How to use the pysam.AlignmentFile function in pysam

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pysam examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ga4gh / ga4gh-server / tests / unit / View on Github external
            samFile = pysam.AlignmentFile(, "r")
                # TODO suppressed because of pysam output:
                # [W::sam_parse1] mapped mate cannot have zero coordinate;
                # treated as unmapped
                # and
                # [W::sam_parse1] mapped mate cannot have zero coordinate;
                # treated as unmapped
                # see discussion in
                with utils.suppressOutput():
                    convertedReads = list(samFile.fetch())
            samFile = pysam.AlignmentFile(readGroupSet.getDataUrl(), "rb")
                sourceReads = []
                referenceName = reference.getName().encode()
                readGroupName = readGroup.getLocalId().encode()
                for readAlignment in samFile.fetch(referenceName):
                    tags = dict(readAlignment.tags)
                    if 'RG' in tags and tags['RG'] == readGroupName:
            self.verifySamRecordsEqual(sourceReads, convertedReads)
github pughlab / ConsensusCruncher / ConsensusCruncher / View on Github external
    start_time = time.time()
    # ===== Initialize input and output bam files =====
    args.infile = str(args.infile)
    args.outfile = str(args.outfile)

    sscs_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(args.infile, "rb")
    dcs_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(args.outfile, "wb", template=sscs_bam)
    if'', args.outfile) is None:
        sscs_singleton_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile('{}'.format(args.outfile.split('')[0]),
                                             "wb", template=sscs_bam)
        dcs_header = "DCS - Singleton Correction"
        sc_header = " SC"
        sscs_singleton_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile('{}.sscs.singleton.bam'.format(args.outfile.split('.dcs')[0]),
                                             "wb", template=sscs_bam)
        dcs_header = "DCS"
        sc_header = ""

    stats = open('{}.stats.txt'.format(args.outfile.split('.dcs')[0]), 'a')
    time_tracker = open('{}.time_tracker.txt'.format(args.outfile.split('.dcs')[0]), 'a')

    # ===== Initialize dictionaries and counters=====
    read_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
    tag_dict = collections.defaultdict(int)
    pair_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    csn_pair_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

    unmapped = 0
    unmapped_mate = 0
    multiple_mapping = 0  # Secondary/supplementary reads
github iprada / Circle-Map / circlemap / View on Github external
def find_circles(self):

        begin = time.time()

        os.chdir("%s" % self.dir)

        bam = ps.AlignmentFile("%s" % self.bam,'rb')

        print("Iterating trough the bam file")

        output = []
        for read in bam:

                if read.has_tag('XA'):
                    tag = read.get_tag('XA').split(';')[:-1]

                    read_edit_distance = read.get_tag('NM')

                    if read_edit_distance <= self.mismatch and len(tag) ==1:
github SUwonglab / arcsv / arcsv / View on Github external
def test_get_blocked_alignment():
    bam = pysam.AlignmentFile('/home/jgarthur/sv/analysis/alignments/bwa_mem/short-reads/jun_jul.mdup.merge.mdup.bam', 'rb')
    blocks = [GenomeInterval('1', 0, 100),
              GenomeInterval('1', 110, 210),
              GenomeInterval('1', 210, 2000)]
    aln = pysam.AlignedSegment()
    aln.pos = 0
    aln.cigarstring = '50M'
    aln.seq = 'A' * 50
    aln.is_reverse = False
    print(get_blocked_alignment(aln, blocks, 0, bam))
    assert(get_blocked_alignment(aln, blocks, 0, bam) == ([1], 0))
    assert(get_blocked_alignment(aln, blocks, 0, bam, is_rf=True) == ([0], 50))
    aln.is_reverse = True
    print(get_blocked_alignment(aln, blocks, 0, bam))
    assert(get_blocked_alignment(aln, blocks, 0, bam) == ([0], 50))
    assert(get_blocked_alignment(aln, blocks, 0, bam, is_rf=True) == ([1], 0))
github nanoporetech / medaka / medaka / View on Github external
:param ref_rle_fq: result of `process_ref_seq`
        :param start: starting position within reference
        :param end: ending position within reference
        :returns: `Sample` object
        if self.is_compressed:
            aln_to_pairs = partial(yield_compressed_pairs, ref_rle=ref_rle_fq)
        elif self.max_hp_len == 1:
            aln_to_pairs = get_pairs
            aln_to_pairs = partial(get_pairs_with_hp_len, ref_seq=ref_rle_fq)

