How to use the pyscf.lib.logger.debug function in pyscf

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    >>> from pyscf import gto, scf
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
    >>> mf.scf()
    >>> dm = mf.make_rdm1()
    >>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm)
    (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
    if dm is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1()
    if h1e is None: h1e = mf.get_hcore()
    if vhf is None: vhf = mf.get_veff(mf.mol, dm)
    e1 = numpy.einsum('ji,ji', h1e.conj(), dm).real
    e_coul = numpy.einsum('ji,ji', vhf.conj(), dm).real * .5
    logger.debug(mf, 'E_coul = %.15g', e_coul)
    return e1+e_coul, e_coul
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>>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
    >>> mf.scf()
    >>> dm = mf.make_rdm1()
    >>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm)
    (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
    >>> mf.energy_elec(dm)
    (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
    if dm is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1()
    if h1e is None: h1e = mf.get_hcore()
    if vhf is None: vhf = mf.get_veff(mf.mol, dm)
    e1 = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', h1e, dm)
    e_coul = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', vhf, dm) * .5
    mf.scf_summary['e1'] = e1.real
    mf.scf_summary['e2'] = e_coul.real
    logger.debug(mf, 'E1 = %s  E_coul = %s', e1, e_coul)
    return (e1+e_coul).real, e_coul
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tol=tol, max_memory=self.max_memory)[1]
            return ci1, None
        elif not (hasattr(self.fcisolver, 'contract_2e') and
                  hasattr(self.fcisolver, 'absorb_h1e')):
            fn = self.fcisolver.kernel
            ci1 = fn(h1, h2, ncas, nelecas, ci0=ci0,
                     tol=tol, max_memory=self.max_memory,
            return ci1, None

        h2eff = self.fcisolver.absorb_h1e(h1, h2, ncas, nelecas, .5)
        hc = self.fcisolver.contract_2e(h2eff, ci0, ncas, nelecas).ravel()

        g = hc - (e_ci-ecore) * ci0.ravel()
        if self.ci_response_space > 7:
            logger.debug(self, 'CI step by full response')
            # full response
            max_memory = max(400, self.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
            e, ci1 = self.fcisolver.kernel(h1, h2, ncas, nelecas, ci0=ci0,
                                           tol=tol, max_memory=max_memory)
            nd = min(max(self.ci_response_space, 2), ci0.size)
            logger.debug(self, 'CI step by %dD subspace response', nd)
            xs = [ci0.ravel()]
            ax = [hc]
            heff = numpy.empty((nd,nd))
            seff = numpy.empty((nd,nd))
            heff[0,0] =[0], ax[0])
            seff[0,0] = 1
            for i in range(1, nd):
                xs.append(ax[i-1] - xs[i-1] * e_ci)
                ax.append(self.fcisolver.contract_2e(h2eff, xs[i], ncas,
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mol = self.mol
        natm = mol.natm
        lmax = self.lmax

        r_vdw = self.get_atomic_radii()
        coords_1sph, weights_1sph = make_grids_one_sphere(self.lebedev_order)
        ylm_1sph = numpy.vstack(sph.real_sph_vec(coords_1sph, lmax, True))

        fi = make_fi(self, r_vdw)
        ui = 1 - fi
        ui[ui<0] = 0
        nexposed = numpy.count_nonzero(ui==1)
        nbury = numpy.count_nonzero(ui==0)
        on_shell = numpy.count_nonzero(ui>0) - nexposed
        logger.debug(self, 'Num points exposed %d', nexposed)
        logger.debug(self, 'Num points buried %d', nbury)
        logger.debug(self, 'Num points on shell %d', on_shell)

        nlm = (lmax+1)**2
        Lmat = make_L(self, r_vdw, ylm_1sph, fi)
        Lmat = Lmat.reshape(natm*nlm,-1)

        cached_pol = cache_fake_multipoles(self.grids, r_vdw, lmax)

