How to use the sarpy.compliance.int_func function in sarpy

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github ngageoint / sarpy / sarpy / io / complex / sicd_elements / View on Github external
        if not issubclass(array_extension, SerializableArray):
            raise TypeError('array_extension must be a subclass of SerializableArray.')
        self.child_type = child_type
        tags = tag_dict[name]
        self.array = tags.get('array', False)
        if not self.array:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attribute {} is populated in the `_collection_tags` dictionary without `array`=True. '
                'This is inconsistent with using _SerializableArrayDescriptor.'.format(name))

        self.child_tag = tags['child_tag']
        self._typ_string = 'numpy.ndarray[{}]:'.format(str(child_type).strip().split('.')[-1][:-2])
        self.array_extension = array_extension

        self.minimum_length = self._DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH if minimum_length is None else int_func(minimum_length)
        self.maximum_length = self._DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH if maximum_length is None else int_func(maximum_length)
        if self.minimum_length > self.maximum_length:
            raise ValueError(
                'Specified minimum length is {}, while specified maximum length is {}'.format(
                    self.minimum_length, self.maximum_length))
        super(_SerializableArrayDescriptor, self).__init__(name, required, strict=strict, docstring=docstring)
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def from_node(cls, node, xml_ns, ns_key=None, kwargs=None):
        order1 = int_func(node.attrib['order1'])
        order2 = int_func(node.attrib['order2'])
        coefs = numpy.zeros((order1+1, order2+1), dtype=numpy.float64)

        coef_key = cls._child_xml_ns_key.get('Coefs', ns_key)
        coef_nodes = _find_children(node, 'Coef', xml_ns, coef_key)
        for cnode in coef_nodes:
            ind1 = int_func(cnode.attrib['exponent1'])
            ind2 = int_func(cnode.attrib['exponent2'])
            val = float(_get_node_value(cnode))
            coefs[ind1, ind2] = val
        return cls(Coefs=coefs)
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def from_node(cls, node, xml_ns, ns_key=None, kwargs=None):
        dim1 = int_func(node.attrib['size'])
        dim2 = int_func(node.attrib['numLuts'])
        arr = numpy.zeros((dim1, dim2), dtype=numpy.uint16)

        lut_key = cls._child_xml_ns_key.get('LUTValues', ns_key)
        lut_nodes = _find_children(node, 'LUTValues', xml_ns, lut_key)
        for i, lut_node in enumerate(lut_nodes):
            arr[:, i] = [str(el) for el in _get_node_value(lut_node)]
        if numpy.max(arr) < 256:
            arr = numpy.cast[numpy.uint8](arr)
        return cls(LUTValues=arr)
github ngageoint / sarpy / sarpy / io / general / View on Github external
# get the bytes offset for this nitf image segment
            this_rows, this_cols = img_header.NROWS, img_header.NCOLS
            if this_rows > rows or this_cols > cols:
                raise ValueError(
                    'NITF image segment at index {} has size ({}, {}), and cannot be part of an image of size '
                    '({}, {})'.format(index, this_rows, this_cols, rows, cols))

            # horizontal block details
            horizontal_block_size = this_rows
            if img_header.NBPR != 1:
                if (this_cols % img_header.NBPR) != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The number of blocks per row is listed as {}, but this is '
                        'not equally divisible into the number of columns {}'.format(img_header.NBPR, this_cols))
                horizontal_block_size = int_func(this_cols/img_header.NBPR)

            # vertical block details
            vertical_block_size = this_cols
            if img_header.NBPC != 1:
                if (this_rows % img_header.NBPC) != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The number of blocks per column is listed as {}, but this is '
                        'not equally divisible into the number of rows {}'.format(img_header.NBPC, this_rows))
                vertical_block_size = int_func(this_rows/img_header.NBPC)

            # determine where this image segment fits in the overall image
            if i == 0:
                # establish the beginning
                cur_row_start, cur_row_end = 0, this_rows
                cur_col_start, cur_col_end = 0, this_cols
            elif p_col_end < cols:
github ngageoint / sarpy / sarpy / io / general / View on Github external
ind2 = rng[0] + mult2*rng[2]
                if rng[0] < start_ind or rng[1] >= stop_ind:
                    return None, None
                # find largest element rng[0] + mult*rng[2] which is <= stop_ind-1
                mult1 = 0 if rng[0] < stop_ind else int_func(numpy.floor((stop_ind - 1 - rng[0])/rng[2]))
                ind1 = rng[0] + mult1*rng[2]
                # find smallest element rng[0] + mult*rng[2] which is >= max(start_ind, rng[1]+1)
                mult2 = int_func(numpy.floor((start_ind - rng[0])/rng[2])) if rng[1] < start_ind \
                    else int_func(numpy.floor((rng[1] -1 - rng[0])/rng[2]))
                ind2 = rng[0] + mult2*rng[2]
            return (ind1, ind2, rng[2]), (mult1, mult2)

        range1, range2 = self._reorder_arguments(range1, range2)
        rows_size = int_func((range1[1]-range1[0])/range1[2])
        cols_size = int_func((range2[1]-range2[0])/range2[2])

        if self._bands_ip == 1:
            out = numpy.empty((rows_size, cols_size), dtype=numpy.complex64)
            out = numpy.empty((rows_size, cols_size, self._bands_ip), dtype=numpy.complex64)
        for entry, child_chipper in zip(self._bounds, self._child_chippers):
            row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end = entry
            # find row overlap for chipper - it's rectangular
            crange1, cinds1 = subset(range1, row_start, row_end)
            if crange1 is None:
                continue  # there is no row overlap for this chipper

