How to use the reliability.Fitters.Fit_Lognormal_3P function in reliability

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few reliability examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external
iterations = 0
        offset = 0.0001  # this is to ensure the upper bound for gamma is not equal to min(data) which would result in inf log-likelihood. This small offset fixes that issue
        while success is False:
            iterations += 1
            if iterations == 1:
                # get a quick initial guess using the minimum of the data
                if min(all_data) <= np.e:
                    self.gamma = 0
                    self.gamma = np.log(min(all_data))
                gamma_initial_guess = self.gamma
                # get a better guess for gamma by optimizing the LL of a shifted distribution. This will only be run if the first attempt didn't work
                gamma_initial_guess = min(all_data) - offset
                bnds1 = [(0, min(all_data) - offset)]  # bounds on the solution. Helps a lot with stability
                gamma_res = minimize(Fit_Lognormal_3P.gamma_optimizer, gamma_initial_guess, args=(failures, right_censored), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bnds1)
                self.gamma = gamma_res.x[0]

            # obtain the initial guess for mu and sigma
            data_shifted = all_data - self.gamma
            sp =, floc=0, optimizer='powell')  # scipy's answer is used as an initial guess. Scipy is only correct when there is no censored data
            guess = [np.log(sp[2]), sp[0], self.gamma]
            self.initial_guess = guess
            k = len(guess)
            n = len(all_data)

            delta_BIC = 1
            BIC_array = [1000000]
            runs = 0

            gamma_lower_bound = 0.85 * gamma_initial_guess  # 0.85 is found to be the optimal point to minimise the error while also not causing autograd to fail
            bnds2 = [(-10, None), (0, None), (gamma_lower_bound, min(all_data) - offset)]  # bounds on the solution. Helps a lot with stability
github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external
self.initial_guess = guess
            k = len(guess)
            n = len(all_data)

            delta_BIC = 1
            BIC_array = [1000000]
            runs = 0

            gamma_lower_bound = 0.85 * gamma_initial_guess  # 0.85 is found to be the optimal point to minimise the error while also not causing autograd to fail
            bnds2 = [(-10, None), (0, None), (gamma_lower_bound, min(all_data) - offset)]  # bounds on the solution. Helps a lot with stability
            while delta_BIC > 0.001 and runs < 5:  # exits after BIC convergence or 5 iterations
                runs += 1
                result = minimize(value_and_grad(Fit_Lognormal_3P.LL), guess, args=(failures, right_censored), jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bnds2)
                params = result.x
                guess = [params[0], params[1], params[2]]
                LL2 = 2 * Fit_Lognormal_3P.LL(guess, failures, right_censored)
                BIC_array.append(np.log(n) * k + LL2)
                delta_BIC = abs(BIC_array[-1] - BIC_array[-2])
            success = result.success

        if result.success is True:
            params = result.x
            self.success = True
   = params[0]
            self.sigma = params[1]
            self.gamma = params[2]
            self.success = False
            print('WARNING: Fitting using Autograd FAILED for Lognormal_3P. The fit from Scipy was used instead so the results may not be accurate.')
            sp =, optimizer='powell')
   = np.log(sp[2])
            self.sigma = sp[0]
github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external
def LL(params, T_f, T_rc):  # log likelihood function (3 parameter Lognormal)
        LL_f = 0
        LL_rc = 0
        LL_f += Fit_Lognormal_3P.logf(T_f, params[0], params[1], params[2]).sum()  # failure times
        LL_rc += Fit_Lognormal_3P.logR(T_rc, params[0], params[1], params[2]).sum()  # right censored times
        return -(LL_f + LL_rc)
github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external = np.log(sp[2])
            self.sigma = sp[0]
            self.gamma = sp[1]

        params = [, self.sigma, self.gamma]
        self.loglik2 = LL2
        if n - k - 1 > 0:
            self.AICc = 2 * k + LL2 + (2 * k ** 2 + 2 * k) / (n - k - 1)
            self.AICc = 'Insufficient data'
        self.BIC = np.log(n) * k + LL2
        self.distribution = Lognormal_Distribution(, sigma=self.sigma, gamma=self.gamma)

        # confidence interval estimates of parameters
        Z = -ss.norm.ppf((1 - CI) / 2)
        hessian_matrix = hessian(Fit_Lognormal_3P.LL)(np.array(tuple(params)), np.array(tuple(failures)), np.array(tuple(right_censored)))
        covariance_matrix = np.linalg.inv(hessian_matrix)
        self.mu_SE = abs(covariance_matrix[0][0]) ** 0.5
        self.sigma_SE = abs(covariance_matrix[1][1]) ** 0.5
        self.gamma_SE = abs(covariance_matrix[2][2]) ** 0.5
        self.mu_upper = + (Z * self.mu_SE)  # Mu can be positive or negative.
        self.mu_lower = + (-Z * self.mu_SE)
        self.sigma_upper = self.sigma * (np.exp(Z * (self.sigma_SE / self.sigma)))  # sigma is strictly positive
        self.sigma_lower = self.sigma * (np.exp(-Z * (self.sigma_SE / self.sigma)))
        self.gamma_upper = self.gamma * (np.exp(Z * (self.gamma_SE / self.gamma)))  # here we assume gamma can only be positive as there are bounds placed on it in the optimizer. Minitab assumes positive or negative so bounds are different
        self.gamma_lower = self.gamma * (np.exp(-Z * (self.gamma_SE / self.gamma)))

