.array_to_string(mesh.metadata['vertex_texture'],
                                       col_delim=' ',
                                       row_delim='\nvt ',
                                       digits=8) + '\n'

    # the format for a single vertex reference of a face
    face_format = face_formats[tuple(face_type)]
    faces = 'f ' + util.array_to_string(mesh.faces + 1,
                                        col_delim=' ',
                                        row_delim='\nf ',
    # add the exported faces to the export
    export += faces

    return export
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
Return the discrete mean curvature measure of a sphere centered
    at a point as detailed in 'Restricted Delaunay triangulations and normal
    cycle', Cohen-Steiner and Morvan.

    points : (n,3) float, list of points in space
    radius : float, the sphere radius

    mean_curvature: (n,) float, discrete mean curvature measure.

    points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!')

    # axis aligned bounds
    bounds = np.column_stack((points - radius,
                              points + radius))

    # line segments that intersect axis aligned bounding box
    candidates = [list(mesh.face_adjacency_tree.intersection(b))
                  for b in bounds]

    mean_curv = np.empty(len(points))
    for i, (x, x_candidates) in enumerate(zip(points, candidates)):
        endpoints = mesh.vertices[mesh.face_adjacency_edges[x_candidates]]
        lengths = line_ball_intersection(
            endpoints[:, 0],
            endpoints[:, 1],
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
obj : shapely.geometry.Polygon, str (wkb), or (n, 2) float
      Object which might be a polygon

    polygon : shapely.geometry.Polygon
      Valid polygon object

      If a valid finite- area polygon isn't available
    if isinstance(obj, Polygon):
        polygon = obj
    elif util.is_shape(obj, (-1, 2)):
        polygon = Polygon(obj)
    elif util.is_string(obj):
        polygon = load_wkb(obj)
        raise ValueError('Input not a polygon!')

    if (not polygon.is_valid or
            polygon.area <
        raise ValueError('Polygon is zero- area or invalid!')
    return polygon
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / path / exchange / View on Github external
increment : bool
          If True increment group code per point
            [[X0, Y0, Z0], [X1, Y1, Z1]]
          Result, new lines replaced with spaces:
            True  -> 10 X0 20 Y0 30 Z0 11 X1 21 Y1 31 Z1
            False -> 10 X0 20 Y0 30 Z0 10 X1 20 Y1 30 Z1

        packed : str
          Points formatted with group code
        points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
        # get points in 3D
        three = util.stack_3D(points)
        if increment:
            group = np.tile(
                np.arange(len(three),, 1)),
                (1, 3))
            group = np.zeros((len(three), 3),
        group += [10, 20, 30]

        if as_2D:
            group = group[:, :2]
            three = three[:, :2]

        packed = '\n'.join('{:d}\n{:.12f}'.format(g, v)
                           for g, v in zip(group.reshape(-1),
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / voxel / View on Github external
Take a sparse (n,3) list of integer indexes of filled cells,
    turn it into a dense (m,o,p) matrix.

    sparse : (n, 3) int
      Index of filled cells

    dense : (m, o, p) bool
      Matrix of filled cells

    sparse = np.asanyarray(sparse,
    if not util.is_shape(sparse, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('sparse must be (n,3)!')

    shape = sparse.max(axis=0) + 1
    matrix = np.zeros(np.product(shape), dtype=np.bool)
    multiplier = np.array([np.product(shape[1:]), shape[2], 1])

    index = (sparse * multiplier).sum(axis=1)
    matrix[index] = True

    dense = matrix.reshape(shape)
    return dense
github mikedh / trimesh / trimesh / View on Github external
    closest : (m, 3) float
      Closest point on triangles for each point
    distance : (m,) float
      Distances between point and triangle
    triangle_id : (m,) int
      Index of triangle containing closest point
    # get triangles from mesh
    triangles = mesh.triangles.view(np.ndarray)
    # establish that input points are sane
    points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
    if not util.is_shape(triangles, (-1, 3, 3)):
        raise ValueError('triangles shape incorrect')
    if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)):
        raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)')

    # create a giant tiled array of each point tiled len(triangles) times
    points_tiled = np.tile(points, (1, len(triangles)))
    on_triangle = np.array([closest_point_corresponding(
        triangles, i.reshape((-1, 3))) for i in points_tiled])

    # distance squared
    distance_2 = [((i - q)**2).sum(axis=1)
                  for i, q in zip(on_triangle, points)]

    triangle_id = np.array([i.argmin() for i in distance_2])

    # closest cartesian point
    closest = np.array([g[i] for i, g in zip(triangle_id, on_triangle)])
    distance = np.array([g[i] for i, g in zip(triangle_id, distance_2)]) ** .5