How to use the pypyr.errors.Stop function in pypyr

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pypyr examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class PlugInError(Error):
    """Pypyr plug - ins should sub - class this."""

class PyModuleNotFoundError(Error, ModuleNotFoundError):
    """Could not load python module because it wasn't found."""

# -------------------------- Control of Flow Instructions ---------------------
class Stop(Error):
    """Control of flow. Stop all execution."""

class StopPipeline(Stop):
    """Control of flow. Stop current pipeline execution."""

class StopStepGroup(Stop):
    """Control of flow. Stop current step - group execution."""

class ControlOfFlowInstruction(Error):
    """Control of flow instructions should inherit from this.

        groups: list of str. List of step - groups to execute.
        success_group: str. Step - group to execute on success condition.
        failure_group: str. Step - group to execute on failure condition.
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class PyModuleNotFoundError(Error, ModuleNotFoundError):
    """Could not load python module because it wasn't found."""

# -------------------------- Control of Flow Instructions ---------------------
class Stop(Error):
    """Control of flow. Stop all execution."""

class StopPipeline(Stop):
    """Control of flow. Stop current pipeline execution."""

class StopStepGroup(Stop):
    """Control of flow. Stop current step - group execution."""

class ControlOfFlowInstruction(Error):
    """Control of flow instructions should inherit from this.

        groups: list of str. List of step - groups to execute.
        success_group: str. Step - group to execute on success condition.
        failure_group: str. Step - group to execute on failure condition.

    def __init__(self, groups, success_group, failure_group):
        """Initialize the control of flow instruction.

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pypyr.log.logger.set_root_logger(log_level, log_path)

    logger.debug("starting pypyr")

    # pipelines specify steps in python modules that load dynamically.
    # make it easy for the operator so that the cwd is automatically included
    # without needing to pip install a package 1st.

    except Stop:
        logger.debug("Stop: stopped pypyr")

    logger.debug("pypyr done")