How to use the pyscf.ao2mo.restore function in pyscf

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if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
        if shciobj.spin is None:
            nelecb = nelec // 2
            nelecb = (nelec - shciobj.spin) // 2
        neleca = nelec - nelecb
    else :
        neleca, nelecb = nelec

    if shciobj.groupname is not None and shciobj.orbsym is not []:
# First removing the symmetry forbidden integrals. This has been done using
# the pyscf internal irrep-IDs (stored in shciobj.orbsym)
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(shciobj.orbsym) % 10
        pair_irrep = (orbsym.reshape(-1,1) ^ orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(ncas)]
        sym_forbid = pair_irrep.reshape(-1,1) != pair_irrep.ravel()
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(4, eri_cas, ncas)
        eri_cas[sym_forbid] = 0
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
        # Convert the pyscf internal irrep-ID to molpro irrep-ID
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(symmetry.convert_orbsym(shciobj.groupname, orbsym))
        orbsym = []
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)

    if not os.path.exists(shciobj.runtimedir):

    # The name of the FCIDUMP file, default is "FCIDUMP".
    integralFile = os.path.join(shciobj.runtimedir, shciobj.integralfile)
    tools.fcidump.from_integrals(integralFile, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas,
                                 neleca+nelecb, ecore, ms=abs(neleca-nelecb),
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def pspace(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, hdiag, np=400):
    if isinstance(nelec, int):
        neleca = nelec/2
        neleca, nelecb = nelec
        assert(neleca == nelecb)
    eri = pyscf.ao2mo.restore(1, eri, norb)
    na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca)
    addr = numpy.argsort(hdiag)[:np]
# symmetrize addra/addrb
    addra = addr / na
    addrb = addr % na
    stra = numpy.array([cistring.addr2str(norb,neleca,ia) for ia in addra],
    strb = numpy.array([cistring.addr2str(norb,neleca,ib) for ib in addrb],
    np = len(addr)
    h0 = numpy.zeros((np,np))
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mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.verbose = 0
    mol.atom = [
        [8 , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
        [1 , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
        [1 , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)]]
    mol.basis = '631g'
    mf = scf.RHF(mol)
    mf.conv_tol = 1e-16
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff + np.sin(mf.mo_coeff) * .01j
    nao = mo_coeff.shape[0]
    eri = ao2mo.restore(1, mf._eri, nao)
    eri0 = lib.einsum('pqrs,pi,qj,rk,sl->ijkl', eri, mo_coeff.conj(), mo_coeff,
                      mo_coeff.conj(), mo_coeff)

    nocc, nvir = 5, nao-5
    eris = _ChemistsERIs(mol)
    eris.oooo = eri0[:nocc,:nocc,:nocc,:nocc].copy()
    eris.ovoo = eri0[:nocc,nocc:,:nocc,:nocc].copy()
    eris.oovv = eri0[:nocc,:nocc,nocc:,nocc:].copy()
    eris.ovvo = eri0[:nocc,nocc:,nocc:,:nocc].copy()
    eris.ovov = eri0[:nocc,nocc:,:nocc,nocc:].copy()
    eris.ovvv = eri0[:nocc,nocc:,nocc:,nocc:].copy()
    eris.vvvv = eri0[nocc:,nocc:,nocc:,nocc:].copy()
    eris.fock = np.diag(mf.mo_energy)
    eris.mo_energy = mf.mo_energy

