How to use the pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME function in pyodbc

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyodbc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests2 / View on Github external
def driver_type_is(self, type_name):
        recognized_types = {
            'msodbcsql': '(Microsoft) ODBC Driver xx for SQL Server',
            'freetds': 'FreeTDS ODBC',
        if not type_name in recognized_types.keys():
            raise KeyError('"{0}" is not a recognized driver type: {1}'.format(type_name, list(recognized_types.keys())))
        driver_name = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).lower()
        if type_name == 'msodbcsql':
            return ('msodbcsql' in driver_name) or ('sqlncli' in driver_name) or ('sqlsrv32.dll' == driver_name)
        elif type_name == 'freetds':
            return ('tdsodbc' in driver_name)
github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests2 / View on Github external
def print_library_info(cnxn):
    import pyodbc
    print('python:  %s' % sys.version)
    print('pyodbc:  %s %s' % (pyodbc.version, os.path.abspath(pyodbc.__file__)))
    print('odbc:    %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_ODBC_VER))
    print('driver:  %s %s' % (cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME), cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_VER)))
    print('         supports ODBC version %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER))
    print('os:      %s' % platform.system())
    print('unicode: Py_Unicode=%s SQLWCHAR=%s' % (pyodbc.UNICODE_SIZE, pyodbc.SQLWCHAR_SIZE))

    cursor = cnxn.cursor()
    for typename in ['VARCHAR', 'WVARCHAR', 'BINARY']:
        t = getattr(pyodbc, 'SQL_' + typename)
        except pyodbc.Error as e:
            print('Max %s = (not supported)' % (typename, ))
            row = cursor.fetchone()
            print('Max %s = %s' % (typename, row and row[2] or '(not supported)'))

    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests2 / View on Github external
def driver_type_is(self, type_name):
        recognized_types = {
            'msodbcsql': '(Microsoft) ODBC Driver xx for SQL Server',
            'freetds': 'FreeTDS ODBC',
        if not type_name in recognized_types.keys():
            raise KeyError('"{0}" is not a recognized driver type: {1}'.format(type_name, list(recognized_types.keys())))
        driver_name = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).lower()
        if type_name == 'msodbcsql':
            return ('msodbcsql' in driver_name) or ('sqlncli' in driver_name) or ('sqlsrv32.dll' == driver_name)
        elif type_name == 'freetds':
            return ('tdsodbc' in driver_name)
github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests3 / View on Github external
def print_library_info(cnxn):
    import pyodbc
    print('python:  %s' % sys.version)
    print('pyodbc:  %s %s' % (pyodbc.version, os.path.abspath(pyodbc.__file__)))
    print('odbc:    %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_ODBC_VER))
    print('driver:  %s %s' % (cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME), cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_VER)))
    print('         supports ODBC version %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER))
    print('os:      %s' % platform.system())
    print('unicode: Py_Unicode=%s SQLWCHAR=%s' % (pyodbc.UNICODE_SIZE, pyodbc.SQLWCHAR_SIZE))

    cursor = cnxn.cursor()
    for typename in ['VARCHAR', 'WVARCHAR', 'BINARY']:
        t = getattr(pyodbc, 'SQL_' + typename)
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        print('Max %s = %s' % (typename, row and row[2] or '(not supported)'))

    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        print('         %s' % ' '.join([s for s in platform.win32_ver() if s]))
github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests3 / View on Github external
def driver_type_is(self, type_name):
        recognized_types = {
            'msodbcsql': '(Microsoft) ODBC Driver xx for SQL Server',
            'freetds': 'FreeTDS ODBC',
        if not type_name in recognized_types.keys():
            raise KeyError('"{0}" is not a recognized driver type: {1}'.format(type_name, list(recognized_types.keys())))
        driver_name = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).lower()
        if type_name == 'msodbcsql':
            return ('msodbcsql' in driver_name) or ('sqlncli' in driver_name) or ('sqlsrv32.dll' == driver_name)
        elif type_name == 'freetds':
            return ('tdsodbc' in driver_name)
github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests3 / View on Github external
def test_fast_executemany(self):
        driver_name = self.cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME)
        if driver_name.lower().endswith('a.dll'):
            # skip this test for the ANSI driver on Windows; it crashes CPython

        self.cursor.fast_executemany = True

        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b varchar(10))")

        params = [(i, str(i)) for i in range(1, 6)]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b) values (?,?)", params)

        count = self.cursor.execute("select count(*) from t1").fetchone()[0]
        self.assertEqual(count, len(params))

