How to use the pymatgen.core.structure.Structure function in pymatgen

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pymatgen examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github materialsproject / MPWorks / mpworks / drones / View on Github external
d["species_group"] = int(r.split("=")[-1])

        # custom Materials Project post-processing for FireWorks
        with zopen(zpath(os.path.join(dir_name, 'FW.json'))) as f:
            fw_dict = json.load(f)
            d['fw_id'] = fw_dict['fw_id']
            d['snl'] = fw_dict['spec']['mpsnl']
            d['snlgroup_id'] = fw_dict['spec']['snlgroup_id']
            d['vaspinputset_name'] = fw_dict['spec'].get('vaspinputset_name')
            d['task_type'] = fw_dict['spec']['task_type']

            if not self.update_duplicates:
                if 'optimize structure' in d['task_type'] and 'output' in d:
                    # create a new SNL based on optimized structure
                    new_s = Structure.from_dict(d['output']['crystal'])
                    old_snl = StructureNL.from_dict(d['snl'])
                    history = old_snl.history
                        {'name': 'Materials Project structure optimization',
                         'url': '',
                         'description': {'task_type': d['task_type'],
                                         'fw_id': d['fw_id'],
                                         'task_id': d['task_id']}})
                    new_snl = StructureNL(new_s, old_snl.authors, old_snl.projects,
                                          old_snl.references, old_snl.remarks,
                                , history)

                    # enter new SNL into SNL db
                    # get the SNL mongo adapter
                    sma = SNLMongoAdapter.auto_load()
github materialsproject / pymatgen-db / matgendb / View on Github external
d["name"] = "aflow"
            p = d2["input"]["potcar_type"][0].split("_")
            pot_type = p[0]
            functional = "lda" if len(pot_type) == 1 else "_".join(p[1:])
            d["pseudo_potential"] = {"functional": functional.lower(),
                                     "pot_type": pot_type.lower(),
                                     "labels": d2["input"]["potcar"]}
            if len(d["calculations"]) == len(self.runs) or \
                    list(vasprun_files.keys())[0] != "relax1":
                d["state"] = "successful" if d2["has_vasp_completed"] \
                    else "unsuccessful"
                d["state"] = "stopped"
            d["analysis"] = get_basic_analysis_and_error_checks(d)

            sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["crystal"]),
            d["spacegroup"] = {"symbol": sg.get_space_group_symbol(),
                               "number": sg.get_space_group_number(),
                               "point_group": sg.get_point_group_symbol(),
                               "source": "spglib",
                               "crystal_system": sg.get_crystal_system(),
                               "hall": sg.get_hall()}
            d["oxide_type"] = d2["oxide_type"]
            d["last_updated"] =
            return d
        except Exception as ex:
            import traceback
            logger.error("Error in " + os.path.abspath(dir_name) +
                         ".\n" + traceback.format_exc())
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / core / View on Github external
new_sites = []
        specimen = sec_struct.species
        scaled_species = []

        for i in range(0, len(sec_struct)):
            if 0 <= sec_struct[i].coords[0] <= self.lattice.a and \
               0 <= sec_struct[i].coords[1] <= self.lattice.b and \
               0 <= sec_struct[i].coords[2] <= self.lattice.c:

        scaled_sites = []
        for site in new_sites:

        sec_struct = Structure(self.lattice, scaled_species,
                               scaled_sites, coords_are_cartesian = True)

        # Creates the interface between two structures
        interface_sites = []
        interface_species = []
        # c_list = []
        specimen = self.species

        for i in range(0, len(self)):

        specimen = sec_struct.species
        for i in range(0, len(sec_struct)):
            if self.true_vac_size/2 <= sec_struct[i].coords[2] \
                            <= self.lattice.c-self.true_vac_size/2:
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / dev_scripts / View on Github external
shift_parallel = coord_i - coord_j
            shift_parallel[2] = 0
            shift_net = shift_normal - shift_parallel
            for site in mat2d:
                new_coords = site.coords
                new_coords[2] = site.coords[2] - mat_2d_bottom
                new_coords = new_coords + origin + shift_net
                interface.append(site.specie, new_coords,

# test
if __name__ == '__main__':            
    mat2d = Structure.from_file('POSCAR_2D')
    substrate = Structure.from_file('POSCAR_substrate')
    seperation = 5
    nlayers_2d = 2
    nlayers_substrate = 2
    generate_all_configs(mat2d, substrate,
                       nlayers_2d, nlayers_substrate,
                       seperation )
github uw-cmg / MAST / MAST / utility / finite_size_scaling / View on Github external
def CalcV_M(structure):
    dummyPoscarLatStr = Structure(structure.lattice,["F-"],[[0,0,0]])
    V_M = ewald.EwaldSummation(dummyPoscarLatStr).total_energy*(-2)
    return V_M
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / io / View on Github external
#index      = index number of absorbing atom in list
        #pt         = coordinates of absorbing atom
        #sphere     = sites around absorbing atom within radius
        #x,y,zshift = coordinate shift to place absorbing atom at (0,0,0)
        #atom       = site in sphere
        #atm        = atomic symbol string for atom at atom site
        #ipot       = index for that atom symbol in potential dictionary
        #distance   = distance of that atom site from absorbing atom

        nopts = len(self.struct.species)

        ptatoms = [self.struct.species[i].symbol for i in range(nopts)]

        index = ptatoms.index(self.central_atom)
        pt = self.struct.cart_coords[index]
        sphere = Structure.get_sites_in_sphere(self.struct, pt, radius)
        xshift = pt[0]
        yshift = pt[1]
        zshift = pt[2]
        end = len(sphere)
        row = []

        for i in range(end):
            atom = sphere[i][0]
            atm = re.sub(r"[^aA-zZ]+", "", atom.species_string)
            ipot = self.pot_dict[atm]
            x = atom.coords[0] - xshift
            y = atom.coords[1] - yshift
            z = atom.coords[2] - zshift
            distance = sphere[i][1]
            row.append(["{:f}".format(x), "{:f}".format(y), "{:f}".format(z),
                        ipot, atm, "{:f}".format(distance), i])
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / analysis / View on Github external
def _scale_structures(self, a, b):
        # which structure do we want to fit to the other ?
        # assume that structure b has less sites and switch if needed

        self.fixed_is_a = a.num_sites < b.num_sites
        (fixed, to_fit) = (a, b) if self.fixed_is_a else (b, a)

        # scale the structures to the same density
        rho_a = fixed.num_sites / fixed.volume
        rho_b = to_fit.num_sites / to_fit.volume
        scale = (rho_b / rho_a) ** (1 / 3)
        self.scale = scale
        to_fit = Structure(Lattice(to_fit.lattice.matrix * scale),
                           to_fit.species_and_occu, to_fit.frac_coords)
        return (fixed, to_fit)
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / mpinterfaces / View on Github external
key = key_slab + key_ligand
            E_interfaces[key] = self.get_energy(cal)
            E_binding[key] = E_interfaces[key] \
                - E_slabs[key_slab] \
                - cal.system['num_ligands'] * E_ligands[
                key_ligand]'Binding energy = {}'.format(E_binding))

# test
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure, Molecule
    from mpinterfaces.interface import Ligand

    # PbS 100 surface with single hydrazine as ligand
    strt = Structure.from_file("")
    mol_struct = Structure.from_file("POSCAR_diacetate")
    mol = Molecule(mol_struct.species, mol_struct.cart_coords)
    hydrazine = Ligand([mol])
    supercell = [1, 1, 1]
    hkl = [1, 1, 1]
    min_thick = 10
    min_vac = 12
    surface_coverage = 0.01
    adsorb_on_species = 'S'
    adatom_on_lig = 'Pb'
    displacement = 3.0
    iface = Interface(strt, hkl=hkl, min_thick=min_thick,
                      supercell=supercell, surface_coverage=0.01,
                      ligand=hydrazine, displacement=displacement,
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / core / View on Github external
def setUp(self): = Structure(Lattice.cubic(3), ["Cu", "Cu", "Cu", "Cu"],
                            [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 0.5],
                             [0, 0.5, 0.5]])

        self.libcc = Structure(Lattice.cubic(3.51004), ["Li", "Li"],
                               [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])

        Li_Fe_P_O4 = CifParser(get_path("LiFePO4.cif"))
        self.lifepo4 = (Li_Fe_P_O4.get_structures(primitive = False)[0])

        Li_Fe_P_O4_compare = CifParser(get_path("LiFePO4_010_original_3.005.cif"))
        self.lifepo4_compare = (Li_Fe_P_O4.get_structures(primitive = False)[0])