How to use the pymatgen.core.operations.SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation function in pymatgen

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github qzhu2017 / PyXtal / pyxtal / test_cases / View on Github external
for params in found_params:
                order = params[0]
                op_type = params[1]
                if op_type == "rotation" and (order == 3 or order == 6):
                    m = aa2matrix(op_axis, (2*pi)/order)
                elif op_type == "improper rotation" and (order == 3 or order == 6):
                    m = aa2matrix(op_axis, (2*pi)/order)
                    m[2] *= -1
                symm_point_partial.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, [0,0,0]))
            symm_point = generate_full_symmops(symm_point_partial, 1e-2)
            for op in symm_point:

P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(
    [[1, -0.5, 0], [0, sqrt(3) / 2, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [0, 0, 0]

site_symmetry = [None]
# site_symm is stored by space group number starting with 1 (site_symm[1] is P1))
print("Calculating space group:")
for sg in range(1, 231):
    symm_sg = get_wyckoff_symmetry(sg)
    # Get site symmetry for every point in each wp, and store
    for i, symm_wp in enumerate(symm_sg):
        for j, symm_point in enumerate(symm_wp):
            for op in symm_point:
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / symmetry / View on Github external
Return symmetry operations as a list of SymmOp objects.
        By default returns fractional coord symmops.
        But cartesian can be returned too.

            ([SymmOp]): List of symmetry operations.
        rotation, translation = self._get_symmetry()
        symmops = []
        mat = self._structure.lattice.matrix.T
        invmat = np.linalg.inv(mat)
        for rot, trans in zip(rotation, translation):
            if cartesian:
                rot =,, invmat))
                trans =, self._structure.lattice.matrix)
            op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(rot, trans)
        return symmops
github qzhu2017 / PyXtal / View on Github external
#Ensure the identity orientation is checked if no constraints are found
    if constraints_m == []:
        o = orientation(np.identity(3), degrees=2)
    #Remove redundancy from orientations
    list_i = list(range(len(orientations)))
    list_j = list(range(len(orientations)))
    for i , o1 in enumerate(orientations):
        if i in list_i:
            for j , o2 in enumerate(orientations):
                if i > j and j in list_j and j in list_i:
                    m1 = o1.get_matrix(angle=0)
                    m2 = o2.get_matrix(angle=0)
                    new_op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(, np.linalg.inv(m1)), [0,0,0])
                    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(np.linalg.inv(m1), [0,0,0])
                    old_op = P*new_op*P.inverse
                    if pga.is_valid_op(old_op):
    copy = deepcopy(orientations)
    orientations = []
    for i in list_i:

    #Check each of the found orientations for consistency with the Wyckoff pos.
    #If consistent, put into an array of valid orientations
    allowed = []
    for o in orientations:
        if randomize is True:
            op = o.get_op()
        elif randomize is False:
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / analysis / View on Github external
logger.debug("Done testing in {} secs".format(time.time() - \

        self._atomic_misfit = biggest_dist / ((3 * 0.7405 * a.volume / \
                                (4 * math.pi * a.num_sites)) ** (1 / 3))