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blksize = min(nocc, max(ccsd.BLKMIN, int(max_memory*1e6/8/(nvir**3*3))))
    tmp = np.zeros((nvir,nvir), dtype=dtype)
    for p0,p1 in lib.prange(0, nocc, blksize):
        ovvv = eris.get_ovvv(slice(p0,p1))  # ovvv = eris.ovvv[p0:p1]
        tmp += np.einsum('mb,mbaa->ab', t1[p0:p1], ovvv)
        Wvvaa += np.einsum('mb,maab->ab', t1[p0:p1], ovvv)
        ovvv = None
    Wvvaa -= tmp
    Wvvab -= tmp
    Wvvab -= tmp.T
    Wvvaa = Wvvaa + Wvvaa.T
    if eris.vvvv is None: # AO-direct CCSD, vvvv is not generated.
    elif len(eris.vvvv.shape) == 4:  # DO NOT use .ndim here for h5py library
                                     # backward compatbility
        eris_vvvv = ao2mo.restore(1,np.asarray(eris.vvvv), t1.shape[1])
        tmp = np.einsum('aabb->ab', eris_vvvv)
        Wvvaa += tmp
        Wvvaa -= np.einsum('abba->ab', eris_vvvv)
        Wvvab += tmp
        for i in range(nvir):
            i0 = i*(i+1)//2
            vvv = lib.unpack_tril(np.asarray(eris.vvvv[i0:i0+i+1]))
            tmp = np.einsum('bb->b', vvv[i])
            Wvvaa[i] += tmp
            Wvvab[i] += tmp
            tmp = np.einsum('bb->b', vvv[:,:i+1,i])
            Wvvaa[i,:i+1] -= tmp
            Wvvaa[:i  ,i] -= tmp[:i]
            vvv = None
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def contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, orbsym=None, wfnsym=0):
    if orbsym is None:
        return direct_spin0.contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index)

    eri = ao2mo.restore(4, eri, norb)
    neleca, nelecb = direct_spin1._unpack_nelec(nelec)
    assert(neleca == nelecb)
    link_indexa = direct_spin0._unpack(norb, nelec, link_index)
    na, nlinka = link_indexa.shape[:2]
    eri_irs, rank_eri, irrep_eri = direct_spin1_symm.reorder_eri(eri, norb, orbsym)

    strsa = numpy.asarray(cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), neleca))
    aidx, link_indexa = direct_spin1_symm.gen_str_irrep(strsa, orbsym, link_indexa,
                                                        rank_eri, irrep_eri)

    Tirrep = ctypes.c_void_p*TOTIRREPS
    linka_ptr = Tirrep(*[x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p) for x in link_indexa])
    eri_ptrs = Tirrep(*[x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p) for x in eri_irs])
    dimirrep = (ctypes.c_int*TOTIRREPS)(*[x.shape[0] for x in eri_irs])
    fcivec_shape = fcivec.shape
    fcivec = fcivec.reshape((na,na), order='C')
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log = logger.new_logger(myci, verbose)
    if tol is None: tol = myci.conv_tol
    if lindep is None: lindep = myci.lindep
    if max_cycle is None: max_cycle = myci.max_cycle
    if max_space is None: max_space = myci.max_space
    if max_memory is None: max_memory = myci.max_memory
    if nroots is None: nroots = myci.nroots
    if myci.verbose >= logger.WARN:

    nelec = direct_spin1._unpack_nelec(nelec, myci.spin)
    ci0, nelec, ci_strs = _unpack(ci0, nelec, ci_strs)
    na = len(ci_strs[0])
    nb = len(ci_strs[1])
    h2e = direct_spin1.absorb_h1e(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, .5)
    h2e = ao2mo.restore(1, h2e, norb)

    link_index = _all_linkstr_index(ci_strs, norb, nelec)
    hdiag = myci.make_hdiag(h1e, eri, ci_strs, norb, nelec)

    if isinstance(ci0, _SCIvector):
        if ci0.size == na*nb:
            ci0 = [ci0.ravel()]
            ci0 = [x.ravel() for x in ci0]
        ci0 = myci.get_init_guess(ci_strs, norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag)

    def hop(c):
        hc = myci.contract_2e(h2e, _as_SCIvector(c, ci_strs), norb, nelec, link_index)
        return hc.reshape(-1)
    precond = lambda x, e, *args: x/(hdiag-e+1e-4)
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from pyscf import symm
    from pyscf.dmrgscf import dmrg_sym

    if (VMC.groupname == 'Dooh'
            or VMC.groupname == 'Coov') and VMC.useExtraSymm:
        coeffs, nRows, rowIndex, rowCoeffs, orbsym = D2htoDinfh(
            VMC, norb, nelec)

