How to use the sqlitedict.encode function in sqlitedict

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sqlitedict examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github RaRe-Technologies / sqlitedict / tests / View on Github external
def test_migrate(self):
        # adding manually items with plain text keys
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (b"abcd", sqlitedict.encode(u"abcd")))
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (b"xyz", sqlitedict.encode(24)))
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (u"+ěščřžýáíé%123456789úů".encode('utf8'), sqlitedict.encode(u"special")))
        # migrating the DB
        sqlite_migration.migrate(self.table_name, self.conn_old, self.conn_new)
        # checking migrated DB via sqlitedict
        d = sqlitedict.SqliteDict(filename=self.new_file, tablename=self.table_name, autocommit=True)
        self.assertEqual(d[b"abcd"], u"abcd")
        self.assertEqual(d[b"xyz"], 24)
        # jquast: please note, previously when db[u"unicode"] was stored, it
        # was returned as utf-8 encoded bytes.  Going forward, it will store
        # as u"unicode", so any dependent code must make its own further
        # migration to re-encode all key-as-bytes as key-as-unicode.
        self.assertEqual(d[u"+ěščřžýáíé%123456789úů".encode('utf8')], u"special")
github RaRe-Technologies / sqlitedict / tests / View on Github external
def test_migrate(self):
        # adding manually items with plain text keys
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (b"abcd", sqlitedict.encode(u"abcd")))
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (b"xyz", sqlitedict.encode(24)))
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (u"+ěščřžýáíé%123456789úů".encode('utf8'), sqlitedict.encode(u"special")))
        # migrating the DB
        sqlite_migration.migrate(self.table_name, self.conn_old, self.conn_new)
        # checking migrated DB via sqlitedict
        d = sqlitedict.SqliteDict(filename=self.new_file, tablename=self.table_name, autocommit=True)
        self.assertEqual(d[b"abcd"], u"abcd")
        self.assertEqual(d[b"xyz"], 24)
        # jquast: please note, previously when db[u"unicode"] was stored, it
        # was returned as utf-8 encoded bytes.  Going forward, it will store
        # as u"unicode", so any dependent code must make its own further
        # migration to re-encode all key-as-bytes as key-as-unicode.
        self.assertEqual(d[u"+ěščřžýáíé%123456789úů".encode('utf8')], u"special")
github RaRe-Technologies / sqlitedict / tests / View on Github external
def setUp(self):
        # create database of v1.2 values
        self.filename = norm_file(
                         'db', 'unmigrated.sqlite'))
        self.db = sqlitedict.SqliteDict(filename=self.filename, flag='n')
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.db.tablename
        keyval = (b"bytes", sqlitedict.encode(('some', 'value')))
        self.db.conn.execute(ADD_ITEM, keyval)
github RaRe-Technologies / sqlitedict / tests / View on Github external
def test_migrate(self):
        # adding manually items with plain text keys
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (b"abcd", sqlitedict.encode(u"abcd")))
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (b"xyz", sqlitedict.encode(24)))
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % self.table_name
        self.conn_old.execute(ADD_ITEM, (u"+ěščřžýáíé%123456789úů".encode('utf8'), sqlitedict.encode(u"special")))
        # migrating the DB
        sqlite_migration.migrate(self.table_name, self.conn_old, self.conn_new)
        # checking migrated DB via sqlitedict
        d = sqlitedict.SqliteDict(filename=self.new_file, tablename=self.table_name, autocommit=True)
        self.assertEqual(d[b"abcd"], u"abcd")
        self.assertEqual(d[b"xyz"], 24)
        # jquast: please note, previously when db[u"unicode"] was stored, it
        # was returned as utf-8 encoded bytes.  Going forward, it will store
        # as u"unicode", so any dependent code must make its own further
        # migration to re-encode all key-as-bytes as key-as-unicode.
        self.assertEqual(d[u"+ěščřžýáíé%123456789úů".encode('utf8')], u"special")
github RaRe-Technologies / sqlitedict / View on Github external
def migrate(table_name, conn_old, conn_new):
    # get all old keys
    GET_KEYS = 'SELECT key FROM %s ORDER BY rowid' % table_name
    old_keys = [key[0] for key in]
    for pos, key in enumerate(old_keys):
        if pos % 100 == 0:
  "converted %ith element of the DB", pos)
        # get value for the given key
        GET_ITEM = 'SELECT value FROM %s WHERE key = ?' % table_name
        item = conn_old.select_one(GET_ITEM, (key,))
        # save record with new key to new sqlite DB
        ADD_ITEM = 'REPLACE INTO %s (key, value) VALUES (?,?)' % table_name
        conn_new.execute(ADD_ITEM, (encode(key), item[0]))


Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe.

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