        # accumulate data in dicts
        aln_counters = defaultdict(Counter)
        ref_bases = dict()
        with pysam.AlignmentFile(reads_bam, 'rb') as bamfile:
            n_aln = bamfile.count(region.ref_name, region.start, region.end)
            #print('{} reads aligned to ref segment.'.format(n_aln))
            aln_reads = bamfile.fetch(region.ref_name, region.start, region.end)
            if read_fraction is not None:
                low, high = read_fraction
                np.random.seed((int(now()) * region.start) % 2**32)
                fraction = ((high - low) * np.random.random_sample(1) + low)[0]
                aln_reads = [a for a in aln_reads]
                n_reads = len(aln_reads)
                n_reads_to_keep = max(int(fraction * n_reads), 1)
                replace = n_reads_to_keep > n_reads
                msg = "Resampling (replace {}) from {} to {} ({:.3f}) for {}"
                logging.debug(msg.format(replace, n_reads, n_reads_to_keep, fraction, region))
                aln_reads = np.random.choice(aln_reads, n_reads_to_keep, replace=replace)

            start = region.start
github bcbio / bcbio-nextgen / bcbio / ngsalign / View on Github external
def _set_quality(in_bam):
    change all quality to 255
    bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(in_bam, "rb")
    out_file = utils.append_stem(in_bam, "_normqual")
    if file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out:
        with pysam.AlignmentFile(tx_out, "wb", template=bam) as out_handle:
            for read in bam.fetch():
                read.mapping_quality = 255
    return out_file
github vatlab / sos / src / sos / bioinfo / View on Github external
def preview_bam(filename, kernel=None, style=None):
    import pysam
    res = ''
    with pysam.AlignmentFile(filename, 'rb') as bam:
        headers = bam.header
        for record_type in ('RG', 'PG', 'SQ'):
            if record_type not in headers:
                records = headers[record_type]
            res += record_type + ':\n'
            for i, record in enumerate(records):
                if isinstance(record, str):
                    res += '  ' + short_repr(record) + '\n'
                elif isinstance(record, dict):
                    res += '  '
                    for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(record.items()):
                        if idx < 4:
                            res += '{}: {}    '.format(k, short_repr(v))
                        elif idx == 4:
github prophyle / prophyle / prophyle / View on Github external
            with open(in_fn, 'rb') as f:
                f_start =
                if f_start == b'C\t' or f_start == b'U\t':
                    in_format = 'kraken'
                elif f_start == b'#O':
                    in_format = 'histo'

    if in_format == 'sam':
        in_f = pysam.AlignmentFile(in_fn, "r")
    elif in_format == 'bam':
        in_f = pysam.AlignmentFile(in_fn, "rb")
    elif in_format == 'cram':
        in_f = pysam.AlignmentFile(in_fn, "rc")
    elif in_format == 'uncompressed_bam':
        in_f = pysam.AlignmentFile(in_fn, "ru")
    elif in_format == 'kraken':
        in_f = open(in_fn, 'r')
    # no need to load assignments if input is a histogram -> go to load_histo
    elif in_format == 'histo':
        in_f = None
    # let pysam assess the format
        in_f = pysam.AlignmentFile(in_fn)
    return in_f, in_format
github CGATOxford / cgat / CGAT / scripts / View on Github external
def validateSNPs(options, fastafile):
    '''read SNPs in pileup format.'''

    callers = []

    for filename in options.filename_references:
        for f in glob.glob(filename):
            callers.append(pysam.SNPCaller(pysam.AlignmentFile(f, "rb"), fastafile))

    if len(callers) == 0:
        E.warning("no transcript data available")
    else:"validating against %i reference files" % (len(callers)))

    c = E.Counter()

    outf = options.stdout

    nfiles = len(callers)

        ("contig", "pos", "reference", "genotype", "consensus_quality", "genotype_quality", "mapping_quality", "coverage")))
github mirnylab / bioframe / View on Github external
def read_bam(fp, chrom=None, start=None, end=None):
    with closing(pysam.AlignmentFile(fp), 'rb') as f:
        bam_iter = f.fetch(chrom, start, end)
        records = [(s.qname, s.flag, s.rname, s.pos, s.mapq,
                    s.cigarstring if s.mapq != 0 else np.nan,
                    s.rnext, s.pnext, s.tlen, s.seq, s.qual,
                    json.dumps(OrderedDict(s.tags))) for s in bam_iter]
        df = pandas.DataFrame(records, columns=BAM_FIELDS)
    return df