How to use the qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator.Operator function in qiskit

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def test_compose_subsystem(self):
        """Test subsystem compose method."""
        # 3-qubit operator
        mat = self.rand_matrix(8, 8)
        mat_a = self.rand_matrix(2, 2)
        mat_b = self.rand_matrix(2, 2)
        mat_c = self.rand_matrix(2, 2)
        op = Operator(mat)
        op1 = Operator(mat_a)
        op2 = Operator(np.kron(mat_b, mat_a))
        op3 = Operator(np.kron(mat_c, np.kron(mat_b, mat_a)))

        # op3 qargs=[0, 1, 2]
        targ =, np.kron(mat_b, mat_a)), mat)
        self.assertEqual(op.compose(op3, qargs=[0, 1, 2]), Operator(targ))
        # op3 qargs=[2, 1, 0]
        targ =, np.kron(mat_b, mat_c)), mat)
        self.assertEqual(op.compose(op3, qargs=[2, 1, 0]), Operator(targ))

        # op2 qargs=[0, 1]
        targ =, np.kron(mat_b, mat_a)), mat)
        self.assertEqual(op.compose(op2, qargs=[0, 1]), Operator(targ))
        # op2 qargs=[2, 0]
        targ =, np.kron(np.eye(2), mat_b)), mat)
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def test_multiply(self):
        """Test multiply method."""
        mat = self.rand_matrix(4, 4)
        val = np.exp(5j)
        op = Operator(mat)
        self.assertEqual(op.multiply(val), Operator(val * mat))
        self.assertEqual(val * op, Operator(val * mat))
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def test_tensor(self):
        """Test tensor method."""
        mat1 = self.UX
        mat2 = np.eye(3, dtype=complex)

        mat21 = np.kron(mat2, mat1)
        op21 = Operator(mat2).tensor(Operator(mat1))
        self.assertEqual(op21.dim, (6, 6))
        assert_allclose(, Operator(mat21).data)

        mat12 = np.kron(mat1, mat2)
        op12 = Operator(mat1).tensor(Operator(mat2))
        self.assertEqual(op12.dim, (6, 6))
        assert_allclose(, Operator(mat12).data)
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def _other_to_operator(self, rep, qubits_test_cases, repetitions):
        """Test Other to Operator evolution."""
        for nq in qubits_test_cases:
            dim = 2**nq
            for _ in range(repetitions):
                rho = self.rand_rho(dim)
                mat = self.rand_matrix(dim, dim)
                chan = rep(Operator(mat))
                rho1 = DensityMatrix(rho).evolve(chan).data
                rho2 = DensityMatrix(rho).evolve(Operator(chan)).data
                assert_allclose(rho1, rho2)
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def test_dim(self):
        """Test Operator dim property."""
        mat = self.rand_matrix(4, 4)
        self.assertEqual(Operator(mat).dim, (4, 4))
        self.assertEqual(Operator(mat, input_dims=[4], output_dims=[4]).dim, (4, 4))
        self.assertEqual(Operator(mat, input_dims=[2, 2], output_dims=[2, 2]).dim, (4, 4))
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def test_chi_transpose_random(self):
        """Test transpose of Chi matrices is correct."""
        mats = [self.rand_matrix(4, 4) for _ in range(4)]
        chans = [Chi(Operator(mat)) for mat in mats]
        self._compare_transpose_to_operator(chans, mats)
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def test_reshape(self):
        """Test Operator _reshape method."""
        op = Operator(self.rand_matrix(8, 8))
        self.assertEqual(op.output_dims(), (2, 2, 2))
        self.assertEqual(op.input_dims(), (2, 2, 2))
        op._reshape(input_dims=[8], output_dims=[8])
        self.assertEqual(op.output_dims(), (8,))
        self.assertEqual(op.input_dims(), (8,))
        op._reshape(input_dims=[4, 2], output_dims=[2, 4])
        self.assertEqual(op.output_dims(), (2, 4))
        self.assertEqual(op.input_dims(), (4, 2))
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qargs (list): a list of Statevector subsystem positions to apply
                           the operator on.

            Statevector: the output quantum state.

            QiskitError: if the operator dimension does not match the
            specified Statevector subsystem dimensions.
        # Evolution by a circuit or instruction
        if isinstance(other, (QuantumCircuit, Instruction)):
            return self._evolve_instruction(other, qargs=qargs)
        # Evolution by an Operator
        if not isinstance(other, Operator):
            other = Operator(other)
        if qargs is None:
            # Evolution on full statevector
            if self._dim != other._input_dim:
                raise QiskitError(
                    "Operator input dimension is not equal to statevector dimension."
            return Statevector(,, dims=other.output_dims())
        # Otherwise we are applying an operator only to subsystems
        # Check dimensions of subsystems match the operator
        if self.dims(qargs) != other.input_dims():
            raise QiskitError(
                "Operator input dimensions are not equal to statevector subsystem dimensions."
        # Reshape statevector and operator
        tensor = np.reshape(, self._shape)
        mat = np.reshape(, other._shape)
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def add(self, other):
        """Return the operator self + other.

            other (Operator): an operator object.

            Operator: the operator self + other.

            QiskitError: if other is not an operator, or has incompatible
        if not isinstance(other, Operator):
            other = Operator(other)
        if self.dim != other.dim:
            raise QiskitError("other operator has different dimensions.")
        return Operator( +, self.input_dims(),
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def transpose(self):
        """Return the transpose of the operator."""
        return Operator(
            np.transpose(, self.input_dims(), self.output_dims())