            # find column overlap for chipper - it's rectangular
            crange2, cinds2 = subset(range2, col_start, col_end)
            if crange2 is None:
                continue  # there is no column overlap for this chipper
github ngageoint / sarpy / sarpy / io / general / View on Github external

    start, stop, step = None, None, None
    if arg is None:
    elif isinstance(arg, integer_types):
        step = arg
        # NB: following this pattern to avoid confused pycharm inspection
        if len(arg) == 1:
            step = arg[0]
        elif len(arg) == 2:
            stop, step = arg
        elif len(arg) == 3:
            start, stop, step = arg
    start = 0 if start is None else int_func(start)
    stop = siz if stop is None else int_func(stop)
    step = 1 if step is None else int_func(step)
    # basic validity check
    if not (-siz < start < siz):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted start {}, which is required '
            'to be in the range [0, {})'.format(arg, start, siz))
    if not (-siz < stop <= siz):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted "stop" {}, which is required '
            'to be in the range [0, {}]'.format(arg, stop, siz))
    if not ((0 < step < siz) or (-siz < step < 0)):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted step {}, for an axis of length '
            '{}'.format(arg, start, siz))
    if ((step < 0) and (stop > start)) or ((step > 0) and (start > stop)):
github ngageoint / sarpy / sarpy / io / complex / sicd_elements / View on Github external
def __init__(self, name, tag_dict, required, strict=DEFAULT_STRICT,
                 minimum_length=None, maximum_length=None, docstring=None):
        self.child_tag = tag_dict[name]['child_tag']
        self.minimum_length = self._DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH if minimum_length is None else int_func(minimum_length)
        self.maximum_length = self._DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH if maximum_length is None else int_func(maximum_length)
        if self.minimum_length > self.maximum_length:
            raise ValueError(
                'Specified minimum length is {}, while specified maximum length is {}'.format(
                    self.minimum_length, self.maximum_length))
        super(_IntegerListDescriptor, self).__init__(name, required, strict=strict, docstring=docstring)
github ngageoint / sarpy / sarpy / io / general / View on Github external
if not (isinstance(complex_type, bool) or callable(complex_type)):
            raise ValueError('complex-type must be a boolean or a callable')
        self._complex_type = complex_type

        if self._complex_type is True and != 'float32':
            raise ValueError(
                'complex_type = `True`, which requires that data for writing has '
                'dtype complex64/128, and output is written as float32 (data_type). '
                'data_type is given as {}.'.format(data_type))
        if callable(self._complex_type) and not in ('uint8', 'int16'):
            raise ValueError(
                'complex_type is callable, which requires that dtype complex64/128, '
                'and output is written as uint8 or uint16. '
                'data_type is given as {}.'.format(

        self._data_offset = int_func(data_offset)
        if self._complex_type is False:
            self._shape = self._data_size
            self._shape = (self._data_size[0], self._data_size[1], 2)

        self._memory_map = None
        self._fid = None
            self._memory_map = numpy.memmap(self._file_name,
        except (OverflowError, OSError):
            # if 32-bit python, then we'll fail for any file larger than 2GB
            # we fall-back to a slower version of reading manually
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def _call(self, start1, stop1, start2, stop2, data):
        if self._memory_map is not None:
            self._memory_map[start1:stop1, start2:stop2, :] = data

        # we have to fall-back to manually write
        element_size = int_func(self._data_type.itemsize)
        if len(self._shape) == 3:
            element_size *= int_func(self._shape[2])
        stride = element_size*int_func(self._data_size[0])
        # go to the appropriate spot in the file for first entry + stride*start1 + element_size*start2)
        if start1 == 0 and stop1 == self._data_size[0]:
            # we can write the block all at once
            # have to write one row at a time
            bytes_to_skip_per_row = element_size*(self._data_size[0]-(stop1-start1))
            for i, row in enumerate(data):
                # we the row, and then skip to where the next row starts
                if i < len(data) - 1:
                    # don't seek on last entry (avoid segfault, or whatever)
          , os.SEEK_CUR)
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def from_node(cls, node, xml_ns, ns_key=None, kwargs=None):
        order1 = int_func(node.attrib['order1'])
        order2 = int_func(node.attrib['order2'])
        coefs = numpy.zeros((order1+1, order2+1), dtype=numpy.float64)

        coef_key = cls._child_xml_ns_key.get('Coefs', ns_key)
        coef_nodes = _find_children(node, 'Coef', xml_ns, coef_key)
        for cnode in coef_nodes:
            ind1 = int_func(cnode.attrib['exponent1'])
            ind2 = int_func(cnode.attrib['exponent2'])
            val = float(_get_node_value(cnode))
            coefs[ind1, ind2] = val
        return cls(Coefs=coefs)