How to use the solarforecastarbiter.pvmodel.calculate_solar_position function in solarforecastarbiter

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forecast : pd.Series
        The persistence forecast. The forecast interval label is the
        same as the observation interval label.
    # ensure that we're using times rounded to multiple of interval_length
    _check_intervals_times(observation.interval_label, data_start, data_end,
                           forecast_start, forecast_end,

    # get observation data for specified range
    obs = load_data(observation, data_start, data_end)

    # partial-up the metadata for solar position and
    # clearsky calculation clarity and consistency
    site =
    calc_solpos = partial(pvmodel.calculate_solar_position,
                          site.latitude, site.longitude, site.elevation)
    calc_cs = partial(pvmodel.calculate_clearsky,
                      site.latitude, site.longitude, site.elevation)

    # Calculate solar position and clearsky for obs time range.
    # if data is instantaneous, calculate at the obs time.
    # else (if data is interval average), calculate at 1 minute resolution to
    # reduce errors from changing solar position during persistence data range.
    # Later, modeled clear sky or ac power will be averaged over the data range
    closed = datamodel.CLOSED_MAPPING[observation.interval_label]
    if closed is None:
        freq = observation.interval_length
        freq = pd.Timedelta('1min')
    obs_range = pd.date_range(start=data_start, end=data_end, freq=freq,
github SolarArbiter / solarforecastarbiter-core / solarforecastarbiter / validation / View on Github external
def _solpos_night(observation, values):
    solar_position = pvmodel.calculate_solar_position(,,, values.index)
    night_flag = validator.check_irradiance_day_night(solar_position['zenith'],
    return solar_position, night_flag
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# instantaneous values.
    freq = '5min'
    start_adj, end_adj = adjust_start_end_for_interval_label(interval_label,
                                                             start, end)
    cloud_cover = forecast.reindex_fill_slice(
        cloud_cover, freq=freq, start=start, end=end,
        start_slice=start_adj, end_slice=end_adj,
    resample_fill_slicer = partial(
        forecast.reindex_fill_slice, freq=freq, start=start, end=end,
        start_slice=start_adj, end_slice=end_adj, fill_method='interpolate')
    air_temperature, wind_speed = [
        resample_fill_slicer(v) for v in (air_temperature, wind_speed)
    if solar_position is None:
        solar_position = pvmodel.calculate_solar_position(
            latitude, longitude, elevation, cloud_cover.index)
    ghi, dni, dhi = forecast.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(
        latitude, longitude, elevation, cloud_cover,
        solar_position['apparent_zenith'], solar_position['zenith'])

    label = datamodel.CLOSED_MAPPING[interval_label]
    resampler = partial(forecast.resample, freq='1h', label=label)

    def solar_pos_calculator(): return solar_position

    return (ghi, dni, dhi, air_temperature, wind_speed,
            resampler, solar_pos_calculator)
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def _ghi_to_dni_dhi(latitude, longitude, elevation, ghi):
    Calculate DNI, DHI from GHI and calculated solar position.
    solar_position = pvmodel.calculate_solar_position(
        latitude, longitude, elevation, ghi.index)
    dni, dhi = pvmodel.complete_irradiance_components(
        ghi, solar_position['zenith'])

    def solar_pos_calculator(): return solar_position
    return dni, dhi, solar_pos_calculator