How to use the pyflow.demo.launchTasksUntil.launchTasksUntil.LaunchUntilWorkflow function in pyflow

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github Illumina / pyflow / pyflow / demo / launchTasksUntil / View on Github external
            runningTaskCount = len(allTasks)-len(completedTasks)
            self.flowLog("Completed/Running tasks: %i %i" % (len(completedTasks), runningTaskCount))
            assert(runningTaskCount >= 0)

            # launch new tasks until it is clear the total threshold will be met
            if completedWork < self.totalContinuousWorkTarget :
                numberOfTasksToLaunch = max(maxTaskCount-runningTaskCount,0)
                for _ in range(numberOfTasksToLaunch) : launchNextTask()


wflow = LaunchUntilWorkflow()

# Run the worklow:
