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def test_initialize_one_by_one(self):
"""Initializing qubits individually into product state same as initializing the pair."""
qubit_0_state = [1, 0]
qubit_1_state = [1 / math.sqrt(2), 1 / math.sqrt(2)]
qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
qc_a = QuantumCircuit(qr)
qc_a.initialize(np.kron(qubit_1_state, qubit_0_state), qr)
qc_b = QuantumCircuit(qr)
qc_b.initialize(qubit_0_state, [qr[0]])
qc_b.initialize(qubit_1_state, [qr[1]])
job = execute([qc_a, qc_b], BasicAer.get_backend('statevector_simulator'))
result = job.result()
statevector_a = result.get_statevector(0)
statevector_b = result.get_statevector(1)
fidelity = state_fidelity(statevector_a, statevector_b)
fidelity, self._desired_fidelity,
"Initializer has low fidelity {0:.2g}.".format(fidelity))
def test_cu3_gate_deterministic_default_basis_gates(self):
"""Test cu3-gate circuits compiling to backend default basis_gates."""
circuits = ref_non_clifford.cu3_gate_circuits_deterministic(final_measure=False)
targets = ref_non_clifford.cu3_gate_statevector_deterministic()
job = execute(circuits, StatevectorSimulator(), shots=1)
result = job.result()
self.assertTrue(getattr(result, 'success', False))
self.compare_statevector(result, circuits, targets)
def test_sdg_gate_deterministic_minimal_basis_gates(self):
"""Test sdg-gate gate circuits compiling to u3,cx"""
circuits = ref_1q_clifford.sdg_gate_circuits_deterministic(
targets = ref_1q_clifford.sdg_gate_unitary_deterministic()
job = execute(circuits,
basis_gates=['u3', 'cx'])
result = job.result()
self.assertTrue(getattr(result, 'success', False))
self.compare_unitary(result, circuits, targets)
circ.h(qr[2])[1], qr[0])
circ.z(qr[2])[1], qr[2])
circ.measure(qr[0], cr[0])
circ.measure(qr[1], cr[1])
circ.measure(qr[2], cr[2])
circ.measure(qr[3], cr[3])
coupling_map = [[0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 3]]
shots = 2000
job = execute(circ, backend=self.backend,
coupling_map=coupling_map, seed=self.seed, shots=shots)
counts = job.result().get_counts()
target = {'0001': shots / 2, '0101': shots / 2}
threshold = 0.04 * shots
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, threshold)
def test_gearbox(vals, plot=False):
q = QuantumRegister(len(vals)+1)
c = ClassicalRegister(len(vals))
qc = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
input_gearbox(qc, vals, [q[i] for i in range(len(q)-1)],
if plot: plot_circuit(qc)
for i in range(len(vals)):
qc.measure(q[i], c[i])
result = execute(qc, "local_qasm_simulator", config={"data":
["quantum_state_ket"]}, shots=1).result()
res = cleanup_ket(result.get_snapshot("1").get("quantum_state_ket")[0])
return get_x_angle(res)
if '1' not in d.split()[-1][:-1]:
num = -0.5
num = sum([2 ** -(i + 1)
for i, e in enumerate(reversed(d.split()[-1])) if e == "1"])
if self._evo_time is not None:
num *= 2*np.pi/self._evo_time
if d.split()[0] == '1':
res_dict.append(("Anc 1",num, sv[d][0],d))
res_dict.append(("Anc 0",num, sv[d][0],d))
self._ret = res_dict
return res_dict
elif backend == "local_qasm_simulator":
result = execute(self._circuit,
backend=backend, shots=shots).result()
rd = result.get_counts(self._circuit)
rets = sorted([[rd[k], k, k] for k in rd])[::-1]
# return rets
for d in rets:
d[0] /= shots
d[0] = np.sqrt(d[0])
# split registers which are white space separated and decode
c1, c2 = d[2].split()
c2_ = sum([2 ** -(i + 1)
for i, e in enumerate(reversed(c2)) if e == "1"])
d[2] = ' '.join([c1, str(c2_)])
self._ret = rets
return rets
parser = RawConfigParser()'config.ini')
IBMQ.enable_account(parser.get('IBM', 'key'))
run.isInit = True
# Set the backend server.
backend = qiskit.providers.ibmq.least_busy(qiskit.IBMQ.backends(simulator=False))
# Execute the program on the quantum machine.
print("Running on",
job = qiskit.execute(program, backend)
return job.result().get_counts()
# Execute the program in the simulator.
print("Running on the simulator.")
job = qiskit.execute(program, qiskit.Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator'), shots=shots)
return job.result().get_counts()
a list of Pauli operators grouped into tpb sets.
input_circuit (QuantumCircuit): input circuit.
shots (int): number of shots considered in the averaging. If 1 the
averaging is exact.
device (str): the backend used to run the simulation.
float: Average value of the Hamiltonian or observable.
energy = 0
circuits = []
if 'statevector' in device:
# Hamiltonian is not a pauli_list grouped into tpb sets
if not isinstance(hamiltonian, list):
result = execute(circuits, device, shots=shots).result()
statevector = result.get_statevector()
# Diagonal Hamiltonian represented by 1D array
if (hamiltonian.shape[0] == 1 or
np.shape(np.shape(np.array(hamiltonian))) == (1,)):
energy = np.sum(hamiltonian * np.absolute(statevector) ** 2)
# Hamiltonian represented by square matrix
elif hamiltonian.shape[0] == hamiltonian.shape[1]:
energy = np.inner(np.conjugate(statevector),, statevector))
# Hamiltonian represented by a Pauli list
# Execute trial circuit with final rotations for each Pauli in
# hamiltonian and store from circuits[1] on
n_qubits = input_circuit.regs['q'].size
q = QuantumRegister(n_qubits, "q")
i = 1
def simulate(self, quantum_circuit):
Compile and run the quantum circuit
on a simulator backend.
# noisy simulation
backend_sim = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
job_sim = execute(quantum_circuit, backend_sim)
# retrieve the results from the simulation
return job_sim.result()
def evaluate(self):
"""for after the game is finished and it is time to measure and
process the results
simulator = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
job = execute(self.circ, simulator, shots=1)
result = job.result()
counts = result.get_counts(self.circ)
return max(counts, key=counts.get)