How to use the pyproj.geomath.Math.sq function in pyproj

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def Astroid(x, y):
    # Solve k^4+2*k^3-(x^2+y^2-1)*k^2-2*y^2*k-y^2 = 0 for positive root k.
    # This solution is adapted from Geocentric::Reverse.
    p = Math.sq(x)
    q = Math.sq(y)
    r = (p + q - 1) / 6
    if not(q == 0 and r <= 0):
      # Avoid possible division by zero when r = 0 by multiplying equations
      # for s and t by r^3 and r, resp.
      S = p * q / 4            # S = r^3 * s
      r2 = Math.sq(r)
      r3 = r * r2
      # The discrimant of the quadratic equation for T3.  This is zero on
      # the evolute curve p^(1/3)+q^(1/3) = 1
      disc =  S * (S + 2 * r3)
      u = r
      if (disc >= 0):
        T3 = S + r3
        # Pick the sign on the sqrt to maximize abs(T3).  This minimizes loss
        # of precision due to cancellation.  The result is unchanged because
        # of the way the T is used in definition of u.
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def C1f(eps, c):
    eps2 = Math.sq(eps)
    d = eps
    c[1] = d*((6-eps2)*eps2-16)/32
    d *= eps
    c[2] = d*((64-9*eps2)*eps2-128)/2048
    d *= eps
    c[3] = d*(9*eps2-16)/768
    d *= eps
    c[4] = d*(3*eps2-5)/512
    d *= eps
    c[5] = -7*d/1280
    d *= eps
    c[6] = -7*d/2048
  C1f = staticmethod(C1f)
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def Astroid(x, y):
    # Solve k^4+2*k^3-(x^2+y^2-1)*k^2-2*y^2*k-y^2 = 0 for positive root k.
    # This solution is adapted from Geocentric::Reverse.
    p = Math.sq(x)
    q = Math.sq(y)
    r = (p + q - 1) / 6
    if not(q == 0 and r <= 0):
      # Avoid possible division by zero when r = 0 by multiplying equations
      # for s and t by r^3 and r, resp.
      S = p * q / 4            # S = r^3 * s
      r2 = Math.sq(r)
      r3 = r * r2
      # The discrimant of the quadratic equation for T3.  This is zero on
      # the evolute curve p^(1/3)+q^(1/3) = 1
      disc =  S * (S + 2 * r3)
      u = r
      if (disc >= 0):
        T3 = S + r3
        # Pick the sign on the sqrt to maximize abs(T3).  This minimizes loss
        # of precision due to cancellation.  The result is unchanged because
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def C1pf(eps, c):
    eps2 = Math.sq(eps)
    d = eps
    c[1] = d*(eps2*(205*eps2-432)+768)/1536
    d *= eps
    c[2] = d*(eps2*(4005*eps2-4736)+3840)/12288
    d *= eps
    c[3] = d*(116-225*eps2)/384
    d *= eps
    c[4] = d*(2695-7173*eps2)/7680
    d *= eps
    c[5] = 3467*d/7680
    d *= eps
    c[6] = 38081*d/61440
  C1pf = staticmethod(C1pf)
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if outmask & Geodesic.DISTANCE:
      s12 = 0 + s12x           # Convert -0 to 0

    if outmask & Geodesic.REDUCEDLENGTH:
      m12 = 0 + m12x           # Convert -0 to 0

    if outmask & Geodesic.AREA:
      # From Lambda12: sin(alp1) * cos(bet1) = sin(alp0)
      salp0 = salp1 * cbet1
      calp0 = math.hypot(calp1, salp1 * sbet1) # calp0 > 0
      # real alp12
      if calp0 != 0 and salp0 != 0:
        # From Lambda12: tan(bet) = tan(sig) * cos(alp)
        ssig1 = sbet1; csig1 = calp1 * cbet1
        ssig2 = sbet2; csig2 = calp2 * cbet2
        k2 = Math.sq(calp0) * self._ep2
        # Multiplier = a^2 * e^2 * cos(alpha0) * sin(alpha0).
        A4 = Math.sq(self._a) * calp0 * salp0 * self._e2
        ssig1, csig1 = Geodesic.SinCosNorm(ssig1, csig1)
        ssig2, csig2 = Geodesic.SinCosNorm(ssig2, csig2)
        C4a = list(range(Geodesic.nC4_))
        self.C4f(k2, C4a)
        B41 = Geodesic.SinCosSeries(False, ssig1, csig1, C4a, Geodesic.nC4_)
        B42 = Geodesic.SinCosSeries(False, ssig2, csig2, C4a, Geodesic.nC4_)
        S12 = A4 * (B42 - B41)
        # Avoid problems with indeterminate sig1, sig2 on equator
        S12 = 0
      if (not meridian and
          omg12 < 0.75 * math.pi and # Long difference too big
          sbet2 - sbet1 < 1.75):     # Lat difference too big
        # Use tan(Gamma/2) = tan(omg12/2)
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if outmask & Geodesic.REDUCEDLENGTH:
      m12 = 0 + m12x           # Convert -0 to 0