        if mapping_op != None:
            rot = mapping_op.rotation_matrix  # maps to_fit to fixed
            p = sqrt_matrix(, rot))
            scale_matrix = np.eye(3) * self.scale
            newrot =, rot)
            # we need to now make sure fitterdata.MappingOp maps b -> a and not
            # the other way around
            mshift =, oshift.translation_vector)
            finaltranslation = mapping_op.translation_vector + mshift[0]
            composite_op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(
                                                newrot, finaltranslation)
            self._mapping_op = composite_op if self.fixed_is_a \
                                            else composite_op.inverse
            #self._mapping_op = mapping_op
            self._cell_misfit = shear_invariant(p)
github qzhu2017 / PyXtal / View on Github external
#Check that the displacement is less than tol
        displacement = difference.translation_vector
        if distance(displacement, lattice) > tol:
            is_symmetry = False
        if is_symmetry:
            '''The actual site symmetry's translation vector may vary from op by
            a factor of +1 or -1 (especially when op contains +-1/2).
            We record this to distinguish between special Wyckoff positions.
            As an example, consider the point (-x+1/2,-x,x+1/2) in position 16c
            of space group Ia-3(206). The site symmetry includes the operations
            (-z+1,x-1/2,-y+1/2) and (y+1/2,-z+1/2,-x+1). These operations are
            not listed in the general position, but correspond to the operations
            (-z,x+1/2,-y+1/2) and (y+1/2,-z+1/2,-x), respectively, just shifted
            by (+1,-1,0) and (0,0,+1), respectively.
            el = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix, op.translation_vector - np.round(displacement))
    return symmetry
github qzhu2017 / PyXtal / View on Github external
def reorient(mol):
        new_mol = mol.get_centered_molecule()
        A = get_inertia_tensor(new_mol)
        #Store the eigenvectors of the inertia tensor
        P = np.transpose(eigh(A)[1])
        if det(P) < 0:
            P[0] *= -1
        #reorient the molecule
        P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(P,[0,0,0])
        #Our molecule should never be inverted during reorientation.
        if det(P.rotation_matrix) < 0:
            print("Error: inverted reorientation applied.")
        return new_mol, P
    #If needed, recursively apply reorientation (due to numerical errors)
github uw-cmg / MAST / libraries / pymatgen / pymatgen / symmetry / View on Github external
def get_symmetry_operations(self, cartesian=False):
        Return symmetry operations as a list of SymmOp objects.
        By default returns fractional coord symmops.
        But cartesian can be returned too.
        (rotation, translation) = self._get_symmetry()
        symmops = []
        mat = self._structure.lattice.matrix.T
        invmat = np.linalg.inv(mat)
        for rot, trans in zip(rotation, translation):
            if cartesian:
                rot =,, invmat))
                trans =, self._structure.lattice.matrix)
            op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(rot, trans)
        return symmops
github henniggroup / MPInterfaces / mpinterfaces / twod_materials / utils / View on Github external
z-axis relaxation.

        structure (Structure): Pymatgen Structure object to rotate.

        structure. Rotated to align c-axis along [001].

    c = structure.lattice._matrix[2]
    z = [0, 0, 1]
    axis = np.cross(c, z)
    if not(axis[0] == 0 and axis[1] == 0):
        theta = (np.arccos(, z) / (np.linalg.norm(c) * np.linalg.norm(z))))
        R = get_rotation_matrix(axis, theta)
        rotation = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(rotation_matrix=R)
    return structure
github uw-cmg / MAST / pymatgen / analysis / View on Github external
logger.debug("Done testing in {} secs".format(time.time() - \

        self._atomic_misfit = biggest_dist / ((3 * 0.7405 * a.volume / \
                                (4 * math.pi * a.num_sites)) ** (1 / 3))

        if mapping_op != None:
            rot = mapping_op.rotation_matrix  # maps to_fit to fixed
            p = sqrt_matrix(, rot))
            scale_matrix = np.eye(3) * self.scale
            newrot =, rot)
            # we need to now make sure fitterdata.MappingOp maps b -> a and not
            # the other way around
            mshift =, oshift.translation_vector)
            finaltranslation = mapping_op.translation_vector + mshift[0]
            composite_op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(
                                                newrot, finaltranslation)
            self._mapping_op = composite_op if self.fixed_is_a \
                                            else composite_op.inverse
            #self._mapping_op = mapping_op
            self._cell_misfit = shear_invariant(p)
github materialsproject / pymatgen / pymatgen / analysis / View on Github external
def _test_rotation(self, rot, origin, fixed, to_fit, tol_atoms):
        tol_atoms_plus = 1.1 * tol_atoms
        found_map = False
        mapping_op = None
        biggest_dist = 0
        logger.debug("Trying candidate rotation : \n" + str(rot))
        for site in fixed:
            if time.time() - self._start_time > self._timeout:
                logger.debug("Timeout reached when testing rotations.")
            if site.species_and_occu == origin.species_and_occu:
                shift = site.coords
                op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(
                                                    rot.rotation_matrix, shift)
                nstruct = apply_operation(to_fit, op)
                correspondance = OrderedDict()
                all_match = True
                biggest_dist = 0
                # check to see if transformed struct matches fixed structure
                for trans in nstruct:
                    cands = fixed.get_sites_in_sphere(trans.coords,
                    if len(cands) == 0:
                        logger.debug("No candidates found.")
                        all_match = False
                    cands = sorted(cands, key=lambda a: a[1])
                    (closest, closest_dist) = cands[0]
                    if closest_dist > tol_atoms or \