How to use the pyuavcan.presentation.Presentation function in pyuavcan

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github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / presentation / View on Github external
async def _unittest_slow_presentation_rpc(generated_packages: typing.List[pyuavcan.dsdl.GeneratedPackageInfo],
                                          transport_factory:  TransportFactory) -> None:
    assert generated_packages
    import uavcan.register
    import uavcan.primitive
    import uavcan.time
    from pyuavcan.transport import Priority, Timestamp

    tran_a, tran_b, _ = transport_factory(123, 42)
    assert tran_a.local_node_id == 123
    assert tran_b.local_node_id == 42

    pres_a = pyuavcan.presentation.Presentation(tran_a)
    pres_b = pyuavcan.presentation.Presentation(tran_b)

    assert pres_a.transport is tran_a

    server = pres_a.get_server_with_fixed_service_id(uavcan.register.Access_1_0)
    assert server is pres_a.get_server_with_fixed_service_id(uavcan.register.Access_1_0)

    client0 = pres_b.make_client_with_fixed_service_id(uavcan.register.Access_1_0, 123)
    client1 = pres_b.make_client_with_fixed_service_id(uavcan.register.Access_1_0, 123)
    client_dead = pres_b.make_client_with_fixed_service_id(uavcan.register.Access_1_0, 111)
    assert client0 is not client1
    assert client0._maybe_impl is not None
    assert client1._maybe_impl is not None
    assert client0._maybe_impl is client1._maybe_impl
    assert client0._maybe_impl is not client_dead._maybe_impl
    assert client0._maybe_impl.proxy_count == 2
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / application / View on Github external
async def _unittest_slow_plug_and_play_allocatee(generated_packages: typing.List[pyuavcan.dsdl.GeneratedPackageInfo]) \
        -> None:
    from pyuavcan.application.plug_and_play import Allocatee, NodeIDAllocationData_2, ID
    assert generated_packages

    peers: typing.Set[MockMedia] = set()
    pres_client = Presentation(CANTransport(MockMedia(peers, 64, 1), None))
    pres_server = Presentation(CANTransport(MockMedia(peers, 64, 1), 123))
    allocatee = Allocatee(pres_client, _uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff'), 42)
    pub = pres_server.make_publisher_with_fixed_subject_id(NodeIDAllocationData_2)

    await pub.publish(NodeIDAllocationData_2(ID(10), unique_id=_uid('aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899')))  # Mismatch.
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    assert allocatee.get_result() is None

    await pub.publish(NodeIDAllocationData_2(ID(999), unique_id=_uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')))  # Bad NID.
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    assert allocatee.get_result() is None

    await pub.publish(NodeIDAllocationData_2(ID(0), unique_id=_uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')))  # Correct.
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    assert allocatee.get_result() == 0
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / application / View on Github external
async def _unittest_slow_plug_and_play_centralized(generated_packages: typing.List[pyuavcan.dsdl.GeneratedPackageInfo],
                                                   mtu: int) -> None:
    from pyuavcan.application.plug_and_play import CentralizedAllocator, Allocatee
    assert generated_packages

    peers: typing.Set[MockMedia] = set()
    pres_client = Presentation(CANTransport(MockMedia(peers, mtu, 1), None))
    pres_server = Presentation(CANTransport(MockMedia(peers, mtu, 1), 123))

    cln_a = Allocatee(pres_client, _uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff'), 42)
    assert cln_a.get_result() is None
    await asyncio.sleep(2.0)
    assert cln_a.get_result() is None  # Nope, no response.

    except FileNotFoundError:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='.*anonymous.*'):
        CentralizedAllocator(pres_client, _uid('deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'), _TABLE)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        CentralizedAllocator(pres_client, b'123', _TABLE)
    allocator = CentralizedAllocator(pres_server, _uid('deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'), _TABLE)
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / application / View on Github external
async def _unittest_slow_node_tracker(generated_packages: typing.List[pyuavcan.dsdl.GeneratedPackageInfo],
                                      caplog: typing.Any) -> None:
    from . import get_transport
    from pyuavcan.presentation import Presentation
    from pyuavcan.application.node_tracker import NodeTracker, Entry, GetInfo, Heartbeat

    assert generated_packages

    p_a = Presentation(get_transport(0xA))
    p_b = Presentation(get_transport(0xB))
    p_c = Presentation(get_transport(0xC))
    p_trk = Presentation(get_transport(None))

        last_update_args: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, typing.Optional[Entry], typing.Optional[Entry]]] = []

        def simple_handler(node_id: int, old: typing.Optional[Entry], new: typing.Optional[Entry]) -> None:
            last_update_args.append((node_id, old, new))

        def faulty_handler(_node_id: int, _old: typing.Optional[Entry], _new: typing.Optional[Entry]) -> None:
            raise Exception('INTENDED EXCEPTION')

        trk = NodeTracker(p_trk)

        assert not trk.registry
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / demo / View on Github external
assert transport.local_node_id == 42  # Yup, the node-ID is configured.

        # Populate the node info for use with the Node class. Please see the DSDL definition of uavcan.node.GetInfo.
        node_info = uavcan.node.GetInfo_1_0.Response(
            # Version of the protocol supported by the library, and hence by our node.
            # There is a similar field for hardware version, but we don't populate it because it's a software-only node.
            software_version=uavcan.node.Version_1_0(major=1, minor=0),
            # The name of the local node. Should be a reversed Internet domain name, like a Java package.
            # We've left the optional fields default-initialized here.

        # The transport layer is ready; next layer up the protocol stack is the presentation layer. Construct it here.
        presentation = pyuavcan.presentation.Presentation(transport)

        # The application layer is next -- construct the node instance. It will serve GetInfo requests and publish its
        # heartbeat automatically (unless it's anonymous). Read the source code of the Node class for more details.
        self._node = pyuavcan.application.Node(presentation, node_info)

        # Published heartbeat fields can be configured trivially by assigning them on the heartbeat publisher instance.
        self._node.heartbeat_publisher.mode = uavcan.node.Heartbeat_1_0.MODE_OPERATIONAL
        # In this example here we assign the local process' PID to the vendor-specific status code (VSSC) and make
        # sure that the valid range is not exceeded.
        self._node.heartbeat_publisher.vendor_specific_status_code = \
            os.getpid() & (2 ** min(pyuavcan.dsdl.get_model(uavcan.node.Heartbeat_1_0)[
                'vendor_specific_status_code'].data_type.bit_length_set) - 1)

        # Now we can create our session objects as necessary. They can be created or destroyed later at any point
        # after initialization. It's not necessary to set everything up during the initialization.
        srv_least_squares = self._node.presentation.get_server(sirius_cyber_corp.PerformLinearLeastSquaresFit_1_0, 123)
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / application / View on Github external
assert new.heartbeat.vendor_specific_status_code == 0xf00d
                    assert is None
                elif num_events_c == 1:
                    assert old is not None
                    assert new is None
                    assert old.heartbeat.vendor_specific_status_code == 0xf00d
                    assert is None
                    assert False
                num_events_c += 1
                assert False

        trk.close()  # Idempotency
        p_trk = Presentation(get_transport(0xDD))
        trk = NodeTracker(p_trk)
        trk.get_info_timeout = 1.0
        trk.get_info_attempts = 2
        assert pytest.approx(trk.get_info_timeout) == 1.0
        assert trk.get_info_attempts == 2

        await asyncio.sleep(2.5)
        assert num_events_a == 2
        assert num_events_b == 2
        assert num_events_c == 0
        assert list(trk.registry.keys()) == [0xA, 0xB]
        assert 12 >= trk.registry[0xA].heartbeat.uptime >= 8
        assert trk.registry[0xA].heartbeat.vendor_specific_status_code == 0xdead
        assert trk.registry[0xA].info is not None
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / application / View on Github external
async def _unittest_slow_node_tracker(generated_packages: typing.List[pyuavcan.dsdl.GeneratedPackageInfo],
                                      caplog: typing.Any) -> None:
    from . import get_transport
    from pyuavcan.presentation import Presentation
    from pyuavcan.application.node_tracker import NodeTracker, Entry, GetInfo, Heartbeat

    assert generated_packages

    p_a = Presentation(get_transport(0xA))
    p_b = Presentation(get_transport(0xB))
    p_c = Presentation(get_transport(0xC))
    p_trk = Presentation(get_transport(None))

        last_update_args: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, typing.Optional[Entry], typing.Optional[Entry]]] = []

        def simple_handler(node_id: int, old: typing.Optional[Entry], new: typing.Optional[Entry]) -> None:
            last_update_args.append((node_id, old, new))

