How to use the radis.misc.printer.printg function in radis

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df: DataFrame
            list of transitions
        Other Parameters
        calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic: boolean
            if ``True``, calculate harmonic and anharmonic components of 
            vibrational energies (for Treanor distributions)

        if self.verbose:
            print('Fetching Evib & Erot.')
            if self.verbose >= 2: 
                  printg('If using this code several' +
                  ' times you should consider updating the database' +
                  ' directly. See functions in ')

        from import HITRAN_CLASS1, HITRAN_CLASS5

        # Different methods to get Evib and Erot:
        # fetch energies from precomputed CDSD levels: one Evib per (p, c) group
        if self.params.levelsfmt == 'cdsd-pc':     
            return self._add_EvibErot_CDSD_pc(df, calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic=calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic)

        # fetch energies from precomputed CDSD levels: one Evib per (p, c, N) group
        elif self.params.levelsfmt == 'cdsd-pcN':
            return self._add_EvibErot_CDSD_pcN(df, calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic=calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic)

        # fetch energies from CDSD levels calculated from Hamiltonian: one Evib per (p, c, J, N) group
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Performances of buffer mode:
        on the 2Gb CDSD-HITEMP database (1-20), already cached in .h5
        - ``'RAM'``: 7.1 s
        - ``'h5'``: 21 s 

        # Check inputs
        assert db_use_cached in [True, False, 'regen']
        assert buffer in ['RAM', 'h5', 'direct']
        if self.verbose >= 2:
            printg('Loading Line databank')
            t0 = time()

        # Init variables
        verbose = self.verbose
        warnings_default = self.warnings['default'] if self.warnings else False
        wavenum_min = self.params.wavenum_min_calc
        wavenum_max = self.params.wavenum_max_calc

        # Check inputs
        if buffer == 'direct':
            assert len(database) == 1
            assert database[0].endswith('h5')
        if drop_columns == 'auto':
            drop_columns = (drop_auto_columns_for_dbformat[dbformat] + 
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#            # (tested + see
            # partition function
            dgb = df.groupby(by=['id', 'iso'])
            for (id, iso), idx in dgb.indices.items():
                molecule = get_molecule(id)
                state = self.input.state
                parsum = get_parsum(molecule, iso, state)
      [idx, 'Qref'] =, update_populations=False)
                if radis.DEBUG_MODE:
                    assert (df.loc[idx, 'id'] == id).all()
                    assert (df.loc[idx, 'iso'] == iso).all()
        if self.verbose >= 3:
            printg('... map partition functions in {0:.2f}s'.format(time()-t1))
            t1 = time()
        # Correct linestrength

        # ... populations without abundance dependance (already in linestrength)
        nu =       # Note: populations are not corrected for abundance
        nl =
        # ... remove Qref, nref, etc.
        # start from for tabulated linestrength
        line_strength =

        # ... correct for lower state population
        line_strength /= ( * exp(-hc_k*df.El/Tref)/df.Qref)
        line_strength *= nl

        # ... correct effect of stimulated emission
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self.warn("There are not lines in database in range {0:.5f}-{1:.5f}cm-1 ".format(
                wavenum_min, wavenum_min + broadening) + "to calculate the effect " +
                "of neighboring lines. Did you add all lines in the database?",
        if maxwavdb < wavenum_max - broadening:
            # no lines on right side
            self.warn("There are not lines in database in range {0:.5f}-{1:.5f}cm-1 ".format(
                maxwavdb - broadening, maxwavdb) + "to calculate the effect " +
                "of neighboring lines. Did you add all lines in the database?",

        # Complete database with molecular parameters

        if self.verbose >= 2:
            printg('Loaded databank in {0:.1f}s ({1:,d} lines)'.format(time()-t0, len(df)))

        return df
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df: DataFrame
            list of transitions

        if __debug__:
                'called _add_Evib123Erot_RADIS_cls5_harmonicanharmonic()')

        molecule = self.input.molecule
        state = self.input.state           # electronic state
        # TODO: for multi-molecule mode: add loops on molecules and states too

        if self.verbose>=2:
            printg('Fetching vib / rot energies for all {0} transitions'.format(len(df)))
            t0 = time()

        # Check energy levels are here
        for iso in self._get_isotope_list(molecule):
            if not iso in self.parsum_calc[molecule]:
                raise AttributeError('No Partition function calculator defined for isotope {0}'.format(iso)
                                     + '. You need energies to calculate a non-equilibrium spectrum!'
                                     + ' Fill the levels parameter in your database definition, '
                                     + ' with energies of known format: {0}'.format(KNOWN_LVLFORMAT)
                                     + '. See SpectrumFactory.load_databank() help for more details')

        def get_Evib123_RADIS_cls5_1iso_ah(df, iso):
            ''' Fetch Evib & Erot for a given isotope (energies are specific
            to a given isotope). Returns harmonic, anharmonic components

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            store weak line status in dataframe as ``self.df1.weak_line``


        # Get inputs
        wavenumber_calc = self.wavenumber_calc     # size W
        wstep = self.params.wstep
        df = self.df1              # lines already scaled with current temperature, size N
        if self.verbose>=2:
            printg('... classifying lines as weak or strong')
            t0 = time()

        # Get approximate spectral absorption coefficient
        rough_spectrum, S_density_on_grid, line2grid_proj_left = project_lines_on_grid(
                                                       df, wavenumber_calc, wstep)

        #     :
        # ~ 1/(
        # Sizes:
        # - rough_spectrum:     size W
        # - S_density_on_grid:  size N
        # - line2grid_proj:     size N

        # Weak line criteria
        # ... Compare line density (in 1/( to sum)
        line_is_weak = S_density_on_grid < (
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waveunit=self.params.waveunit,  # cm-1
                # dont check input (much faster, and Spectrum
                # is freshly baken so probably in a good format

            # update database if asked so
            if self.autoupdatedatabase:
                self.SpecDatabase.add(s, if_exists_then='increment') 
                # Tvib=Trot=Tgas... but this way names in a database
                # generated with eq_spectrum are consistent with names
                # in one generated with non_eq_spectrum

            if self.verbose >= 2:
                printg('Generated spectrum in {0:.2f}s'.format(time()-t1))

            return s

            # An error occured: clean before crashing
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sumoflines_calc = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifft(Idlm_FT).real)
            sumoflines_calc = sumoflines_calc[len(wavenumber_calc)//2:len(wavenumber_calc)//2+len(wavenumber_calc)]
            sumoflines_calc /= self.params.wstep

            raise NotImplementedError(self._broadening_method)
        if __debug__:
            t3 = time()

        # Get valid range (discard wings)
        sumoflines = sumoflines_calc[self.woutrange]
        if __debug__:
            if self.verbose >= 3: 
                printg('... Initialized vectors in {0:.1f}s'.format(t1-t0))
                printg('... Get closest matching line & fraction in {0:.1f}s'.format(t2-t1))
                printg('... Distribute lines over DLM {0:.1f}s'.format(t21-t2))
                printg('... Convolve and sum on spectral range {0:.1f}s'.format(t3-t21))

        return wavenumber, sumoflines
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# Reduce line dataset to strong lines only
            self.df1 = df_strong_lines

        # Update number of lines

            self._Nlines_in_continuum = len(df_weak_lines)
            self._Nlines_calculated = len(self.df1)
            # Check performances
            time_spent = time()-t0
            # ... Expected broadening time gain (see Rule of Thumb) 
            expected_broadening_time_gain = (self._broadening_time_ruleofthumb*
            if self.verbose>=2:
                printg('Calculated pseudo-continuum in {0:.1f}s (expected time saved: {1:.1f}s)'.format(
                        time_spent, expected_broadening_time_gain))
                # Add a warning if it looks like it wasnt worth it
            if time_spent > 3*expected_broadening_time_gain:
                self.warn('Pseudo-continuum may not be adapted to this kind '+\
                          'of spectrum. Time spent on continuum calculation '+\
                          '({0:.1f}s) is much longer than expected gain ({1:.1f}s). '.format(
                           time_spent, expected_broadening_time_gain)+\
                          'If the calculation takes a lot of time, consider '+\
                          'setting pseudo_continuum_threshold=0. If it is fast '+\
                          'enough already, you can decrease the linestrength cutoff= '+\
                          'parameter to add discarded weak lines to continuum '+\
                          'and improve the calculation accuracy.',

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        if __debug__:
                'called _add_Evib123Erot_CDSD_pc(calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic={0})'.format(calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic))

        if calc_Evib_harmonic_anharmonic:
            raise NotImplementedError

        molecule = self.input.molecule
        state = self.input.state           # electronic state
        # TODO: for multi-molecule mode: add loops on molecules and states too
        assert molecule == 'CO2'

        if self.verbose>=2:
            printg('Fetching vib123 / rot energies for all {0} transitions'.format(len(df)))
            t0 = time()

        # Get Energy database
        if self.parsum_calc == {}:
            raise AttributeError('No Partition function calculator defined in this database'
                                 + '. You need energies to calculate a non-equilibrium spectrum!'
                                 + ' Fill the levels parameter in your database definition, '
                                 + ' with energies of known format: {0}'.format(KNOWN_LVLFORMAT)
                                 + '. See SpectrumFactory.load_databank() help for more details')

        def get_Evib123_CDSD_pc_1iso(df, iso):
            ''' Calculate Evib for a given isotope (energies are specific
            to a given isotope) '''
            # TODO: implement with map() instead (much faster!! see get_Evib_CDSD_* )
            energies = self.get_energy_levels(molecule, iso, state)