How to use the shapely.geos.lgeos function in shapely

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github geometalab / Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin / ext-libs / shapely / geometry / View on Github external
def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__geom__ = deserialize_wkb(state)
        self._is_empty = False
        if lgeos.methods['has_z'](self.__geom__):
            self._ndim = 3
            self._ndim = 2
github Toblerity / Shapely / shapely / geometry / View on Github external
assert N == 2 or N == 3

    subs = (c_void_p * L)()

    for i, ob in enumerate(obs):
        if isinstance(ob, polygon.Polygon):
            shell = ob.exterior
            holes = ob.interiors
            shell = ob[0]
            holes = ob[1]

        geom, ndims = polygon.geos_polygon_from_py(shell, holes)
        subs[i] = cast(geom, c_void_p)

    return (lgeos.GEOSGeom_createCollection(6, subs, L), N)
github dheerajchand / ubuntu-django-nginx-ansible / projectenv / lib / python2.7 / site-packages / shapely / geometry / View on Github external
def ctypes(self):
        if not self._ctypes_data:
            temp = c_double()
            n = self._ndim
            m = len(self.geoms)
            array_type = c_double * (m * n)
            data = array_type()
            for i in range(m):
                g = self.geoms[i]._geom
                cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(g)
                lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_getX(cs, 0, byref(temp))
                data[n*i] = temp.value
                lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_getY(cs, 0, byref(temp))
                data[n*i+1] = temp.value
                if n == 3: # TODO: use hasz
                    lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_getZ(cs, 0, byref(temp))
                    data[n*i+2] = temp.value
            self._ctypes_data = data
        return self._ctypes_data
github Toblerity / Shapely / shapely / geometry / View on Github external
or _coords(ob[0])[0] != _coords(ob[-1])[0]
        or _coords(ob[0])[1] != _coords(ob[-1])[1]
        M = m + 1
        M = m

    # Create a coordinate sequence
    if update_geom is not None:
        if n != update_ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                "Coordinate dimensions mismatch: target geom has {} dims, "
                "update geom has {} dims".format(n, update_ndim))
        cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(update_geom)
        cs = lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_create(M, n)

    # add to coordinate sequence
    for i in range(m):
        coords = _coords(ob[i])
        # Because of a bug in the GEOS C API,
        # always set X before Y
        lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_setX(cs, i, coords[0])
        lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_setY(cs, i, coords[1])
        if n == 3:
                lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_setZ(cs, i, coords[2])
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError("Inconsistent coordinate dimensionality")

    # Add closing coordinates to sequence?
    if M > m:
github geometalab / Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin / ext-libs / shapely / View on Github external
def dumps(ob, trim=False, **kw):
    """Dump a WKT representation of a geometry to a string.

    See available keyword output settings in ``shapely.geos.WKTWriter``.
    return geos.WKTWriter(geos.lgeos, trim=trim, **kw).write(ob)
github Toblerity / Shapely / shapely / View on Github external
def __call__(self, this):
        env = this.envelope
        if env.geom_type == 'Point':
            return env.bounds
        cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(env.exterior._geom)
        cs_len = c_uint(0)
        lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(cs, byref(cs_len))
        minx = 1.e+20
        maxx = -1e+20
        miny = 1.e+20
        maxy = -1e+20
        temp = c_double()
        for i in range(cs_len.value):
            lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_getX(cs, i, byref(temp))
            x = temp.value
            if x < minx: minx = x
            if x > maxx: maxx = x
            lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_getY(cs, i, byref(temp))
            y = temp.value
            if y < miny: miny = y
            if y > maxy: maxy = y
        return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
github geometalab / Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin / ext-libs / shapely / View on Github external
The source may be a MultiLineString, a sequence of LineString objects,
        or a sequence of objects than can be adapted to LineStrings.
        source = getattr(lines, 'geoms', None) or lines
            source = iter(source)
        except TypeError:
            source = [source]
            obs = [self.shapeup(l) for l in source]
        geom_array_type = c_void_p * len(obs)
        geom_array = geom_array_type()
        for i, line in enumerate(obs):
            geom_array[i] = line._geom
        product = lgeos.GEOSPolygonize(byref(geom_array), len(obs))
        collection = geom_factory(product)
        for g in collection.geoms:
            clone = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(g._geom)
            g = geom_factory(clone)
            g._other_owned = False
            yield g
github Toblerity / Shapely / shapely / geometry / View on Github external
def _coords(o):
        if isinstance(o, Point):
            return o.coords[0]
            return o

        n = len(_coords(ob[0]))
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError(
            "Input %s is the wrong shape for a LineString" % str(ob))
    assert n == 2 or n == 3

    # Create a coordinate sequence
    if update_geom is not None:
        cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(update_geom)
        if n != update_ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                "Wrong coordinate dimensions; this geometry has "
                "dimensions: %d" % update_ndim)
        cs = lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_create(m, n)

    # add to coordinate sequence
    for i in range(m):
        coords = _coords(ob[i])
        # Because of a bug in the GEOS C API,
        # always set X before Y
        lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_setX(cs, i, coords[0])
        lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_setY(cs, i, coords[1])
        if n == 3:
github Toblerity / Shapely / shapely / geometry / View on Github external
    def distance(self, other):
        d = c_double()
        retval =  lgeos.GEOSDistance(self._geom, other._geom, byref(d))
        return d.value