How to use the sparse.util.contains_nan function in sparse

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sparse examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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dot = torch.bmm(squeries[:, None, :], skeys[:, :, None]).view(b*h,tp*vs)
        dot_logits =

        assert not util.contains_inf(dot), f'dot contains inf (before norm) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'
        assert not util.contains_nan(dot), f'dot contains nan (before norm) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'

        if self.norm_method == 'softmax':
            dot = sparse.logsoftmax(indices, weights * dot, size).exp()
            dot = sparse.simple_normalize(indices, weights * dot, size, method=self.norm_method)
        # - dot now has row-wise self-attention probabilities

        assert not util.contains_inf(dot), f'dot contains inf (after norm) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'

            assert not util.contains_nan(dot), f'dot contains nan (after norm) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'
        except AssertionError:

            for i in range(b*h):
                print(f'*** {i}')
                print((weights * dot_logits)[i])



        # apply the self attention to the values
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dot = sparse.logsoftmax(indices, dot, size).exp()
            dot = sparse.simple_normalize(indices, dot, size, method=self.norm_method)
        # - dot now has row-wise self-attention probabilities

        # assert not util.contains_inf(dot), f'dot contains inf (after softmax) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'
        # assert not util.contains_nan(dot), f'dot contains nan (after softmax) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'

        # apply the self attention to the values
        out = sparse.batchmm(indices, dot, size=size, xmatrix=values)

        # swap h, t back, unify heads
        out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b, t, h * s)
        out = self.unifyheads(out)

        assert not util.contains_nan(out), f'output contains nan {out}, dot min/max: {dot.min()}/{dot.max()}'

        return out
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keys    = keys    / (e ** (1/4))

        # get dot product of queries and keys
        # - this will be a sparse matrix with the indices we've just computed, and values
        #   defined by the dot product

        # select the queries
        indflat = indices.view(b*h*t*vs, 2)
        ar = torch.arange(b*h, dtype=torch.long, device=d(x))[:, None].expand(b*h, t*vs).contiguous().view(b*h*t*vs)
        squeries = queries[ar, indflat[:, 0], :]
        skeys    = keys   [ar, indflat[:, 1], :]

        dot = torch.bmm(squeries[:, None, :], skeys[:, :, None]).view(b*h,t*vs)

        #print(f'dot before {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}')
        assert not util.contains_nan(dot), f'dot contains nan (before softmax) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'

        #print(f'dot after  {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}\n')
        dot = sparse.logsoftmax(indices, weights * dot, s).exp()
        # - dot now has row-wise self-attention probabilities

        assert not util.contains_nan(dot), f'dot contains nan (after softmax) {dot.min()}, {dot.mean()}, {dot.max()}'

        # apply the self attention to the values
        out = sparse.batchmm(indices, dot, size=(t, t), xmatrix=values)

        # swap h, t back, unify heads
        out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b, t, h * e)
        out = self.unifyheads(out)

        assert not util.contains_nan(out), f'output contains nan {out}'
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else: # not train, just use the nearest indices
            indices = means.round().long()

        if self.use_cuda:
            indices = indices.cuda()

        # translate tensor indices to matrix indices so we can use matrix multiplication to perform the tensor contraction
        mindices, flat_size = flatten_indices_mat(indices, input.size()[1:], self.out_size)

        ### Create the sparse weight tensor

        x_flat = input.view(batchsize, -1)

        # Prevent segfault
        assert not contains_nan(

        bm = self.bmult(flat_size[1], flat_size[0], mindices.size()[1], batchsize, self.use_cuda)
        bfsize = Variable(flat_size * batchsize)

        bfindices = mindices + bm
        bfindices = bfindices.view(1, -1, 2).squeeze(0)
        vindices = Variable(bfindices.t())

        bfvalues = values.view(1, -1).squeeze(0)
        bfx = x_flat.view(1, -1).squeeze(0)

        spm = sparsemult(self.use_cuda)
        bfy = spm(vindices, bfvalues, bfsize, bfx)

        y_flat = bfy.unsqueeze(0).view(batchsize, -1)
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assert indices.size() == (b, 1, vs, len(s))
            assert weights.size() == (b, 1, vs)

            indices, weights = indices.squeeze(1), weights.squeeze(1)

            vs = 1
            indices = means.floor().to(torch.long).detach().squeeze(1)

        # Select a single code from the latent space (per instance in batch).
        # When sampling, this is a weighted sum, when not sampling, just one.
        indices = indices.view(b*vs, len(s))