        Data = {'Parameter': ['Mu', 'Sigma', 'Gamma'],
                'Point Estimate': [, self.sigma, self.gamma],
                'Standard Error': [self.mu_SE, self.sigma_SE, self.gamma_SE],
                'Lower CI': [self.mu_lower, self.sigma_lower, self.gamma_lower],
                'Upper CI': [self.mu_upper, self.sigma_upper, self.gamma_upper]}
github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external
def LL(params, T_f, T_rc):  # log likelihood function (3 parameter Lognormal)
        LL_f = 0
        LL_rc = 0
        LL_f += Fit_Lognormal_3P.logf(T_f, params[0], params[1], params[2]).sum()  # failure times
        LL_rc += Fit_Lognormal_3P.logR(T_rc, params[0], params[1], params[2]).sum()  # right censored times
        return -(LL_f + LL_rc)
github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external
label = str('Fitted Lognormal_2P (μ=' + str(round_to_decimals(mu, dec)) + ', σ=' + str(round_to_decimals(sigma, dec)) + ')')
        if 'color' in kwargs:
            color = kwargs.pop('color')
            data_color = color
            color = 'red'
            data_color = 'k'
    elif fit_gamma is True:
        if __fitted_dist_params is not None:
            mu =
            sigma = __fitted_dist_params.sigma
            gamma = __fitted_dist_params.gamma
            from reliability.Fitters import Fit_Lognormal_3P
            fit = Fit_Lognormal_3P(failures=failures, right_censored=right_censored, show_probability_plot=False, print_results=False)
            mu =
            sigma = fit.sigma
            gamma = fit.gamma
        lnf = Lognormal_Distribution(mu=mu, sigma=sigma).CDF(show_plot=False, xvals=xvals)
        if 'label' in kwargs:
            label = kwargs.pop('label')
            label = str('Fitted Lognormal_3P (μ=' + str(round_to_decimals(mu, dec)) + ', σ=' + str(round_to_decimals(sigma, dec)) + ', γ=' + str(round_to_decimals(gamma, dec)) + ')')
        if 'color' in kwargs:
            color = kwargs.pop('color')
            data_color = color
            color = 'red'
            data_color = 'k'
        plt.xlabel('Time - gamma')
        failures = failures - gamma
github MatthewReid854 / reliability / reliability / View on Github external
self.__Gamma_3P_params = Fit_Gamma_3P(failures=failures, right_censored=right_censored, show_probability_plot=False, print_results=False)
        self.Gamma_3P_alpha = self.__Gamma_3P_params.alpha
        self.Gamma_3P_beta = self.__Gamma_3P_params.beta
        self.Gamma_3P_gamma = self.__Gamma_3P_params.gamma
        self.Gamma_3P_BIC = self.__Gamma_3P_params.BIC
        self.Gamma_3P_AICc = self.__Gamma_3P_params.AICc
        self._parametric_CDF_Gamma_3P = self.__Gamma_3P_params.distribution.CDF(xvals=d, show_plot=False)

        self.__Expon_2P_params = Fit_Expon_2P(failures=failures, right_censored=right_censored, show_probability_plot=False, print_results=False)
        self.Expon_2P_lambda = self.__Expon_2P_params.Lambda
        self.Expon_2P_gamma = self.__Expon_2P_params.gamma
        self.Expon_2P_BIC = self.__Expon_2P_params.BIC
        self.Expon_2P_AICc = self.__Expon_2P_params.AICc
        self._parametric_CDF_Exponential_2P = self.__Expon_2P_params.distribution.CDF(xvals=d, show_plot=False)

        self.__Lognormal_3P_params = Fit_Lognormal_3P(failures=failures, right_censored=right_censored, show_probability_plot=False, print_results=False)
        self.Lognormal_3P_mu =
        self.Lognormal_3P_sigma = self.__Lognormal_3P_params.sigma
        self.Lognormal_3P_gamma = self.__Lognormal_3P_params.gamma
        self.Lognormal_3P_BIC = self.__Lognormal_3P_params.BIC
        self.Lognormal_3P_AICc = self.__Lognormal_3P_params.AICc
        self._parametric_CDF_Lognormal_3P = self.__Lognormal_3P_params.distribution.CDF(xvals=d, show_plot=False)

        self.__Normal_2P_params = Fit_Normal_2P(failures=failures, right_censored=right_censored, show_probability_plot=False, print_results=False)
        self.Normal_2P_mu =
        self.Normal_2P_sigma = self.__Normal_2P_params.sigma
        self.Normal_2P_BIC = self.__Normal_2P_params.BIC
        self.Normal_2P_AICc = self.__Normal_2P_params.AICc
        self._parametric_CDF_Normal_2P = self.__Normal_2P_params.distribution.CDF(xvals=d, show_plot=False)

        self.__Lognormal_2P_params = Fit_Lognormal_2P(failures=failures, right_censored=right_censored, show_probability_plot=False, print_results=False)
        self.Lognormal_2P_mu =