How to use the pysyncobj.node.Node function in pysyncobj

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def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

    def __str__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        v = vars(self)
        return '{}({}{})'.format(type(self).__name__, repr(, (', ' + ', '.join('{} = {}'.format(key, repr(v[key])) for key in v if key != '_id')) if len(v) > 1 else '')

    def id(self):
        return self._id

class TCPNode(Node):
    A node intended for communication over TCP/IP. Its id is the network address (host:port).

    def __init__(self, address, **kwargs):
        Initialise the TCPNode

        :param address: network address of the node in the format 'host:port'
        :type address: str
        :param **kwargs: any further information that should be kept about this node

        super(TCPNode, self).__init__(address, **kwargs)
        self.address = address, port = address.rsplit(':', 1)
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
def __doChangeCluster(self, request, reverse = False):
        requestType = request[0]
        requestNodeId = request[1]
        if len(request) >= 3:
            requestNode = request[2]
            if not isinstance(requestNode, Node): # Actually shouldn't be necessary, but better safe than sorry.
                requestNode = self.__nodeClass(requestNode)
            requestNode = self.__nodeClass(requestNodeId)

        if requestType == 'add':
            adding = not reverse
        elif requestType == 'rem':
            adding = reverse
            return False

        if adding:
            newNode = requestNode
            # Node already exists in cluster
            if newNode is self.__selfNode or newNode in self.__otherNodes:
                return False
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Node) and ==
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def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name == 'id':
            raise AttributeError('Node id is not mutable')
        super(Node, self).__setattr__(name, value)
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
def removeNodeFromCluster(self, node, callback = None):
        """Remove single node from cluster (dynamic membership changes). Async.
        You should wait until node successfully added before adding
        next node.

        :param node: node object or 'nodeHost:nodePort'
        :type node: Node | str
        :param callback: will be called on success or fail
        :type callback: function(`FAIL_REASON <#pysyncobj.FAIL_REASON>`_, None)
        if not self.__conf.dynamicMembershipChange:
            raise Exception('dynamicMembershipChange is disabled')
        if not isinstance(node, Node):
            node = self.__nodeClass(node)
        self._applyCommand(pickle.dumps(['rem',, node]), callback, _COMMAND_TYPE.MEMBERSHIP)
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def setPartnerAddress(self, partner):
        self.__node = Node(self, partner, True)