        # checks to prevent segfaults
        if util.contains_nan(indices):

            raise Exception('Indices contain NaN')

        if indices[:, 0].max() >= s[0] or indices[:, 1].max() >= s[1]:

            raise Exception('Indices out of bounds')

        if len(s) == 1:
            code = self.latent[indices[:, 0], :]
        elif len(s) == 2:
            code = self.latent[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], :]
        elif len(s) == 3:
            code = self.latent[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], indices[:, 2], :]
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def hyper(self, x):

        b, t, e = x.size()
        h, k, reg = self.heads, self.k, self.region

        o = t if self.outputs < -1 else self.outputs

        # Generate coords
        coords = torch.arange(t, dtype=torch.float, device=d(x)) / t
        coords = coords[None, :, None,].expand(b, t, 1)

        input =[x, coords], dim=2)
        params = self.toparams(input) # (b, o, k*2)

        assert not util.contains_nan(params),  \
            f'params contain NaN\n intput {input.min()} {input.max()} \n {list(self.toparams.parameters())}'

        # Generate the logits that correspond to the horizontal coordinate of the current word
        diags = torch.arange(t, dtype=torch.float, device=d(x))
        if not self.clamp:
            diags = util.inv(diags, mx=t)

        diags = diags[None, :, None, None].expand(b, t, k, 1)

        means =  params[:, :, :k].view(b, t, k, 1)
        sigmas = params[:, :, k:].view(b, t, k)
        values = self.mvalues[None, None, :].expand(b, t, k)

        means = diags - self.mmult * F.softplus(means)

        s = (t,)
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# translate tensor indices to matrix indices

        # mindices, flat_size = flatten_indices(indices, input.size()[1:], self.out_shape, self.use_cuda)
        mindices, flat_size = flatten_indices_mat(indices, input.size()[1:], self.out_size)

        # NB: mindices is not an autograd Variable. The error-signal for the indices passes to the hypernetwork
        #     through 'values', which are a function of both the real_indices and the real_values.

        ### Create the sparse weight tensor

        x_flat = input.view(batchsize, -1)

        # Prevent segfault
            assert mindices.min() >= 0
            assert not contains_nan(
        except AssertionError as ae:
            print('Nan in values or negative index in mindices.')
            print('means', means)
            print('sigmas', sigmas)
            print('props', props)
            print('values', values)
            print('indices', indices)
            print('mindices', mindices)

            raise ae

        # Then we flatten the batch dimension as well
        bm = bmult(flat_size[1], flat_size[0], mindices.size()[1], batchsize, self.use_cuda)
        bfsize = Variable(flat_size * batchsize)

        bfindices = mindices + bm
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source, target = source.cuda(), target.cuda()

        source, target = Variable(source), Variable(target)

        output = model(source)

        loss = F.nll_loss(output.transpose(2, 1), target, reduction='none')
        loss = loss.mean()

        tbw.add_scalar('transformer/train-loss', float(loss.item()) * LOG2E, i * arg.batch_size)

        assert loss.item() == loss.item(), f'Loss is nan {loss}'


        assert not util.contains_nan(model.parameters()), f'Parameters have become NaN {model.parameters()}'
        if arg.cuda and (i == 0 or random.random() < 0.0005): # occasionally print peak GPU memory usage
            print(f'\nPeak gpu memory use is {torch.cuda.max_memory_cached() / 1e9:.2} Gb')

        # clip gradients
        if arg.gradient_clipping is not None:
            nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), arg.gradient_clipping)


        if (arg.model.startswith('sparse') or arg.model == 'strided' or arg.model == 'mixed') and arg.plot_every > 0 and i % arg.plot_every == 0:
            shape = (arg.context, arg.context)

            means, sigmas, values = model.forward_for_plot(source)
            for t, (m, s, v) in enumerate(zip(means, sigmas, values)):

                b, c, k, r = m.size()
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# weight the values by the proportions
        weights = mvalues[:, :, None, :].expand_as(props)
        # - add a dim for the MVNs

        weights = props * weights
        weights = weights.sum(dim=3) # - sum out the MVNs

        out = selection[None, :, None, None].expand(b, tp, vs, 1) # output indices
        indices =[out, indices], dim=3)

        assert indices.size() == (b, tp, vs, 2), f'{indices.size()}, {(b, tp, vs, 2)}'
        assert weights.size() == (b, tp, vs), f'{weights.size()},  {(b, tp, vs)}'

        assert not util.contains_inf(weights), f'weights contains inf (before norm) {weights.min()}, {weights.mean()}, {weights.max()}'
        assert not util.contains_nan(weights), f'weights contains nan (before norm) {weights.min()}, {weights.mean()}, {weights.max()}'

        # expand for heads, fold heads into batch
        indices = indices[:, None, :, :, :].expand(b, h, tp, vs, 2).contiguous().view(b*h, tp*vs, 2)
        weights = weights[:, None, :, :].expand(b, h, tp, vs).contiguous().view(b*h, tp*vs)

        # compute keys, queries, values
        keys    = self.tokeys(x)    # note: t not tp, we compute _all_ queries, keys and values
        queries = self.toqueries(x)
        values  = self.tovalues(x)
        # - fold heads into the batch dimension
        keys    = keys.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()   .view(b * h, t, s)
        queries = queries.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, s)
        values  = values.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() .view(b * h, t, s)
        # -- We could actually select first, and _then_ transform to kqv's. May be better for very large contexts and
        #    small batches