How to use the pyflow.demo.cwdDemo.cwdDemo.CwdWorkflow function in pyflow

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyflow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        self.flowLog("testing pyflow cwd: '%s' parentdir: '%s'" % (cwd,parentdir))

        # task will fail unless pwd == parentdir:
        # test both absolute and relative cwd arguments:
        self.addTask("testAbsCwd","[ $(pwd) == '%s' ]; exit $?" % (parentdir),cwd=parentdir)
        self.addTask("testRelCwd","[ $(pwd) == '%s' ]; exit $?" % (parentdir),cwd="..")

# Instantiate the workflow
wflow = CwdWorkflow()

# Run the worklow:
