How to use the pydantic.errors.ConfigError function in pydantic

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pydantic examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github samuelcolvin / pydantic / tests / View on Github external
def test_config_and_base():
    with pytest.raises(errors.ConfigError):
        create_model('FooModel', __config__=BaseModel.Config, __base__=BaseModel)
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / tests / View on Github external
def test_unable_to_infer():
    with pytest.raises(errors.ConfigError) as exc_info:

        class InvalidDefinitionModel(BaseModel):
            x = None

    assert exc_info.value.args[0] == 'unable to infer type for attribute "x"'
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / pydantic / View on Github external
def check_for_unused(self) -> None:
        unused_validators = set(
                    (v.func.__name__ for v in self.validators[f] if v.check_fields)
                    for f in (self.validators.keys() - self.used_validators)
        if unused_validators:
            fn = ', '.join(unused_validators)
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Validators defined with incorrect fields: {fn} "  # noqa: Q000
                f"(use check_fields=False if you're inheriting from the model and intended this)"
github nazrulworld / fhir.resources / fhir / resources / DSTU2 / View on Github external
def add_root_validator(
        validator: Callable,
        pre: bool = False,
        skip_on_failure: bool = False,
        index: int = -1,
        """ """
        from inspect import signature
        from inspect import isfunction

        if not isfunction(validator):
            raise ConfigError(
                f"'{validator.__qualname__}' must be function not method from class."
        sig = signature(validator)
        args = list(sig.parameters.keys())
        if args[0] != "cls":
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Invalid signature for root validator {validator.__qualname__}: {sig}, "
                f'"args[0]" not permitted as first argument, '
                f"should be: (cls, values)."
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Invalid signature for root validator {validator.__qualname__}: {sig}, "
                "should be: (cls, values)."
        if pre:
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / pydantic / View on Github external
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Any, dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ConstrainedInt':  # type: ignore
        new_cls = cast('ConstrainedInt', type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct))

        if is not None and is not None:
            raise errors.ConfigError('bounds gt and ge cannot be specified at the same time')
        if is not None and new_cls.le is not None:
            raise errors.ConfigError('bounds lt and le cannot be specified at the same time')

        return new_cls
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / pydantic / View on Github external
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Any, dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ConstrainedInt':  # type: ignore
        new_cls = cast('ConstrainedInt', type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct))

        if is not None and is not None:
            raise errors.ConfigError('bounds gt and ge cannot be specified at the same time')
        if is not None and new_cls.le is not None:
            raise errors.ConfigError('bounds lt and le cannot be specified at the same time')

        return new_cls
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / pydantic / View on Github external
def _generic_validator_basic(validator: AnyCallable, sig: Signature, args: Set[str]) -> 'ValidatorCallable':
    has_kwargs = False
    if 'kwargs' in args:
        has_kwargs = True
        args -= {'kwargs'}

    if not args.issubset(all_kwargs):
        raise ConfigError(
            f'Invalid signature for validator {validator}: {sig}, should be: '
            f'(value, values, config, field), "values", "config" and "field" are all optional.'

    if has_kwargs:
        return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(v, values=values, field=field, config=config)
    elif args == set():
        return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(v)
    elif args == {'values'}:
        return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(v, values=values)
    elif args == {'field'}:
        return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(v, field=field)
    elif args == {'config'}:
        return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(v, config=config)
    elif args == {'values', 'field'}:
        return lambda cls, v, values, field, config: validator(v, values=values, field=field)
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / pydantic / View on Github external
def from_orm(cls: Type['Model'], obj: Any) -> 'Model':
        if not cls.__config__.orm_mode:
            raise ConfigError('You must have the config attribute orm_mode=True to use from_orm')
        obj = cls._decompose_class(obj)
        m = cls.__new__(cls)
        values, fields_set, validation_error = validate_model(cls, obj)
        if validation_error:
            raise validation_error
        object.__setattr__(m, '__dict__', values)
        object.__setattr__(m, '__fields_set__', fields_set)
        return m
github nazrulworld / fhir.resources / fhir / resources / View on Github external
pre: bool = False,
        skip_on_failure: bool = False,
        index: int = -1,
        """ """
        from inspect import signature
        from inspect import isfunction

        if not isfunction(validator):
            raise ConfigError(
                f"'{validator.__qualname__}' must be function not method from class."
        sig = signature(validator)
        args = list(sig.parameters.keys())
        if args[0] != "cls":
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Invalid signature for root validator {validator.__qualname__}: {sig}, "
                f'"args[0]" not permitted as first argument, '
                f"should be: (cls, values)."
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Invalid signature for root validator {validator.__qualname__}: {sig}, "
                "should be: (cls, values)."
        if pre:
            if validator not in cls.__pre_root_validators__:
                if index == -1:
                    cls.__pre_root_validators__.insert(index, validator)
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / pydantic / View on Github external
def prepare(self) -> None:
        Prepare the field but inspecting self.default, self.type_ etc.

        Note: this method is **not** idempotent (because _type_analysis is not idempotent),
        e.g. calling it it multiple times may modify the field and configure it incorrectly.
        if self.default is not None and self.type_ is None:
            self.type_ = type(self.default)
            self.outer_type_ = self.type_

        if self.type_ is None:
            raise errors_.ConfigError(f'unable to infer type for attribute "{}"')

        if type(self.type_) == ForwardRef:
            # self.type_ is currently a ForwardRef and there's nothing we can do now,
            # user will need to call model.update_forward_refs()

        self.validate_always = getattr(self.type_, 'validate_always', False) or any(
            v.always for v in self.class_validators.values()

        if self.required is False and self.default is None:
            self.allow_none = True

        if self.required is Undefined:
            self.required = True