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b from t1 order by a")
github mkleehammer / pyodbc / tests2 / View on Github external
def print_library_info(cnxn):
    import pyodbc
    print 'python:  %s' % sys.version
    print 'pyodbc:  %s %s' % (pyodbc.version, os.path.abspath(pyodbc.__file__))
    print 'odbc:    %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_ODBC_VER)
    print 'driver:  %s %s' % (cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME), cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_VER))
    print '         supports ODBC version %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER)
    print 'os:      %s' % platform.system()
    print 'unicode: Py_Unicode=%s SQLWCHAR=%s' % (pyodbc.UNICODE_SIZE, pyodbc.SQLWCHAR_SIZE)

    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        print '         %s' % ' '.join([s for s in platform.win32_ver() if s])
github avidal / django-pyodbc / sql_server / pyodbc / View on Github external

        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        if new_conn:
            # Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
            # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
            # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
            # hasn't told us otherwise
            cursor.execute("SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s" % self.datefirst)
            if self.ops.sql_server_ver < 2005:
                self.creation.data_types['TextField'] = 'ntext'
                self.features.can_return_id_from_insert = False

            if self.driver_needs_utf8 is None:
                self.driver_needs_utf8 = True
                self.drv_name = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()
                if self.drv_name in ('SQLSRV32.DLL', 'SQLNCLI.DLL', 'SQLNCLI10.DLL'):
                    self.driver_needs_utf8 = False

                if self.ops.sql_server_ver >= 2005 and self.drv_name in ('SQLNCLI.DLL', 'SQLNCLI10.DLL') and self.MARS_Connection:
                    # How to to activate it: Add 'MARS_Connection': True
                    # to the DATABASE_OPTIONS dictionary setting
                    self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

            # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
            # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
            # to avoid this
            if self.drv_name.startswith('LIBTDSODBC') and not self.connection.autocommit:

        return CursorWrapper(cursor, self.driver_needs_utf8)
github lionheart / django-pyodbc / django_pyodbc / View on Github external
# Set date format for the connection. Also, make sure Sunday is
            # considered the first day of the week (to be consistent with the
            # Django convention for the 'week_day' Django lookup) if the user
            # hasn't told us otherwise

            if not self.ops.is_db2 and not self.ops.is_openedge:
                # IBM's DB2 doesn't support this syntax and a suitable
                # equivalent could not be found.
                cursor.execute("SET DATEFORMAT ymd; SET DATEFIRST %s" % self.datefirst)
            if self.ops.sql_server_ver < 2005:
                self.creation.data_types['TextField'] = 'ntext'
                self.data_types['TextField'] = 'ntext'
                self.features.can_return_id_from_insert = False

            ms_sqlncli = re.compile('^((LIB)?SQLN?CLI|LIBMSODBCSQL)')
            self.drv_name = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_NAME).upper()

            if self.ops.sql_server_ver >= 2005 and ms_sqlncli.match(self.drv_name) and self.MARS_Connection:
                # How to to activate it: Add 'MARS_Connection': True
                # to the DATABASE_OPTIONS dictionary setting
                self.features.can_use_chunked_reads = True

            if self.drv_name.startswith('LIBTDSODBC'):
                # FreeTDS can't execute some sql queries like CREATE DATABASE etc.
                # in multi-statement, so we need to commit the above SQL sentence(s)
                # to avoid this
                if not self.connection.autocommit:

                freetds_version = self.connection.getinfo(Database.SQL_DRIVER_VER)
                if self.driver_supports_utf8 is None: