How to use the pypyr.errors.PipelineDefinitionError function in pypyr

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            step: (CommentedMap/dict) This is the actual step as it
            exists in the pipeline yaml.
        if hasattr(step, 'lc'):
            # line_no: optional. Has value only when the yaml
            # round trip parser is in use.
            self.line_no =
            # line_col: optional. Has value only when the yaml
            # round trip parser is in use.
            self.line_col = = step.get('name', None)

        if not
            raise PipelineDefinitionError('step must have a name.')

        logger.debug("%s is complex.",

        self.in_parameters = step.get('in', None)

        # description: optional. Write to stdout if exists and flagged.
        self.description = step.get('description', None)
        if self.description:
            logger.notify("%s: %s",, self.description)
            logger.debug("step name: %s",

        # foreach: optional value. None by default.
        self.foreach_items = step.get('foreach', None)

        # retry: optional, defaults none.
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# stop: optional. defaults None.
            self.stop = while_definition.get('stop', None)

            if self.stop is None and self.max is None:
                logger.error("while decorator missing both max and stop.")
                raise PipelineDefinitionError("the while decorator must have "
                                              "either max or stop, or both. "
                                              "But not neither. Note that "
                                              "setting stop: False with no "
                                              "max is an infinite loop. If "
                                              "an infinite loop is really "
                                              "what you want, set stop: False")
            # if it isn't a dict, pipeline configuration is wrong.
            logger.error("while decorator definition incorrect.")
            raise PipelineDefinitionError("while decorator must be a dict "
                                          "(i.e a map) type.")

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if isinstance(while_definition, dict):
            # errorOnMax: optional. defaults False
            self.error_on_max = while_definition.get('errorOnMax', False)

            # max: optional. defaults None.
            self.max = while_definition.get('max', None)

            # sleep: optional. defaults 0.
            self.sleep = while_definition.get('sleep', 0)

            # stop: optional. defaults None.
            self.stop = while_definition.get('stop', None)

            if self.stop is None and self.max is None:
                logger.error("while decorator missing both max and stop.")
                raise PipelineDefinitionError("the while decorator must have "
                                              "either max or stop, or both. "
                                              "But not neither. Note that "
                                              "setting stop: False with no "
                                              "max is an infinite loop. If "
                                              "an infinite loop is really "
                                              "what you want, set stop: False")
            # if it isn't a dict, pipeline configuration is wrong.
            logger.error("while decorator definition incorrect.")
            raise PipelineDefinitionError("while decorator must be a dict "
                                          "(i.e a map) type.")

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if isinstance(retry_definition, dict):
            # max: optional. defaults None.
            self.max = retry_definition.get('max', None)

            # sleep: optional. defaults 0.
            self.sleep = retry_definition.get('sleep', 0)

            # stopOn: optional. defaults None.
            self.stop_on = retry_definition.get('stopOn', None)

            # retryOn: optional. defaults None.
            self.retry_on = retry_definition.get('retryOn', None)
            # if it isn't a dict, pipeline configuration is wrong.
            logger.error("retry decorator definition incorrect.")
            raise PipelineDefinitionError("retry decorator must be a dict "
                                          "(i.e a map) type.")

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mutate - after method execution will contain the new
                     updated context.
            step_method: (method/function) This is the method/function that
                         will execute on every loop iteration. Signature is:


        context['whileCounter'] = 0

        if self.stop is None and self.max is None:
            # the ctor already does this check, but guess theoretically
            # consumer could have messed with the props since ctor
            logger.error("while decorator missing both max and stop.")
            raise PipelineDefinitionError("the while decorator must have "
                                          "either max or stop, or both. "
                                          "But not neither.")

        error_on_max = context.get_formatted_as_type(
            self.error_on_max, out_type=bool)
        sleep = context.get_formatted_as_type(self.sleep, out_type=float)
        if self.max is None:
            max = None
  "while decorator will loop until %s "
                        "evaluates to True at %ss intervals.",
                        self.stop, sleep)
            max = context.get_formatted_as_type(self.max, out_type=int)

            if max < 1: