How to use the function in radis

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few radis examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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t1 = t0

        if len(df) == 0:
            return      # no lines in database, no need to go further

        # partition function
        # ... unlike the (tabulated) equilibrium case, here we recalculate it from
        # scratch

        dgb = df.groupby(by=['id', 'iso'])

        # TODO: optimize with np.take trick (see equilibrium case)
        for (id, iso), idx in dgb.indices.items():

            molecule = get_molecule(id)
            state = self.input.state
            parsum = self.get_partition_function_calculator(
                molecule, iso, state)
            Q = parsum.at_noneq_3Tvib(Tvib, Trot,
#            df.loc[idx, 'Qvib'] = Qvib
            df.loc[idx, 'Q'] = Q
#            dg_list.append(dg)
            if radis.DEBUG_MODE:
                assert (df.loc[idx, 'id'] == id).all()
                assert (df.loc[idx, 'iso'] == iso).all()
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wavenum_min, wavenum_max)) +
                   ' ({0:.2f}-{1:.2f}nm) Check your range !'.format(
                cm2nm(wavenum_min), cm2nm(wavenum_max)))
            raise ValueError(msg)

        maxwavdb = df.wav.max()
        minwavdb = df.wav.min()
        # ... Explicitely write molecule if not given
        if self.input.molecule in [None, '']:
            id_set =
            if len(id_set) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError('RADIS expects one molecule per run for the '+\
                                          "moment. Got {0}. Use different runs ".format(id_set)+\
                                          "and use MergeSlabs(out='transparent' afterwards")
            self.input.molecule = get_molecule(id_set[0])

        # ... explicitely write all isotopes based on isotopes found in the database
        if self.input.isotope == 'all':
            self.input.isotope = ','.join([str(k) for k in self._get_isotope_list(df=df)])

        # ... check all requested isotopes are present (only if not using 'all',
        # in which case we assume the user didnt really care about a particular 
        # isotope and shouldnt be surprised if it's not there)
            isotope_list = self._get_isotope_list()

            # check no isotope shows 0 line in this range. Raise an warning if it
            # happens
            for k in isotope_list:
                if not (sum(df.iso == k) > 0):
                    msg = (("Reference databank ({0:.2f}-{1:.2f}cm-1)".format(
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molecule = get_molecule(id_set[0])
            state = self.input.state
            parsum = self.get_partition_function_calculator(
                molecule, iso_set[0], state)    # partition function
            df.Qref =, update_populations=False)     # stored as attribute, not column    
            assert 'Qref' not in df.columns
            # normal method
            # still much faster than the groupby().apply() method (see radis<=0.9.19)
            # (tested + see
            dgb = df.groupby(by=['id', 'iso'])
            for (id, iso), idx in dgb.indices.items():
                molecule = get_molecule(id)
                state = self.input.state
                parsum = self.get_partition_function_calculator(
                    molecule, iso, state)    # partition function
      [idx, 'Qref'] =, update_populations=False)
                # ... note: do not update the populations here, so populations in the
                # ... energy level list correspond to the one calculated for T and not Tref
                if radis.DEBUG_MODE:
                    assert (df.loc[idx, 'id'] == id).all()
                    assert (df.loc[idx, 'iso'] == iso).all()
        # Get moment
        gl =
        El = df.El
        nu = df.wav
        Ia = df.Ia
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dbformat, KNOWN_DBFORMAT))
    if not lvlformat in KNOWN_LVLFORMAT:
        raise ValueError('lvlformat ({0}) should be one of: {1}'.format(
            lvlformat, KNOWN_LVLFORMAT))

    if verbose:
        t0 = time()
        print('... sorting lines by vibrational bands')

    # Calculate bands:
    id = list(pd.unique(df['id']))
    if len(id) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Cant calculate vibrational bands for multiple ' +
                         'molecules yet')  # although it's an easy fix. Just
        # groupby id
    molecule = get_molecule(id[0])

    if molecule == 'CO2':

        vib_lvl_name_hitran = vib_lvl_name_hitran_class5

        if lvlformat in ['cdsd-pc', 'cdsd-pcN', 'cdsd-hamil']:

