How to use the function in terminado

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few terminado examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github spyder-ide / spyder-terminal / spyder_terminal / server / logic / View on Github external
        minrows = mincols = 10001
        if rows is not None and rows < minrows:
            minrows = rows
        if cols is not None and cols < mincols:
            mincols = cols

        if minrows == 10001 or mincols == 10001:

        rows, cols = self.ptyproc.getwinsize()
        if (rows, cols) != (minrows, mincols):
            self.ptyproc.setwinsize(minrows, mincols)

class TermManager(TermManagerBase):
    """Wrapper around pexpect to execute local commands."""

    def __init__(self, shell_command, **kwargs):
        """Create a new terminal handler instance."""
        super().__init__(shell_command, **kwargs)
        self.consoles = {}

    def new_terminal(self, **options):
        """Make a new terminal, return a :class:`PtyReader` instance."""
        tty = super().new_terminal(**options)
        return PtyReader(tty.ptyproc)

    def client_disconnected(self, pid, socket):
        """Send terminal SIGHUP when client disconnects.""""Websocket closed, sending SIGHUP to terminal.")


Tornado websocket backend for the Xterm.js Javascript terminal emulator library.

Latest version published 6 months ago

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