How to use the function in sarpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sarpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# set TimeCAPoly
            ss_zd_s = get_image_col_spacing_zdt()
            eta_mid = ss_zd_s * float(out_sicd.ImageData.SCPPixel.Col)
            sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly = Poly1DType(
                Coefs=[first_line_relative_start+eta_mid, ss_zd_s/out_sicd.Grid.Col.SS])
            range_time_scp = sicd.RMA.INCA.R_CA_SCP*2/speed_of_light
            # get velocity polynomial
            vel_poly = sicd.Position.ARPPoly.derivative(1, return_poly=True)
            # We pick a single velocity magnitude at closest approach to represent
            # the entire burst.  This is valid, since the magnitude of the velocity
            # changes very little.
            vm_ca = numpy.linalg.norm(vel_poly(sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0]))
            az_rate_times, az_rate_t0, k_a_poly = get_azimuth_fm_estimates(start)
            # find the closest fm rate polynomial
            az_rate_poly_ind = int(numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(az_rate_times - sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0])))
            az_rate_poly = Poly1DType(Coefs=k_a_poly[az_rate_poly_ind])
            dr_ca_poly = az_rate_poly.shift(t_0=az_rate_t0[az_rate_poly_ind] - range_time_scp,
            r_ca = numpy.array([sicd.RMA.INCA.R_CA_SCP, 1], dtype=numpy.float64)
            sicd.RMA.INCA.DRateSFPoly = numpy.reshape(
                -numpy.convolve(dr_ca_poly, r_ca)*(speed_of_light/(2*center_frequency*vm_ca*vm_ca)),
                (-1, 1))
            # Doppler Centroid
            dc_est_times, dc_t0, data_dc_poly = get_doppler_estimates(start)
            # find the closest doppler centroid polynomial
            dc_poly_ind = int(numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(dc_est_times - sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0])))
            # we are going to move the respective polynomial from reference point as dc_t0 to
            # reference point at SCP time.
            dc_poly = Poly1DType(Coefs=data_dc_poly[dc_poly_ind])

            # Fit DeltaKCOAPoly, DopCentroidPoly, and TimeCOAPoly from data
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def strip_poly(arr):
            # strip worthless (all zero) highest order terms
            # find last non-zero index
            last_ind = arr.size
            for i in range(arr.size-1, -1, -1):
                if arr[i] != 0:
                last_ind = i
            return Poly1DType(Coefs=arr[:last_ind])
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pulse_rep_freq *= 2
        lines_processed = [
            float(entry.text) for entry in self._findall('./imageGenerationParameters'
        # there should be one entry of num_lines_processed for each transmit/receive polarization
        # and they should all be the same. Omit if this is not the case.
        if (len(lines_processed) == len(tx_rcv_polarizations)) and \
                all(x == lines_processed[0] for x in lines_processed):
            num_lines_processed = lines_processed[0]*len(tx_pols)
            duration = num_lines_processed/pulse_rep_freq
            timeline.CollectDuration = duration
            timeline.IPP = [IPPSetType(
                index=0, TStart=0, TEnd=duration, IPPStart=0,
                IPPPoly=Poly1DType(Coefs=(0, pulse_rep_freq))), ]
        return timeline
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        # prepare array workspace
        out = numpy.copy(self._coefs)
        if t_0 != 0 and out.size > 1:
            siz = out.size
            # let's use horner's method, so iterate from top down
            for i in range(siz):
                index = siz-i-1
                if i > 0:
                    out[index:siz-1] -= t_0*out[index+1:siz]

        if alpha != 1 and out.size > 1:
            out *= numpy.power(alpha, numpy.arange(out.size))

        if return_poly:
            return Poly1DType(Coefs=out)
            return out
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az_rate_poly_ind = int(numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(az_rate_times - sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0])))
            az_rate_poly = Poly1DType(Coefs=k_a_poly[az_rate_poly_ind])
            dr_ca_poly = az_rate_poly.shift(t_0=az_rate_t0[az_rate_poly_ind] - range_time_scp,
            r_ca = numpy.array([sicd.RMA.INCA.R_CA_SCP, 1], dtype=numpy.float64)
            sicd.RMA.INCA.DRateSFPoly = numpy.reshape(
                -numpy.convolve(dr_ca_poly, r_ca)*(speed_of_light/(2*center_frequency*vm_ca*vm_ca)),
                (-1, 1))
            # Doppler Centroid
            dc_est_times, dc_t0, data_dc_poly = get_doppler_estimates(start)
            # find the closest doppler centroid polynomial
            dc_poly_ind = int(numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(dc_est_times - sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0])))
            # we are going to move the respective polynomial from reference point as dc_t0 to
            # reference point at SCP time.
            dc_poly = Poly1DType(Coefs=data_dc_poly[dc_poly_ind])

