How to use the pysam.Fastafile function in pysam

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pysam examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pysam-developers / pysam / save / View on Github external
def setUp(self):
        self.file=pysam.Fastafile( "ex1.fa" )
github calico / basenji / tests / View on Github external
"""Test that the one hot coded sequences match."""
    for gi in range(2):
      # read sequence coordinates
      seqs_bed_file = '%s/sequences%d.bed' % (self.out_dir, gi)
      seq_coords = read_seq_coords(seqs_bed_file)

      # read one hot coding from TF Records
      train_tfrs_str = '%s/tfrecords/train-%d-0.tfr' % (self.out_dir, gi)
      seqs_1hot, _, genomes = self.read_tfrecords(train_tfrs_str)

      # check genome
      self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(genomes)), 1)
      self.assertEqual(genomes[0], gi)

      # open FASTA
      fasta_open = pysam.Fastafile(self.fasta_files[gi])

      # check random sequences
      seq_indexes = random.sample(range(seqs_1hot.shape[0]), 32)
      for si in seq_indexes:
        sc = seq_coords[si]

        seq_fasta = fasta_open.fetch(sc.chr, sc.start, sc.end).upper()
        seq_1hot_dna = hot1_dna(seqs_1hot[si])
        self.assertEqual(seq_fasta, seq_1hot_dna)
github alimanfoo / pysamstats / View on Github external
def test_binned_pad_wg():
    expected = stat_coverage_binned_refimpl(

    actual = pysamstats.stat_coverage_binned(Samfile('fixture/test.bam'),
    _compare_iterators(expected, actual)
    kwargs = {'window_size': 200,
              'window_offset': 100}
    for f, needs_ref in binned_functions:
        if needs_ref:
            a = f(Samfile('fixture/test.bam'), Fastafile('fixture/ref.fa'),
            a = f(Samfile('fixture/test.bam'), **kwargs)
        assert sorted(set(a['chrom'])) == [b'Pf3D7_01_v3', b'Pf3D7_02_v3',
        eq_(100, a[a['chrom'] == b'Pf3D7_01_v3']['pos'][0])
        eq_(50100, a[a['chrom'] == b'Pf3D7_01_v3']['pos'][-1])
        eq_(100, a[a['chrom'] == b'Pf3D7_02_v3']['pos'][0])
        eq_(60100, a[a['chrom'] == b'Pf3D7_02_v3']['pos'][-1])
github adamewing / bamsurgeon / bamsurgeon / View on Github external
def main(args):
    this is here for testing/debugging
    reffile  = None

    if not args.noref:
        if not args.refFasta:
            raise ValueError("no reference given and --noref not set")
        reffile  = pysam.Fastafile(args.refFasta)

    (chr,coords) = args.regionString.split(':')
    (start,end) = coords.split('-')
    start = re.sub(',','',start)
    end   = re.sub(',','',end)
    start = int(start)
    end   = int(end)

    if not os.path.exists(args.tmpdir):
        print "INFO\t" + now() + "\tcreated tmp directory: " + args.tmpdir

    contigs = asm(chr, start, end, args.bamFileName, reffile, int(args.kmersize), args.tmpdir)

    maxlen = 0
    maxeid = None
github bioinform / metasv / View on Github external
import pysam

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Convert genotyped BreakDancer output to VCF",
parser.add_argument("--sv_file", metavar="sv_file", help="SV file", required=False, default="-")
parser.add_argument("--reference", metavar="reference", help="Reference file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--sample", metavar="Sample", help="Sample name", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--sort", action="store_true", help="Sort the input")

args = parser.parse_args()

input_handle = sys.stdin if args.sv_file == "-" else open(args.sv_file)

fasta_handle = pysam.Fastafile(args.reference)

def get_contigs(fai_filename):
    fai_file = open(fai_filename)
    contigs = {}
    contigs_order = {}
    linenum = 0
    for line in fai_file.readlines():
        line = line.strip()
        line_items = line.split("\t")
        name, length = line_items[0:2]
        name = name.split(" ")[0]
        contigs[name] = int(length)
        contigs_order[name] = linenum
        linenum += 1
github ngsutils / ngsutils / ngsutils / bam / View on Github external
def bam_minorallele(bam_fname, ref_fname, min_qual=0, min_count=0, num_alleles=0, name=None, min_ci_low=None):
    bam = pysam.Samfile(bam_fname, "rb")
    ref = pysam.Fastafile(ref_fname)

