How to use the pycellbase.cbconfig.ConfigClient function in pycellbase

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self._tfbs_client = None
        self._regulation_client = None
        self._species_client = None
        self._meta_client = None

        # Setting up config params
        if config_client is not None:
            if isinstance(config_client, ConfigClient):
                self._configuration = config_client
                msg = ('CellBaseClient configuration not properly set.' +
                       ' "pycellbase.config.ConfigClient" object is needed as' +
                       ' parameter')
                raise ValueError(msg)
            self._configuration = ConfigClient()
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# Loading CellBase and configuration clients
from pycellbase.cbconfig import ConfigClient
from pycellbase.cbclient import CellBaseClient

# Initializing CellBaseClient
cc = ConfigClient("../conf/client-configuration.yml")
cbc = CellBaseClient(cc)

# Initializing gene client
gc = cbc.get_gene_client()

# Retrieving transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) for a gene list
gene_list = ['BRCA1', 'BRCA2', 'LDLR']
tfbs_responses = gc.get_tfbs(gene_list, include='id')

# Printing the number of TFBS found for each gene
for response in tfbs_responses:
    print('Number of TFBS for "%s": %d' % (response['id'], len(response['result'])))
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self._transcript_client = None
        self._protein_client = None
        self._variation_client = None
        self._xref_client = None
        self._region_client = None
        self._variant_client = None
        self._genome_sequence_client = None
        self._clinical_client = None
        self._tfbs_client = None
        self._regulation_client = None
        self._species_client = None
        self._meta_client = None

        # Setting up config params
        if config_client is not None:
            if isinstance(config_client, ConfigClient):
                self._configuration = config_client
                msg = ('CellBaseClient configuration not properly set.' +
                       ' "pycellbase.config.ConfigClient" object is needed as' +
                       ' parameter')
                raise ValueError(msg)
            self._configuration = ConfigClient()