        self._intermediates = {
            'r_vdw': r_vdw,
            'ylm_1sph': ylm_1sph,
            'ui': ui,
            'Lmat': Lmat,
            'cached_pol': cached_pol,
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nelecas  = casscf.nelecas
    if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)):
        return fci.spin_op.spin_square0(ci, ncas, nelecas)
        if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
        if ovlp is None: ovlp = casscf._scf.get_ovlp()
        nocc = (ncore[0] + ncas, ncore[1] + ncas)
        mocas = (mo_coeff[0][:,ncore[0]:nocc[0]], mo_coeff[1][:,ncore[1]:nocc[1]])
        if isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)):
            sscas = numpy.array([fci.spin_op.spin_square(c, ncas, nelecas, mocas, ovlp)[0]
                                 for c in ci])
            sscas = fci.spin_op.spin_square(ci, ncas, nelecas, mocas, ovlp)[0]
        mocore = (mo_coeff[0][:,:ncore[0]], mo_coeff[1][:,:ncore[1]])
        sscore = casscf._scf.spin_square(mocore, ovlp)[0]
        logger.debug(casscf, 'S^2 of core %s  S^2 of cas %s', sscore, sscas)
        ss = sscas+sscore
        s = numpy.sqrt(ss+.25) - .5
        return ss, s*2+1
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def calc_tot_elec_energy(self, veff, dm, mo_energy, mo_occ):
        sum_mo_energy =, mo_occ)
        coul_dup = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm, veff)
        tot_e = sum_mo_energy - coul_dup + self._ecoul + self._exc
        log.debug(self, 'Ecoul = %s  Exc = %s', self._ecoul, self._exc)
        return tot_e, self._ecoul, self._exc
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logger.debug(mol, 'irreps of each MO %s', orbsym)

    if check:
        largest_norm = norm[iridx,numpy.arange(nmo)]
        orbidx = numpy.where(largest_norm < 1-tol)[0]
        if orbidx.size > 0:
            idx = numpy.where(largest_norm < 1-tol*1e2)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                raise ValueError('orbitals %s not symmetrized, norm = %s' %
                                 (idx, largest_norm[idx]))
                logger.warn(mol, 'orbitals %s not strictly symmetrized.',
                logger.warn(mol, 'They can be symmetrized with '
                            'pyscf.symm.symmetrize_space function.')
                logger.debug(mol, 'norm = %s', largest_norm[orbidx])
    return orbsym
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with open(configfile) as f:
# filter out comments
                raw_js = []
                balance = 0
                data = [x for x in f.readlines()
                        if not x.startswith('#') and x.rstrip()]
                for n, line in enumerate(data):
                    if not line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
                        balance += line.count('{') - line.count('}')
                        if balance == 0:
            raw_py = ''.join(data[n+1:])
            raw_js = ''.join(raw_js)

            logger.debug(casscf, 'Reading CASSCF parameters from config file  %s',
            logger.debug1(casscf, '    Inject casscf settings %s', raw_js)
            conf = json.loads(raw_js)

            # Not yet found a way to update locals() on the runtime
            #for k in conf:
            #    if k in envs:
            #, 'Update envs[%s] = %s', k, conf[k])
            #        envs[k] = conf[k]

            logger.debug1(casscf, '    Inject python script\n%s\n', raw_py)
            if len(raw_py.strip()) > 0:
                if sys.version_info >= (3,):
# A hacky call using eval because exec are so different in python2 and python3
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# DO NOT use numpy.array for mo_occ_kpts and mo_energy_kpts, they may
        # have different dimensions for different k-points
        if is_uhf:
            if is_khf:
                nao_tot = mo_occs.size//2
                mo_occ_kpts =(partition_occ(mo_occs[:nao_tot], mo_energy_kpts[0]),
                              partition_occ(mo_occs[nao_tot:], mo_energy_kpts[1]))
                mo_occ_kpts = partition_occ(mo_occs, mo_energy_kpts)
        else: # rhf and ghf
            if is_khf:
                mo_occ_kpts = partition_occ(mo_occs, mo_energy_kpts)
                mo_occ_kpts = mo_occs

        logger.debug(mf, '    Fermi level %g  Sum mo_occ_kpts = %s  should equal nelec = %s',
                     fermi, mo_occs.sum(), nelectron), '    sigma = %g  Optimized mu = %.12g  entropy = %.12g',
                    mf.sigma, mu, mf.entropy)

        return mo_occ_kpts