How to use the tifffile.imread function in tifffile

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tifffile examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tlambert03 / LLSpy / llspy / gui / View on Github external
fft[c] = np.fft.ifft2([curT, c])
        fftWin = ImgDialog(fft, title=self.title + " FFT", shifted=True)

    def fftShiftChecked(self, checked):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        import tifffile as tf

        path = sys.argv[1]
        im = tf.imread(path)
        if "fft" in sys.argv:
            im = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(im)))
        path = os.path.basename(path)
        path = None
        im = np.random.rand(4, 2, 10, 100, 100) * 32000
    main = ImgDialog(im, title=path or "Figure")

github AllenCellModeling / pytorch_fnet / tools / View on Github external
imgs_blend = []
    pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)_')
    tag_output = '{:d}_channel'.format(n_combined)
    idx_set_old = None
    for i, path in enumerate(paths_sources):
        path_basename = os.path.basename(path)
        match =
        if match is None:
            raise NotImplementedError
        idx_set = int(match.groups()[0])
        if i == 0:
            idx_set_old = idx_set
        if any(tag in path_basename for tag in opts.tags):
            print('reading:', path)
        if len(imgs_blend) == n_combined:
            assert idx_set_old == idx_set
            path_output = os.path.join(opts.path_output_dir, '{:03d}_{:s}.tif'.format(idx_set, tag_output))
            img_combo = blend_ar(imgs_blend, (1/len(imgs_blend),)*len(imgs_blend))    
            tifffile.imsave(path_output, img_combo, photometric='rgb')
            print('saved:', path_output)
            imgs_blend = []
        idx_set_old = idx_set
github juglab / n2v / n2v / scripts / View on Github external
# process all files
    for file_in in tqdm(file_list, disable=args.quiet or (n_tiles is not None and>1)):
        # construct output file name
        file_out = Path(args.output_dir) / args.output_name.format (
            file_path = str(file_in.relative_to(args.input_dir).parent),
            file_name = file_in.stem, file_ext = file_in.suffix,
            model_name = args.model_name, model_weights = Path(args.model_weights).stem if args.model_weights is not None else None

        # checks
        (file_in.suffix.lower()  in ('.tif','.tiff') and
         file_out.suffix.lower() in ('.tif','.tiff')) or _raise(ValueError('only tiff files supported.'))

        # load and predict restored image
        img = imread(str(file_in))
        restored = model.predict(img, axes=args.input_axes, normalizer=normalizer, n_tiles=n_tiles)

        # restored image could be multi-channel even if input image is not
        axes_out = axes_check_and_normalize(args.input_axes)
        if restored.ndim > img.ndim:
            assert restored.ndim == img.ndim + 1
            assert 'C' not in axes_out
            axes_out += 'C'

        # convert data type (if necessary)
        restored = restored.astype(np.dtype(args.output_dtype), copy=False)

        # save to disk
        if not args.dry_run:
            file_out.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            if args.imagej_tiff:
github AllenCellModeling / pytorch_fnet / scripts / paper / python / View on Github external
    print('making gif from images in "{:s}"', col)
    idx_col = df.columns.get_loc(col)
    imgs = []
    for idx in indices_sample:
        path_img = os.path.join(dirname, df.iloc[idx, idx_col])
        print(np.percentile(imgs[-1], range_percentile))
    range_val = np.percentile(imgs, range_percentile)
    print('DEBUG: range_val:', range_val)

    imgs_out = []
    for idx in range(df.shape[0]):
        path_img = os.path.join(dirname, df.iloc[idx, idx_col])
        img = tifffile.imread(path_img)[:, z_slice, ]
        img_uint8 = to_uint8(img, range_val)
        path_save = os.path.join(
            '{:03d}_{:s}_z{:02d}.tiff'.format(idx, tag, z_slice)
        tifffile.imsave(path_save, img_uint8)
        print('wrote:', path_save)
    path_gif = os.path.join(path_out_dir, '{:s}_z{:02d}.gif'.format(tag, z_slice))
    cmd = 'convert -delay {:d} {:s} {:s}'.format(delay, ' '.join(imgs_out), path_gif), shell=True, check=True)
    print('wrote:', path_gif)
github CSBDeep / CSBDeep / csbdeep / View on Github external
def _gen():
        for fx, fy in xy_name_pairs:
            x, y = imread(str(fx)), imread(str(fy))
            # x,y = x[:,256:-256,256:-256],y[:,256:-256,256:-256] #tmp
            x.shape == y.shape or _raise(ValueError())
            len(axes) >= x.ndim or _raise(ValueError())
            yield x, y, axes[-x.ndim:], None
github tlambert03 / LLSpy / llspy / View on Github external
# corrected = camcor(interleaved)

            start = time.time()
            E.correct_flash(target="cuda", median=False)
            end = time.time()
            print("CUDA Time: " + str(end - start))

            start = time.time()
            E.correct_flash(target="cpu", median=False)
            end = time.time()
            print("Parallel Time: " + str(end - start))

            p = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]).replace("\\", "")
            if os.path.isfile(p):
                tf.imshow(deskewGPU(tf.imread(p), 0.5))
github tlambert03 / LLSpy / llspy1 / View on Github external
folder = plib.Path(folder)
    if not folder.is_dir():
        raise IOError('MIP folder does not exist: {}'.format(str(folder)))

        filelist = []
        tiffs = []
        channelCounts = []
        c = 0
        while True:
            channelFiles = sorted(folder.glob('*ch{}_stack*MIP_{}.tif'.format(c, axis)))
            if not len(channelFiles):
                break  # no MIPs in this channel
                # this assumes that there are no gaps in the channels (i.e. ch1, ch3 but not 2)
            for file in channelFiles:
            c += 1
        if not len(filelist):
            return None  # there were no MIPs for this axis
        if c > 0:
            nt = np.max(channelCounts)

            if (len(set(channelCounts)) > 1):
                raise ValueError('Cannot merge MIPS with different number of '
                    'timepoints per channel')
            if len(tiffs) != c * nt:
                raise ValueError('Number of images does not equal nC * nT')

            stack = np.stack(tiffs)
            stack = stack.reshape((c, 1, nt,
github AllenCellModeling / pytorch_fnet / tools / View on Github external
        idx_img = match.groups()[0]
        if any(tag in path_basename for tag in TAGS_SIGNAL):
            idx_col = 0
            val_min, val_max = val_range_signal
            entry_log['path_signal'] = path
        if any(tag in path_basename for tag in TAGS_TARGET):
            idx_col = 1
            val_min, val_max = val_range_target
            entry_log['path_target'] = path
        if any(tag in path_basename for tag in TAGS_PREDICTION):
            idx_col = 2
            val_min, val_max = val_range_prediction
            entry_log['path_prediction'] = path
        if idx_col is not None:
            ar_pre = tifffile.imread(path)
            print('DEBUG: {:30s} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format(path_basename, np.min(ar_pre), np.max(ar_pre)))
            ar = to_uint8(ar_pre, val_min, val_max)       
            if idx_img != idx_old:
                n_cols_done = 0
                idx_old = idx_img
                shape = (ar.shape[1]*n_z_per_img + (n_z_per_img - 1)*padding_h, ar.shape[2]*3 + 2*padding_v)
                ar_fig = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.uint8)*255
                inc = int(ar.shape[0]/(n_z_per_img + 1))
                z_indices = list(range(inc, ar.shape[0], inc))[:n_z_per_img]
                z_indices = np.flip(z_indices, axis=0)
                entry_log['z_indices'] = z_indices
            offset_x = idx_col*(ar.shape[2] + padding_h)
            for idx_row, z_index in enumerate(z_indices):
                offset_y = idx_row*(ar.shape[1] + padding_v)
                img = ar[z_index, ].copy()
github tlambert03 / LLSpy / llspy / View on Github external
def main(infile, nx, nz, sig=1, pad=12):
		with warnings.catch_warnings():
			indat = tf.imread(infile)
	except IOError:
		print("File %s does not exist or is no readable.\n Quit" % infile)

	mip = indat.max(0)
	mipblur = gaussian_filter(mip, sig)
	maxy, maxx = np.argwhere(mipblur == mipblur.max())[0]
	print("bead detected at ({},{})".format(maxx, maxy))

	beadslice = indat[:, maxy-pad:maxy+pad, maxx-pad:maxx+pad].astype(np.float)
	background = indat[:, :, 2].mean(1)
	beadsums = beadslice.sum((1, 2)) - (4 * pad * pad * background)  # subtract background
	xzpsf = np.reshape(beadsums, (int(nz), int(nx))).astype(np.float32)
	tf.imsave(infile.replace('.tif', 'xzPSF_x%d_y%d.tif' % (maxx, maxy)), xzpsf)
	return xzpsf