    if not name:
        name = os.path.basename(bam_fname)

    if num_alleles:
        print "# %s" % num_alleles

    sys.stdout.write('\t'.join("chrom pos refbase altbase total refcount altcount background refback altback".split()))
    if num_alleles and rscript:

    for pileup in bam_pileup_iter(bam, mask=1540):
        chrom = bam.getrname(pileup.tid)

        counts = {'A': 0, 'C': 0, 'G': 0, 'T': 0}
github csmiller / EMIRGE / View on Github external
paired reads are treated as separate, individual reads.

        This MUST maintain seq_i to name and read_i to name mappings between iterations, so that a single
        name always maintains the same index from one iteration to the next.  One result of this requirement
        is that the various matrices can always get larger in a later t, but never smaller (as reads or seqs are added)
        if self._VERBOSE:
            sys.stderr.write("Reading bam file %s at %s...\n"%(bam_filename, ctime()))
            start_time = time()

        initial_iteration = self.iteration_i < 0  # this is initial iteration
        self.current_bam_filename = bam_filename
        self.current_reference_fasta_filename = reference_fasta_filename
        self.fastafile = pysam.Fastafile(self.current_reference_fasta_filename)

        for d in [self.sequence_name2sequence_i, self.sequence_i2sequence_name,
                  self.read_name2read_i, self.read_i2read_name]:

            if initial_iteration:
                d.append(d[-1].copy())  # get same name mappings from previous round, add to them if new reads or seqs
                if len(d) > 2:
                    trash = d.pop(0)  # no longer care about t-2
                    del trash
        # start new seq_i's or read_i's at next integer if there is a dictionary from the previous iteration.
        if initial_iteration:
            seq_i = 0
            read_i = 0
github KarchinLab / probabilistic2020 / bin / View on Github external
def singleprocess_permutation(info):
    bed_list, mut_df, opts = info
    current_chrom = bed_list[0].chrom'Working on chromosome: {0} . . .'.format(current_chrom))
    num_iterations = opts['num_iterations']
    gene_fa = pysam.Fastafile(opts['input'])
    gs = GeneSequence(gene_fa, nuc_context=opts['context'])

    # go through each gene to perform simulation
    result = []
    for bed in bed_list:
        # compute context counts and somatic bases for each context
        gene_tuple = mc.compute_mutation_context(bed, gs, mut_df, opts)
        context_cts, context_to_mutations, mutations_df, gs, sc = gene_tuple

        if context_to_mutations:
            ## get information about observed non-silent counts
            if opts['summary'] and not num_iterations:
                tmp_mut_info = mc.get_aa_mut_info(mutations_df['Coding Position'],
                # calc mutation info summarizing observed mutations
github aroth85 / JointSNVMix / joint_snv_mix / runners / View on Github external
def get_qual_counter(args):
    normal_bam = pysam.Samfile(args.normal_bam, 'rb')
    tumour_bam = pysam.Samfile(args.tumour_bam, 'rb')
    ref_genome = pysam.Fastafile(args.reference_genome)
    counter = JointBinaryQualityCounter(normal_bam, tumour_bam, ref_genome)
    if args.positions_file is not None:
        counter = PositionsCounter(counter, args.positions_file)
    return counter
github CostaLab / reg-gen / tools / View on Github external
def get_sequence(sequence, ch, ss, es, reverse=False, complement=False, rna=False, ex=0, strand=None):
    import pysam
    sequence = pysam.Fastafile(sequence)
    if not ch:
        seq = sequence.fetch(max(0, ss - ex), es + ex)
        seq = sequence.fetch(ch, max(0, ss-ex), es + ex)
    seq = seq.upper()

    if strand == "-" and not reverse and not complement:
        reverse = True
        complement = True

    if complement:
        t = {"A":"T", "T":"A", "C":"G", "G":"C", "N":"N" }
        ns = ""
        for s in seq: ns += t[s]
        seq = ns