    if outmask & Geodesic.AREA:
      # From Lambda12: sin(alp1) * cos(bet1) = sin(alp0)
      salp0 = salp1 * cbet1
      calp0 = math.hypot(calp1, salp1 * sbet1) # calp0 > 0
      # real alp12
      if calp0 != 0 and salp0 != 0:
        # From Lambda12: tan(bet) = tan(sig) * cos(alp)
        ssig1 = sbet1; csig1 = calp1 * cbet1
        ssig2 = sbet2; csig2 = calp2 * cbet2
        k2 = Math.sq(calp0) * self._ep2
        # Multiplier = a^2 * e^2 * cos(alpha0) * sin(alpha0).
        A4 = Math.sq(self._a) * calp0 * salp0 * self._e2
        ssig1, csig1 = Geodesic.SinCosNorm(ssig1, csig1)
        ssig2, csig2 = Geodesic.SinCosNorm(ssig2, csig2)
        C4a = list(range(Geodesic.nC4_))
        self.C4f(k2, C4a)
        B41 = Geodesic.SinCosSeries(False, ssig1, csig1, C4a, Geodesic.nC4_)
        B42 = Geodesic.SinCosSeries(False, ssig2, csig2, C4a, Geodesic.nC4_)
        S12 = A4 * (B42 - B41)
        # Avoid problems with indeterminate sig1, sig2 on equator
        S12 = 0
      if (not meridian and
          omg12 < 0.75 * math.pi and # Long difference too big
          sbet2 - sbet1 < 1.75):     # Lat difference too big
        # Use tan(Gamma/2) = tan(omg12/2)
        # * (tan(bet1/2)+tan(bet2/2))/(1+tan(bet1/2)*tan(bet2/2))
        # with tan(x/2) = sin(x)/(1+cos(x))
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      self._f = 1.0/f
    self._f1 = 1 - self._f
    self._e2 = self._f * (2 - self._f)
    self._ep2 = self._e2 / Math.sq(self._f1) # e2 / (1 - e2)
    self._n = self._f / ( 2 - self._f)
    self._b = self._a * self._f1
    # authalic radius squared
    if self._e2 == 0:
      self._c2 = (Math.sq(self._a) + Math.sq(self._b))/2
    elif self._e2 > 0:
      self._c2 = (Math.sq(self._a) +
                  Math.sq(self._b) * Math.atanh(math.sqrt(self._e2)) /
    else: # self._e2 < 0:
      self._c2 = (Math.sq(self._a) +
                  Math.sq(self._b) * math.atan(math.sqrt(-self._e2)) /
    self._etol2 = Geodesic.tol2_ / max(0.1, math.sqrt(abs(self._e2)))
    if not(Math.isfinite(self._a) and self._a > 0):
      raise ValueError("Major radius is not positive")
    if not(Math.isfinite(self._b) and self._b > 0):
      raise ValueError("Minor radius is not positive")
    self._A3x = list(range(int(Geodesic.nA3x_)))
    self._C3x = list(range(int(Geodesic.nC3x_)))
    self._C4x = list(range(int(Geodesic.nC4x_)))
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# Inverse.
        dummy, m12a, m0, dummy, dummy = self.Lengths(
          self._n, math.pi + bet12a, sbet1, -cbet1, sbet2, cbet2,
          cbet1, cbet2, dummy, False, C1a, C2a)
        x = -1 + m12a/(self._f1 * cbet1 * cbet2 * m0 * math.pi)
        if x < -real(0.01):
          betscale = sbet12a / x
          betscale = -self._f * Math.sq(cbet1) * math.pi
        lamscale = betscale / cbet1
        y = (lam12 - math.pi) / lamscale

      if y > -Geodesic.tol1_ and x >  -1 - Geodesic.xthresh_:
        # strip near cut
        if self._f >= 0:
          salp1 = min(1.0, -x); calp1 = - math.sqrt(1 - Math.sq(salp1))
          if x > -Geodesic.tol1_:
            calp1 = max(0.0, x)
            calp1 = max(-1.0, x)
          salp1 = math.sqrt(1 - Math.sq(calp1))
        # Estimate alp1, by solving the astroid problem.
        # Could estimate alpha1 = theta + pi/2, directly, i.e.,
        #   calp1 = y/k; salp1 = -x/(1+k);  for _f >= 0
        #   calp1 = x/(1+k); salp1 = -y/k;  for _f < 0 (need to check)
        # However, it's better to estimate omg12 from astroid and use
        # spherical formula to compute alp1.  This reduces the mean number of
        # Newton iterations for astroid cases from 2.24 (min 0, max 6) to 2.12
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# of precision due to cancellation.  The result is unchanged because
        # of the way the T is used in definition of u.
        T3 += cmp(T3, 0) * math.sqrt(disc) # T3 = (r * t)^3
        # N.B. cbrt always returns the real root.  cbrt(-8) = -2.
        T = Math.cbrt(T3)       # T = r * t
        # T can be zero; but then r2 / T -> 0.
        u += T
        if T != 0:
          u += (r2 / T)
        # T is complex, but the way u is defined the result is real.
        ang = math.atan2(math.sqrt(-disc), -(S + r3))
        # There are three possible cube roots.  We choose the root which
        # avoids cancellation.  Note that disc < 0 implies that r < 0.
        u += 2 * r * math.cos(ang / 3)
      v = math.sqrt(Math.sq(u) + q)  # guaranteed positive
      # Avoid loss of accuracy when u < 0.
      # u+v, guaranteed positive
      if u < 0:
        uv = q / (v - u)
        uv = u + v
      w = (uv - q) / (2 * v)               # positive?
      # Rearrange expression for k to avoid loss of accuracy due to
      # subtraction.  Division by 0 not possible because uv > 0, w >= 0.
      k = uv / (math.sqrt(uv + Math.sq(w)) + w) # guaranteed positive
    else:                                       # q == 0 && r <= 0
      # y = 0 with |x| <= 1.  Handle this case directly.
      # for y small, positive root is k = abs(y)/sqrt(1-x^2)
      k = 0
    return k
  Astroid = staticmethod(Astroid)