            # Fit DeltaKCOAPoly, DopCentroidPoly, and TimeCOAPoly from data
            tau_0 = float(root_node.find('./imageAnnotation/imageInformation/slantRangeTime').text)
            delta_tau_s = 1./float(root_node.find('./generalAnnotation/productInformation/rangeSamplingRate').text)
            image_data = sicd.ImageData
            grid = sicd.Grid
            inca = sicd.RMA.INCA
            # common use for the fitting efforts
            poly_order = 2
            grid_samples = poly_order + 4
            cols = numpy.linspace(0, image_data.NumCols - 1, grid_samples, dtype=numpy.int64)
            rows = numpy.linspace(0, image_data.NumRows - 1, grid_samples, dtype=numpy.int64)
            coords_az = get_im_physical_coords(cols, grid, image_data, 'col')
            coords_rg = get_im_physical_coords(rows, grid, image_data, 'row')
            coords_az_2d, coords_rg_2d = numpy.meshgrid(coords_az, coords_rg)
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def update_timeline(sicd, band_name):  # type: (SICDType, str) -> None
            prf = band_dict[band_name]['PRF']
            duration = sicd.Timeline.CollectDuration
            ipp_el = sicd.Timeline.IPP[0]
            ipp_el.IPPEnd = duration
            ipp_el.TEnd = duration
            ipp_el.IPPPoly = Poly1DType(Coefs=(0, prf))
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        der_order : int
            the order of the derivative
        return_poly : bool
            return a Poly1DType if True, otherwise return the coefficient array.


        coefs = numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyder(self._coefs, der_order)
        if return_poly:
            return Poly1DType(Coefs=coefs)
        return coefs
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def update_rma_and_grid(sicd, first_line_relative_start, start, return_time_dets=False):
            # type: (SICDType, Union[float, int], numpy.datetime64, bool) -> Union[None, Tuple[float, float]]
            center_frequency = get_center_frequency()
            # set TimeCAPoly
            ss_zd_s = get_image_col_spacing_zdt()
            eta_mid = ss_zd_s * float(out_sicd.ImageData.SCPPixel.Col)
            sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly = Poly1DType(
                Coefs=[first_line_relative_start+eta_mid, ss_zd_s/out_sicd.Grid.Col.SS])
            range_time_scp = sicd.RMA.INCA.R_CA_SCP*2/speed_of_light
            # get velocity polynomial
            vel_poly = sicd.Position.ARPPoly.derivative(1, return_poly=True)
            # We pick a single velocity magnitude at closest approach to represent
            # the entire burst.  This is valid, since the magnitude of the velocity
            # changes very little.
            vm_ca = numpy.linalg.norm(vel_poly(sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0]))
            az_rate_times, az_rate_t0, k_a_poly = get_azimuth_fm_estimates(start)
            # find the closest fm rate polynomial
            az_rate_poly_ind = int(numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(az_rate_times - sicd.RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly[0])))
            az_rate_poly = Poly1DType(Coefs=k_a_poly[az_rate_poly_ind])
            dr_ca_poly = az_rate_poly.shift(t_0=az_rate_t0[az_rate_poly_ind] - range_time_scp,
            r_ca = numpy.array([sicd.RMA.INCA.R_CA_SCP, 1], dtype=numpy.float64)
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    Represents a single variable polynomial for each of `X`, `Y`, and `Z`. This gives position in ECF coordinates
    as a function of a single dependent variable.

    _fields = ('X', 'Y', 'Z')
    _required = _fields
    # descriptors
    X = _SerializableDescriptor(
        'X', Poly1DType, _required, strict=True,
        docstring='The polynomial for the X coordinate.')  # type: Poly1DType
    Y = _SerializableDescriptor(
        'Y', Poly1DType, _required, strict=True,
        docstring='The polynomial for the Y coordinate.')  # type: Poly1DType
    Z = _SerializableDescriptor(
        'Z', Poly1DType, _required, strict=True,
        docstring='The polynomial for the Z coordinate.')  # type: Poly1DType

    def __init__(self, X=None, Y=None, Z=None, **kwargs):
        X : Poly1DType|numpy.ndarray|list|tuple
        Y : Poly1DType|numpy.ndarray|list|tuple
        Z : Poly1DType|numpy.ndarray|list|tuple
        kwargs : dict

        if '_xml_ns' in kwargs:
            self._xml_ns = kwargs['_xml_ns']
        if '_xml_ns_key' in kwargs:
            self._xml_ns_key = kwargs['_xml_ns_key']