Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
aeqd_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
p_grid = pyproj.Proj(aeqd_sr.ExportToProj4())
p_geo = pyproj.Proj(geo_sr.ExportToProj4())
# test locations in Africa
points = [(-31.627336, 30.306273),
(-14.589038, -43.880131),
(79.423313, -35.261658),
(23.456413, 10.457987)]
for i, pt in enumerate(points):
# from lat/lon to aeqd
aeqd_x, aeqd_y = pyproj.transform(p_geo, p_grid, pt[0], pt[1])
# from aeqd to lat/lon
lon, lat = pyproj.transform(p_grid, p_geo, aeqd_x, aeqd_y)
# print info
print("testing location {}:".format(i))
_info = " ({:f},{:f}) -> ({:f},{:f}) -> ({:f},{:f})"
print(_info.format(pt[0], pt[1], aeqd_x, aeqd_y, lon, lat))
print(" difference: ({:f},{:f})".format(lon - pt[0], lat - pt[1]))
nptest.assert_allclose(pt[0], lon)
nptest.assert_allclose(pt[1], lat)
def _get_chip(self, window):
no_shift = self.x_shift_meters == 0.0 and self.y_shift_meters == 0.0
yes_shift = not no_shift
if yes_shift:
ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = window.tuple_format()
width = window.get_width()
height = window.get_height()
# Transform image coordinates into world coordinates
transform = self.image_dataset.transform
xmin2, ymin2 = transform * (xmin, ymin)
# Transform from world coordinates to WGS84
if != wgs84_proj4 and self.proj:
lon, lat = pyproj.transform(self.proj, wgs84, xmin2, ymin2)
lon, lat = xmin2, ymin2
# Shift. This is performed by computing the shifts in
# meters to shifts in degrees. Those shifts are then
# applied to the WGS84 coordinate.
# Courtesy of # noqa
lat_radians = math.pi * lat / 180.0
dlon = Decimal(self.x_shift_meters) / Decimal(
meters_per_degree * math.cos(lat_radians))
dlat = Decimal(self.y_shift_meters) / Decimal(meters_per_degree)
lon = float(Decimal(lon) + dlon)
lat = float(Decimal(lat) + dlat)
# Transform from WGS84 to world coordinates
# The lat long are in epsg 4326 which is WGS84
inProj = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
outProj = Proj(init=EPSG_string)
this_Lat = self.Latitude[0]
this_Lon = self.Longitude[0]
print("Lat-long: ")
easting =[]
northing = []
for idx, Lon in enumerate(self.Longitude):
Lat = self.Latitude[idx]
ea,no = transform(inProj,outProj,Lon,Lat)
return easting,northing
def transform_point(in_point, in_crs, out_crs):
export a Shapely geom to GeoJSON Feature and
transform to a new coordinate system with pyproj
:param in_point: shapely geometry as point
:param in_crs: pyproj crs definition
:param out_crs: pyproj output crs definition
:return: GeoJSON transformed to out_crs
geojs_geom = in_point.__geo_interface__
x1 = geojs_geom['coordinates'][0]
y1 = geojs_geom['coordinates'][1]
# transform the coordinate
x, y = transform(in_crs, out_crs, x1, y1)
# creat output new point
new_point = dict(type='Feature', properties=dict(id=1))
new_point['geometry'] = geojs_geom
new_coord = (x, y)
# add newly transformed coordinate
new_point['geometry']['coordinates'] = new_coord
return new_point
def proj_trans1(lon, lat):
#p3 = pyproj.Proj("epsg:4326")
p1 = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm',zone=10,ellps='WGS84', preserve_units=False)
p2 = pyproj.Proj("epsg:3857")
x1, y1 = p1(lon, lat)
x2, y2 = pyproj.transform(p1, p2, x1, y1, radians=True)
return x2, y2
def transform(self, data, src_srid, dst_srid):
src = self.get_proj(src_srid)
dst = self.get_proj(dst_srid)
if src == dst:
return data
if data["type"] == "Point":
x, y = data["coordinates"]
data["coordinates"] = pyproj.transform(src, dst, x, y)
elif data["type"] == "LineString":
data["coordinates"] = [pyproj.transform(src, dst, x, y) for x, y in data["coordinates"]]
return data
point2 = (point2_y, point2_x)
# TODO improve by finding nearest edge, routing to/from node at either end
origin_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, point1)
destination_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, point2)
if origin_node != destination_node:
# Find the shortest path over the network between these nodes
route = nx.shortest_path(G, origin_node, destination_node, weight='length')
# Retrieve route nodes and lookup geographical location
routeline = []
routeline.append((origin_x, origin_y))
for node in route:
routeline.append((transform(projWGS84, projUTM, G.nodes[node]['x'], G.nodes[node]['y'])))
routeline.append((dest_x, dest_y))
line = routeline
line = [(origin_x, origin_y), (dest_x, dest_y)]
except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath:
line = [(origin_x, origin_y), (dest_x, dest_y)]
# Map to line
'type': "Feature",
'geometry': {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": line
'properties': {
"origin": origin['properties']['id'],
if not os.access(outputDir, os.W_OK):
raise IOError(errno.EACCES, "Not allowed to write to output directory %s" % (outputDir,))
outputDir = os.path.abspath(outputDir)
inRasterFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, inRasterFilename)
outRasterFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, outRasterFilename)
if not os.path.exists(outRasterFilepath):
# Convert into coordinate system of inRaster
inRasterSrs = getSpatialReferenceForRaster(inRasterFilepath)
inSrs = osr.SpatialReference()
assert(inSrs.ImportFromWkt(inRasterSrs[4]) == 0)
p_in = Proj(init="EPSG:4326")
p_out = Proj(inSrs.ExportToProj4())
(ulX, ulY) = transform(p_in, p_out, bbox['minX'], bbox['maxY'])
(lrX, lrY) = transform(p_in, p_out, bbox['maxX'], bbox['minY'])
gdalCommand = "%s -q -stats -of GTiff -co 'COMPRESS=LZW' -projwin %f %f %f %f %s %s" \
% (gdalCmdPath, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY, \
inRasterFilepath, outRasterFilepath)
#print gdalCommand
returnCode = os.system(gdalCommand)
if returnCode != 0:
raise Exception("GDAL command %s failed." % (gdalCommand,))
total = rad * 10800.0 # 3 hr rad to total rad
total += rad * 10800.0
now += interval
SELECT station, ST_x(geom), ST_y(geom), temp24_hour from
alldata a JOIN stations t on
(a.station = where day = %s
for row in ccursor:
if mode == NC_MODE:
(x, y) = pyproj.transform(P4326, LCC, row[1], row[2])
(gridxs, gridys, distances) = get_gp(xc, yc, x, y)
# Note the hacky reversing of grid coords
(gridys, gridxs, distances) = get_gp2(lons, lats, row[1], row[2])
z0 = total[gridys[0], gridxs[0]]
z1 = total[gridys[1], gridxs[1]]
z2 = total[gridys[2], gridxs[2]]
z3 = total[gridys[3], gridxs[3]]
val = (
z0 / distances[0]
+ z1 / distances[1]
+ z2 / distances[2]
+ z3 / distances[3]
) / (
def LLH_to_ECEF(self, lat, lon, alt):
ecef, llh = pyproj.Proj(proj='geocent'), pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong')
x, y, z = pyproj.transform(llh, ecef, lon, lat, alt, radians=False)
return x/1000000, y/1000000, z/1000000