How to use the pysyncobj.syncobj.SyncObjException function in pysyncobj

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github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
cmd = funcID
                sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False)
                if callback is not None:
                    sync = False

                if sync:
                    asyncResult = AsyncResult()
                    callback = asyncResult.onResult

                timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None)
                applier(pickle.dumps(cmd), callback, _COMMAND_TYPE.REGULAR)

                if sync:
                    res = asyncResult.event.wait(timeout)
                    if not res:
                        raise SyncObjException('Timeout')
                    if not asyncResult.error == 0:
                        raise SyncObjException(asyncResult.error)
                    return asyncResult.result
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
if callback is not None:
                    sync = False

                if sync:
                    asyncResult = AsyncResult()
                    callback = asyncResult.onResult

                timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None)
                applier(pickle.dumps(cmd), callback, _COMMAND_TYPE.REGULAR)

                if sync:
                    res = asyncResult.event.wait(timeout)
                    if not res:
                        raise SyncObjException('Timeout')
                    if not asyncResult.error == 0:
                        raise SyncObjException(asyncResult.error)
                    return asyncResult.result
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external

        if self.__conf.password is not None:
            if not HAS_CRYPTO:
                raise ImportError("Please install 'cryptography' module")
            self.__encryptor = getEncryptor(self.__conf.password)
            self.__encryptor = None

        consumers = consumers or []
        newConsumers = []
        for c in consumers:
            if not isinstance(c, SyncObjConsumer) and getattr(c, '_consumer', None):
                c = c._consumer()
            if not isinstance(c, SyncObjConsumer):
                raise SyncObjException('Consumers must be inherited from SyncObjConsumer')
        consumers = newConsumers

        self.__consumers = consumers

        if not isinstance(selfNode, Node) and selfNode is not None:
            selfNode = nodeClass(selfNode)
        self.__selfNode = selfNode
        self.__otherNodes = set() # set of Node
        for otherNode in otherNodes:
            if not isinstance(otherNode, Node):
                otherNode = nodeClass(otherNode)
        self.__readonlyNodes = set() # set of Node
        self.__connectedNodes = set() # set of Node
        self.__nodeClass = nodeClass
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
def newFunc(self, *args, **kwargs):

            if kwargs.pop('_doApply', False):
                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if isinstance(self, SyncObj):
                    applier = self._applyCommand
                    funcName = self._getFuncName(func.__name__)
                    funcID = self._methodToID[funcName]
                elif isinstance(self, SyncObjConsumer):
                    consumerId = id(self)
                    funcName = self._syncObj._getFuncName((consumerId, func.__name__))
                    funcID = self._syncObj._methodToID[(consumerId, funcName)]
                    applier = self._syncObj._applyCommand
                    raise SyncObjException("Class should be inherited from SyncObj or SyncObjConsumer")

                callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None)
                if kwargs:
                    cmd = (funcID, args, kwargs)
                elif args and not kwargs:
                    cmd = (funcID, args)
                    cmd = funcID
                sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False)
                if callback is not None:
                    sync = False

                if sync:
                    asyncResult = AsyncResult()
                    callback = asyncResult.onResult
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
def __init__(self, ver):
        SyncObjException.__init__(self, 'wrongVer')
        self.ver = ver