        newintt = numpy.tensordot(coeffs.conj(), h1eff, axes=([1], [0]))
        newint1 = numpy.tensordot(newintt, coeffs, axes=([1], [1]))
        newint1r = numpy.zeros(shape=(norb, norb), order='C')
        for i in range(norb):
            for j in range(norb):
                newint1r[i, j] = newint1[i, j].real
        int2 = pyscf.ao2mo.restore(1, eri_cas, norb)
        eri_cas = numpy.zeros_like(int2)

        transformDinfh(norb, numpy.ascontiguousarray(nRows, numpy.int32),
                       numpy.ascontiguousarray(rowIndex, numpy.int32),
                       numpy.ascontiguousarray(rowCoeffs, numpy.float64),
                       numpy.ascontiguousarray(int2, numpy.float64),
                       numpy.ascontiguousarray(eri_cas, numpy.float64))

        writeIntNoSymm(norb, numpy.ascontiguousarray(newint1r, numpy.float64),
                       numpy.ascontiguousarray(eri_cas, numpy.float64),
                       ecore, neleca + nelecb,
                       numpy.asarray(orbsym, dtype=numpy.int32))

        if VMC.groupname is not None and VMC.orbsym is not []:
            orbsym = dmrg_sym.convert_orbsym(VMC.groupname, VMC.orbsym)
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def make_diagonal(eris):
    mo_energy = eris.fock.diagonal()
    nocc = eris.nocc
    nmo = mo_energy.size
    nvir = nmo - nocc
    jdiag = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))
    kdiag = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))
    eris_vvvv = ao2mo.restore(1, eris.vvvv, nvir)
    jdiag[:nocc,:nocc] = numpy.einsum('iijj->ij', eris.oooo)
    kdiag[:nocc,:nocc] = numpy.einsum('jiij->ij', eris.oooo)
    jdiag[nocc:,nocc:] = numpy.einsum('iijj->ij', eris_vvvv)
    kdiag[nocc:,nocc:] = numpy.einsum('jiij->ij', eris_vvvv)
    jdiag[:nocc,nocc:] = numpy.einsum('iijj->ji', eris.vvoo)
    kdiag[:nocc,nocc:] = numpy.einsum('jiij->ij', eris.voov)
    jksum = (jdiag[:nocc,:nocc] * 2 - kdiag[:nocc,:nocc]).sum()
    ehf = mo_energy[:nocc].sum() * 2 - jksum
    e1diag = numpy.empty((nocc,nvir))
    e2diag = numpy.empty((nocc,nocc,nvir,nvir))
    for i in range(nocc):
        for a in range(nocc, nmo):
            e1diag[i,a-nocc] = ehf - mo_energy[i] + mo_energy[a] \
                    - jdiag[i,a] + kdiag[i,a]
            for j in range(nocc):
                for b in range(nocc, nmo):
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if self._scf._eri is not None and \
           (nao*nao*nmo*nmo*12+self._scf._eri.size)*8/1e6 < self.max_memory*.95:
            moab = numpy.hstack((mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1]))
            na = mo_coeff[0].shape[1]
            nab = moab.shape[1]
            eri = pyscf.ao2mo.incore.full(self._scf._eri, moab)
            eri = pyscf.ao2mo.restore(1, eri, nab)
            eri_aa = eri[:na,:na,:na,:na].copy()
            eri_ab = eri[:na,:na,na:,na:].copy()
            eri_bb = eri[na:,na:,na:,na:].copy()
            moab = numpy.hstack((mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1]))
            eri = pyscf.ao2mo.full(self.mol, mo_coeff, verbose=self.verbose)
            na = mo_coeff[0].shape[1]
            nab = moab.shape[1]
            eri = pyscf.ao2mo.restore(1, eri, nab)
            eri_aa = eri[:na,:na,:na,:na].copy()
            eri_ab = eri[:na,:na,na:,na:].copy()
            eri_bb = eri[na:,na:,na:,na:].copy()

        return (eri_aa, eri_ab, eri_bb)