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def project(shape, source, target):
"""Projects a geometry from one coordinate system into another.
shape: the geometry to project.
source: the source EPSG spatial reference system identifier.
target: the target EPSG spatial reference system identifier.
The projected geometry in the target coordinate system.
transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(source, target)
return shapely.ops.transform(transformer.transform, shape)
def createBoxFromLine(tmpGeom, ratio=1, halfWidth=-999, transformRequired=True, transform_WGS84_To_UTM='', transform_UTM_To_WGS84=''):
# create Polygon Box Oriented with the line
if transformRequired:
if transform_WGS84_To_UTM == '':
transform_WGS84_To_UTM, transform_UTM_To_WGS84 = createUTMTransform(tmpGeom)
tmpGeom = shapely.ops.transform(transform_WGS84_To_UTM, tmpGeom)
# calculatuate Centroid
lengthM = tmpGeom.length
if halfWidth ==-999:
halfWidth = lengthM/(2*ratio)
polyGeom = tmpGeom.buffer(halfWidth, cap_style=shapely.geometry.CAP_STYLE.flat)
angRad = math.atan2((tmpGeom.coords[1][1]-tmpGeom.coords[0][1],
tmpGeom.coords[1][0] - tmpGeom.coords[0][0]))
areaM = polyGeom.area
def polygon_area(poly):
return transform(
if tmp.type == 'MultiPolygon':
# If only small arms are cut out, remove them
area = np.array([_tmp.area for _tmp in tmp])
_tokeep = np.argmax(area).item()
tmp = tmp[_tokeep]
# check that the other parts really are small,
# otherwise replace tmp with something better
area = area / area[_tokeep]
for _a in area:
if _a != 1 and _a > 0.05:
# these are extremely thin glaciers
# eg. RGI40-11.01381 RGI40-11.01697 params.d1 = 5. and d2 = 8.
# make them bigger until its ok
for b in np.arange(0., 1., 0.01):
tmp = shapely.ops.transform(project, polygon.buffer(b))
tmp = tmp.buffer(0)
if tmp.type == 'MultiPolygon':
if tmp.is_valid:
if b == 0.99:
raise InvalidGeometryError('This glacier geometry is not '
if not tmp.is_valid:
raise InvalidGeometryError('This glacier geometry is not valid.')
return tmp
if superseded_by:
return NeighbourhoodFailure(
'superseded_by: %s' % superseded_by,
json.dumps(json_data), superseded=True)
geometry = json_data.get('geometry')
if geometry is None:
return failure('Missing geometry')
shape_lnglat = shapely.geometry.shape(geometry)
except Exception:
return failure('Unexpected geometry')
shape_mercator = shapely.ops.transform(
reproject_lnglat_to_mercator, shape_lnglat)
# ignore any features that are marked as funky
is_funky = props.get('mz:is_funky')
if is_funky is not None:
is_funky = int(is_funky)
except ValueError:
return failure('Unexpected mz:is_funky value %s' % is_funky)
if is_funky != 0:
return NeighbourhoodFailure(
'mz:is_funky value is not 0: %s' % is_funky,
json.dumps(json_data), funky=True)
wof_id = props.get('wof:id')
def project(geom):
return shapely.ops.transform(functools.partial(pyproj.transform,
pyproj.Proj("+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=37.5 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")),
def quantize(self, shape, bounds):
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds
def fn(x, y, z=None):
xfac = self.extents / (maxx - minx)
yfac = self.extents / (maxy - miny)
x = xfac * (x - minx)
y = yfac * (y - miny)
return self._round(x), self._round(y)
return transform(fn, shape)
result = out.geometry.apply(lambda geom: transform(project, geom))
result.__class__ = gpd.GeoSeries
if self._tms_meta._bounds is None:
return self.aoi(geojson=mapping(geometry), from_proj=self.proj)
image = GeoDaskImage.__getitem__(self, geometry)
image._tms_meta = self._tms_meta
return image
result = super(TmsImage, self).__getitem__(geometry)
image = super(TmsImage, self.__class__).__new__(self.__class__, result)
if all([isinstance(e, slice) for e in geometry]) and len(geometry) == len(self.shape):
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = geometry[2].start, geometry[1].start, geometry[2].stop, geometry[1].stop
xmin = 0 if xmin is None else xmin
ymin = 0 if ymin is None else ymin
xmax = self.shape[2] if xmax is None else xmax
ymax = self.shape[1] if ymax is None else ymax
g = ops.transform(self.__geo_transform__.fwd, box(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
image.__geo_interface__ = mapping(g)
image.__geo_transform__ = self.__geo_transform__ + (xmin, ymin)
image.__geo_interface__ = self.__geo_interface__
image.__geo_transform__ = self.__geo_transform__
image._tms_meta = self._tms_meta
return image