            # ensures that vib_lvl_name functions wont crash
            if dbformat not in ['cdsd-hitemp', 'cdsd-4000', 'hitran']:
                raise NotImplementedError('lvlformat {0} not supported with dbformat {1}'.format(
                    lvlformat, dbformat))

            # Use vibrational nomenclature of CDSD (p,c,j,n) or HITRAN (v1v2l2v3J)
            # depending on the Level Database.
            # In both cases, store the other one.
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return None
            equilibrium = _is_at_equilibrium(sload['conditions'])
            if equilibrium is not None:
                sload['conditions']['thermal_equilibrium'] = equilibrium
                fixed = True
                printr("File {0}".format(basename(file))+" has a deprecrated structure (" +
                     "thermal_equilibrium not defined). Fixed it this time (guessed {0})".format(
                             equilibrium)+", but regenerate file ASAP.") #, DeprecationWarning)

    # Fix lines format HITRAN_CLASS_1 molecules
    if 'lines' in sload and sload['lines'] is not None:
        lines = sload['lines']
        from import get_molecule, HITRAN_CLASS1
        if 'v1u' in lines and get_molecule([0]) in HITRAN_CLASS1:
            printr("File {0}".format(basename(file))+" has a deprecrated structure " +\
                 "(v1u in lines is now called vu). Fixed this time, but regenerate " +\
                 "database ASAP.")
            # Fix it:
            lines.rename(columns={'v1u':'vu', 'v1l':'vl'}, inplace=True)
    return sload, fixed
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printg('... Fetching molecular parameters for all transitions')
            t0 = time()
        # prefill:

        # Use the fact that isotopes are int, and thus can be considered as 
        # index in an array.
        # ... in the following we exploit this to use the np.take function,
        # ... which is amazingly fast 
        # ... Read to understand more
        # ... @dev: old versions: see radis <= 0.9.19
        id_set =
        if len(id_set) == 1:
            id = list(id_set)[0]
            molecule = get_molecule(id)
            iso_set = self._get_isotope_list(molecule)  #df.iso.unique()
            # Shortcut if only 1 molecule & 1 isotope. We attribute molar_mass & abundance
            # as attributes of the line database, instead of columns. Much 
            # faster!
            if len(iso_set) == 1:
                params = molpar.df.loc[(id, iso_set[0])]  # fetch all table directly
                df.Ia = params.abundance                # attribute, not column
                df.molar_mass = params.mol_mass         # attribute, not column
#                # add in metadata so they follow when dataframe is copied/serialized
#                for k in ['Ia', 'molar_mass']:
#                    assert k not in df.columns
#                    if k not in df._metadata:
#                        df._metadata.append(k)
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wbroad_centered = _generate_broadening_range(
            wstep, broadening_max_width)

        # Get boolean array to switch from `wavenumber_calc` to `wavenumber`
        woutrange = np.in1d(wavenumber_calc, wavenumber, assume_unique=True)
        self.wbroad_centered = wbroad_centered
        self.wavenumber = wavenumber
        self.wavenumber_calc = wavenumber_calc
        self.woutrange = woutrange

        # Init variables
        # --------------

        # Get molecule name
        if isinstance(molecule, int):
            molecule == get_molecule(molecule)

        # Store isotope identifier in str format (list wont work in database queries)
        if not isinstance(isotope, string_types):
            isotope = ','.join([str(k) for k in list_if_float(isotope)])

        # Initialize input conditions
        self.input.wavenum_min = wavenum_min
        self.input.wavenum_max = wavenum_max
        self.input.Tref = Tref
        self.input.pressure_mbar = pressure*1e3
        self.input.mole_fraction = mole_fraction

        self.input.path_length = path_length
        self.input.molecule = molecule  # if None, will be overwritten after reading database
        self.input.state = 'X'              # for the moment only ground-state is used
        # (but the code is electronic state aware)
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self.verbose = verbose

        # Get name and integer id
        if isinstance(name, string_types):
   = name

            # Get name without parenthesis (without state) for HITRAN identification
            filtername = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", name)

       = get_molecule_identifier(filtername)
            except KeyError:  # Not an HITRAN molecule
       = None
        elif type(name) == int:
   = name
   = get_molecule(name)
            raise ValueError('Wrong name type:', name)