How to use the stumpy.core.mass function in stumpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few stumpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_mass(Q, T):
    m = Q.shape[0]
    left = np.linalg.norm(
        core.z_norm(core.rolling_window(T, m), 1) - core.z_norm(Q), axis=1
    right = core.mass(Q, T)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(left, right)
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left : bool
        Return the left matrix profile indices if `True`. If `right` is True
        then this parameter is ignored.

    right : bool
        Return the right matrix profiles indices if `True`

    P : ndarray
        Matrix profile

    I : ndarray
        Matrix profile indices
    D = core.mass(Q, T, M_T, Σ_T)
    if trivial_idx is not None:
        zone_start = max(0, trivial_idx - excl_zone)
        zone_stop = min(T.shape[0] - Q.shape[0] + 1, trivial_idx + excl_zone)
        D[zone_start:zone_stop] = np.inf

        # Get left and right matrix profiles
        IL = -1
        PL = np.inf
        if D[:trivial_idx].size:
            IL = np.argmin(D[:trivial_idx])
            PL = D[IL]
        if zone_start <= IL < zone_stop:
            IL = -1

        IR = -1
        PR = np.inf
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# Note that the start of the exclusion zone is relative to
    # the unchanging length of the matrix profile index
    zone_start = max(0, k - excl_zone)

    for i, (Q, T) in enumerate(zip(rolling_Qs, rolling_Ts)):
        # Egress
        # Remove the first element in the matrix profile index
        # Shift mp up by one and replace the last row with new values
        mp_out[:] = np.roll(mp_out, -1, axis=0)
        mp_out[-1, 0] = np.inf
        mp_out[-1, 3] = last_idx + i

        # Ingress
        M_T[:], Σ_T[:] = core.compute_mean_std(T, m)

        D[:] = core.mass(Q, T, M_T, Σ_T)
        D[zone_start:] = np.inf

        # Update nearest neighbor for old data if any old subsequences
        # are closer to the newly arrived subsequence
        update_idx = np.argwhere(D < mp_out[:, 0]).flatten()
        mp_out[update_idx, 0] = D[update_idx]
        mp_out[update_idx, 3] = last_idx + i

        if i % (skip + 1) == 0:
            cac_out[:] = _cac(
                mp_out[:, 3] - i - 1,
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Multi-dimensional matrix profile

    I : ndarray
        Multi-dimensional matrix profile indices

    d = T.shape[0]
    n = T.shape[1]
    k = n - m + 1

    P = np.full((d, k), np.inf, dtype="float64")
    D = np.empty((d, k), dtype="float64")
    I = np.ones((d, k), dtype="int64") * -1

    for i in range(d):
        D[i, :] = core.mass(Q[i], T[i], M_T[i], Σ_T[i])

    zone_start = max(0, trivial_idx - excl_zone)
    zone_stop = min(k, trivial_idx + excl_zone)
    D[:, zone_start:zone_stop] = np.inf

    # Column-wise sort
    # row_idx = np.argsort(D, axis=0)
    # D = D[row_idx, np.arange(row_idx.shape[1])]
    D = np.sort(D, axis=0)

    D_prime = np.zeros(k)
    for i in range(d):
        D_prime = D_prime + D[i]
        D_prime_prime = D_prime / (i + 1)
        # Element-wise Min
        # col_idx = np.argmin([P[i, :], D_prime_prime], axis=0)