How to use the pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError function in pyuavcan

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def get_input_session(self,
                          specifier:        pyuavcan.transport.InputSessionSpecifier,
                          payload_metadata: pyuavcan.transport.PayloadMetadata) -> CANInputSession:
        See the base class docs for background.
        Whenever an input session is created or destroyed, the hardware acceptance filters are reconfigured
        automatically; computation of a new configuration and its deployment on the CAN controller may be slow.
        if self._maybe_media is None:
            raise pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError(f'{self} is closed')

        def finalizer() -> None:

        session = self._input_dispatch_table.get(specifier)
        if session is None:
            session = CANInputSession(specifier=specifier,
        return session
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / transport / serial / _session / View on Github external
def _raise_if_closed(self) -> None:
        if self._close_finalizer is None:
            raise pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError(f'Session is closed: {self}')
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / presentation / _port / View on Github external
async def task_function() -> None:
            # This could be an interesting opportunity for optimization: instead of using the queue, just let the
            # implementation class invoke the handler from its own receive task directly. Eliminates extra indirection.
            while not self._closed:
                    message, transfer = await self.receive()
                        await handler(message, transfer)
                    except asyncio.CancelledError:
                    except Exception as ex:
                        _logger.exception('%s got an unhandled exception in the message handler: %s', self, ex)
                except asyncio.CancelledError:
                    _logger.debug('%s receive task cancelled', self)
                except pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError as ex:
          '%s receive task got a resource closed error and will exit: %s', self, ex)
                except Exception as ex:
                    _logger.exception('%s receive task failure: %s', self, ex)
                    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # TODO is this an adequate failure management strategy?
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / transport / can / _session / View on Github external
def _raise_if_closed(self) -> None:
        if self._close_finalizer is None:
            raise pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError(
                f'The requested action cannot be performed because the session object {self} is closed')
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / presentation / _port / View on Github external
async def task_function() -> None:
            while not self._closed:
                    await self.serve_for(handler, _LISTEN_FOREVER_TIMEOUT)
                except asyncio.CancelledError:
                    _logger.debug('%s task cancelled', self)
                except pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError as ex:
          '%s task got a resource closed error and will exit: %s', self, ex)
                except Exception as ex:
                    _logger.exception('%s task failure: %s', self, ex)
                    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # TODO is this an adequate failure management strategy?
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def _ensure_not_closed(self) -> None:
        if self._closed:
            raise pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError(f'{self} is closed')
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# Copyright (c) 2019 UAVCAN Development Team
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
# Author: Pavel Kirienko 

import pyuavcan.transport

class PresentationSessionClosedError(pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError):
    Raised when an attempt is made to use a presentation-layer session instance that has been closed.
    Observe that it is a specialization of the corresponding transport-layer error type.
    Double-close is NOT an error, so closing the same instance twice will not result in this exception being raised.

class RequestTransferIDVariabilityExhaustedError(pyuavcan.transport.TransportError):
    Raised when an attempt is made to invoke more concurrent requests that supported by the transport layer.
    For CAN, the number is 32; for some transports the number is unlimited (technically, there is always a limit,
    but for some transports, such as the serial transport, it is unreachable in practice).
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def add_listener(self, source_node_id: typing.Optional[int], handler: Listener) -> None:
        :param source_node_id: The listener will be invoked whenever a frame from this node-ID is received.
            If the value is None, the listener will be invoked for all source node-IDs (promiscuous).
            There shall be at most one listener per source node-ID value (incl. None, i.e., at most one
            promiscuous listener).
            If such listener already exists, a :class:`ValueError` will be raised.

        :param handler: The callable of type :attr:`Listener` that received frames will be passed to.
            If a frame is received that cannot be parsed, the callable will be invoked with None
            in order to let it update its error statistics.
        if self._closed:
            raise pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError(f'{self} is closed')

        if source_node_id in self._listeners:
            raise ValueError(f'{self}: The listener for node-ID {source_node_id} is already registered '
                             f'with handler {self._listeners[source_node_id]}')
        self._listeners[source_node_id] = handler
        _logger.debug('%r: Adding listener %r for node-ID %r', self, handler, source_node_id)
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async def send_until(self, transfer: pyuavcan.transport.Transfer, monotonic_deadline: float) -> bool:
        if self._closed:
            raise pyuavcan.transport.ResourceClosedError(f'{self} is closed')

        def construct_frame(index: int, end_of_transfer: bool, payload: memoryview) -> UDPFrame:
            return UDPFrame(timestamp=transfer.timestamp,

        frames = [
            for fr in