How to use the sacred.observers.SlackObserver.from_config function in sacred

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sacred examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github HumanCompatibleAI / human_aware_rl / human_aware_rl / ppo / View on Github external
# environment variable that tells us whether this code is running on the server or not
# LOCAL_TESTING = os.getenv('RUN_ENV', 'production') == 'local'

# Sacred setup (must be before rllib imports)
from sacred import Experiment
ex = Experiment("PPO RLLib")

# Necessary work-around to make sacred pickling compatible with rllib
from sacred import SETTINGS

# Slack notification configuration
from sacred.observers import SlackObserver
if os.path.exists('slack.json') and not LOCAL_TESTING:
    slack_obs = SlackObserver.from_config('slack.json')

    # Necessary for capturing stdout in multiprocessing setting

# rllib and rllib-dependent imports
# Note: tensorflow and tensorflow dependent imports must also come after rllib imports
# This is because rllib disables eager execution. Otherwise, it must be manually disabled
import ray
from ray.tune.result import DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo.ppo import PPOTrainer
from human_aware_rl.ppo.ppo_rllib import RllibPPOModel, RllibLSTMPPOModel
from human_aware_rl.rllib.rllib import OvercookedMultiAgent, save_trainer, gen_trainer_from_params
from human_aware_rl.imitation.behavior_cloning_tf2 import BehaviorCloningPolicy, BC_SAVE_DIR
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / learning_transforms / View on Github external
return loss
    for i in range(N_LBFGS_STEPS):
        optimizer.step(closure), str((Path(trial.logdir) / trial._checkpoint.value).parent / 'polished_model.pth'))
    eye = torch.eye(polished_model.size)
    x = (eye[:, :, None, None] * torch.eye(2)).unsqueeze(-1)
    y = polished_model(x[:, trainable.br_perm])
    loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(y, trainable.target_matrix)
    return loss.item()

ex = Experiment('Ops_factorization')
slack_config_path = Path('config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def fixed_order_config():
    size = 8  # Size of matrix to factor, must be power of 2
    ntrials = 20  # Number of trials for hyperparameter tuning
    nsteps = 400  # Number of steps per epoch
    nmaxepochs = 200  # Maximum number of epochs
    result_dir = 'results'  # Directory to store results
    nthreads = 1  # Number of CPU threads per job
    smoke_test = False  # Finish quickly for testing

def ops_experiment(size, ntrials, nsteps, result_dir, nthreads, smoke_test):
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / transformer / View on Github external
'ensemble_bleu_test': BLEU_ensm_test,

    def _save(self, checkpoint_dir):
        checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "model_optimizer.pth")
        return checkpoint_path

    def _restore(self, checkpoint_path):

ex = Experiment('Transformer_experiment')
slack_config_path = Path('../config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def default_config():
    model = 'DynamicConv'  # Name of model, either 'DynamicConv' or 'Transformer'
    model_args = {}  # Arguments to be passed to the model, as a dictionary
    n_encoder_structure_layer = 0  # Number of structured layer in the encoder
    n_decoder_structure_layer = 0  # Number of structured layer in the decoder
    structure_type = 'B'  # 'B' for butterfly or BBT for product of 2 butterflies
    nblocks = 0  # Number of (BB^T) blocks in structure
    structured_attention = False  # Whether attention layers are structured
    ntrials = 20  # Number of trials for hyperparameter tuning
    nmaxupdates = 50000  # Maximum number of updates
    result_dir = project_root + '/transformer/results'  # Directory to store results
    cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()  # Whether to use GPU
    smoke_test = False  # Finish quickly for testing
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / View on Github external
        loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm], trainable.target_matrix)
        return loss
    for i in range(N_LBFGS_STEPS):
        optimizer.step(closure), str((Path(trial.logdir) / trial._checkpoint.value).parent / 'polished_model.pth'))
    loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm], trainable.target_matrix)
    return loss.item()

ex = Experiment('Dct_factorization')
slack_config_path = Path('config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def softmax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'softmax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def sparsemax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'sparsemax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def fixed_order_config():
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / learning_transforms / View on Github external
loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm, 0], trainable.target_matrix)
        return loss
    for i in range(N_LBFGS_STEPS):
        optimizer.step(closure), str((Path(trial.logdir) / trial._checkpoint.value).parent / 'polished_model.pth'))
    loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm, 0], trainable.target_matrix)
    return loss.item()

ex = Experiment('Circulant_factorization')
slack_config_path = Path('config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def softmax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'softmax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def sparsemax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'sparsemax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def fixed_order_config():
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / learning_transforms / View on Github external
loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm, 0], trainable.target_matrix)
        return loss
    for i in range(N_LBFGS_STEPS):
        optimizer.step(closure), str((Path(trial.logdir) / trial._checkpoint.value).parent / 'polished_model.pth'))
    loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm, 0], trainable.target_matrix)
    return loss.item()

ex = Experiment('VandermondeEval_factorization')
slack_config_path = Path('config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def softmax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'softmax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def sparsemax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'sparsemax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def fixed_order_config():
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / learning_transforms / View on Github external
# Hack: create new instance without call __init__, since trainable.__init__
    # creates result_dir and log_dir in the wrong place (~/ray_results)
    trainable_cls = TrainableBP
    trainable = trainable_cls.__new__(trainable_cls)
    trainable.restore(str(Path(trial.logdir) / trial._checkpoint.value))
    loss = trainable.polish(N_LBFGS_STEPS, save_to_self_model=True), str((Path(trial.logdir) / trial._checkpoint.value).parent / 'polished_model.pth'))
    return loss

ex = Experiment('Transform_factorization')
slack_config_path = Path('config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def default_config():
    model = 'BP'
    target = 'dft'  # The target matrix to factor ('dft', 'idft', 'dct', 'hadamard')
    size = 8  # Size of matrix to factor, must be power of 2
    complex = True  # Whether to use complex factorization or real factorization
    fixed_order = True  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    ntrials = 20  # Number of trials for hyperparameter tuning
    nsteps = 400  # Number of steps per epoch
    nepochsvalid = 5  # Frequency of validation (polishing), in terms of epochs
    nmaxepochs = 200  # Maximum number of epochs
    result_dir = project_root + '/results_new'  # Directory to store results
    cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()  # Whether to use GPU
    nthreads = 1  # Number of CPU threads per job
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / cnn / View on Github external
#                             lr=config['lr'], weight_decay=config['weight_decay'])
        # self.optimizer.param_groups[1].update({'weight_decay': 0.0})
        # self.optimizer.param_groups[0].update({'params': permutation_params})
        # self.optimizer.param_groups[1].update({'params': unstructured_params})

        # self.scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(self.optimizer)
        self.scheduler.optimizer = self.optimizer

ex = Experiment('Permutation_experiment')
slack_config_path = Path('../config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def default_config():
    dataset = 'PPCIFAR10'
    model = 'PResNet18'  # Name of model, see
    args = {}  # Arguments to be passed to the model, as a dictionary
    optimizer = 'Adam'  # Which optimizer to use, either Adam or SGD
    lr_decay = True  # Whether to use learning rate decay
    lr_decay_period = 50  # Period of learning rate decay
    plr_min = 1e-4
    plr_max = 1e-3
    weight_decay = True  # Whether to use weight decay
    pwd = True
    pwd_min = 1e-4
    pwd_max = 5e-4
github HazyResearch / learning-circuits / learning_transforms / View on Github external
        loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm], trainable.target_matrix)
        return loss
    for i in range(N_LBFGS_STEPS_VALIDATION):
    loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(polished_model.matrix()[:, trainable.perm], trainable.target_matrix)
    # return loss.item() if not torch.isnan(loss) else preopt_loss.item() if not torch.isnan(preopt_loss) else float('inf')
    return loss.item() if not torch.isnan(loss) else preopt_loss.item() if not torch.isnan(preopt_loss) else 9999.0

ex = Experiment('Fft_factorization')
slack_config_path = Path('config/slack.json')  # Add webhook_url there for Slack notification
if slack_config_path.exists():

def softmax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'softmax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def sparsemax_config():
    fixed_order = False  # Whether the order of the factors are fixed
    softmax_fn = 'sparsemax'  # Whether to use softmax (+ semantic loss) or sparsemax

def fixed_order_config():