        def faulty_handler(_node_id: int, _old: typing.Optional[Entry], _new: typing.Optional[Entry]) -> None:
            raise Exception('INTENDED EXCEPTION')

        trk = NodeTracker(p_trk)

        assert not trk.registry
        assert pytest.approx(trk.get_info_timeout) == trk.DEFAULT_GET_INFO_TIMEOUT
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / application / View on Github external
async def _unittest_slow_plug_and_play_allocatee(generated_packages: typing.List[pyuavcan.dsdl.GeneratedPackageInfo]) \
        -> None:
    from pyuavcan.application.plug_and_play import Allocatee, NodeIDAllocationData_2, ID
    assert generated_packages

    peers: typing.Set[MockMedia] = set()
    pres_client = Presentation(CANTransport(MockMedia(peers, 64, 1), None))
    pres_server = Presentation(CANTransport(MockMedia(peers, 64, 1), 123))
    allocatee = Allocatee(pres_client, _uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff'), 42)
    pub = pres_server.make_publisher_with_fixed_subject_id(NodeIDAllocationData_2)

    await pub.publish(NodeIDAllocationData_2(ID(10), unique_id=_uid('aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899')))  # Mismatch.
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    assert allocatee.get_result() is None

    await pub.publish(NodeIDAllocationData_2(ID(999), unique_id=_uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')))  # Bad NID.
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    assert allocatee.get_result() is None

    await pub.publish(NodeIDAllocationData_2(ID(0), unique_id=_uid('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')))  # Correct.
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    assert allocatee.get_result() == 0
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / _cli / commands / View on Github external
async def _run(transport: pyuavcan.transport.Transport) -> int:
    import uavcan.node
    node_id_set_cardinality = transport.protocol_parameters.node_id_set_cardinality
    if node_id_set_cardinality >= 2 ** 32:
        # Special case: for very large sets just pick a random number. Very large sets are only possible with test
        # transports such as loopback so it's acceptable. If necessary, later we could develop a more robust solution.
        print(random.randint(0, node_id_set_cardinality - 1))
        return 0

    candidates = set(range(node_id_set_cardinality))
    pres = pyuavcan.presentation.Presentation(transport)
    with contextlib.closing(pres):
        deadline = asyncio.get_event_loop().time() + uavcan.node.Heartbeat_1_0.MAX_PUBLICATION_PERIOD * 2.0
        sub = pres.make_subscriber_with_fixed_subject_id(uavcan.node.Heartbeat_1_0)
        while asyncio.get_event_loop().time() <= deadline:
            result = await sub.receive_until(deadline)
            if result is not None:
                msg, transfer = result
                assert isinstance(transfer, pyuavcan.transport.TransferFrom)
                _logger.debug('Received %r via %r', msg, transfer)
                if transfer.source_node_id is None:
                    _logger.warning('FYI, the network contains an anonymous node which is publishing Heartbeat. '
                                    'Please contact the vendor and inform them that this behavior is non-compliant. '
                                    'The offending heartbeat message is: %r, transfer: %r', msg, transfer)
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / _cli / commands / _subsystems / View on Github external
def construct_subsystem(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> object:
        We use object instead of Node because the Node class requires generated code to be generated.
        from pyuavcan import application

        node_info = pyuavcan.dsdl.update_from_builtin(application.NodeInfo(), args.node_info_fields)
        _logger.debug('Node info: %r', node_info)

        transport = self._transport_factory.construct_subsystem(args)
        presentation = pyuavcan.presentation.Presentation(transport)
        node = application.Node(presentation, info=node_info)
            # Configure the heartbeat publisher.
            if args.heartbeat_fields.pop('uptime', None) is not None:
                _logger.warning('Specifying uptime has no effect because it will be overridden by the node.')
   = \
                args.heartbeat_fields.pop('health', application.heartbeat_publisher.Health.NOMINAL)
            node.heartbeat_publisher.mode = \
                args.heartbeat_fields.pop('mode', application.heartbeat_publisher.Mode.OPERATIONAL)
            node.heartbeat_publisher.vendor_specific_status_code = args.heartbeat_fields.pop(
                os.getpid() & (2 ** min(pyuavcan.dsdl.get_model(application.heartbeat_publisher.Heartbeat)
                                        ['vendor_specific_status_code'].data_type.bit_length_set) - 1)
            _logger.debug('Node heartbeat: %r', node.heartbeat_publisher.make_message())
            if args.heartbeat_fields: