How to use the pyccel.errors.errors.Errors function in pyccel

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyccel examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pyccel / pyccel / tests / codegen / pycode / View on Github external
def test_codegen(f):

    pyccel = Parser(f)
    ast = pyccel.parse()

    settings = {}
    ast = pyccel.annotate(**settings)

    name = os.path.basename(f)
    name = os.path.splitext(name)[0]

    codegen = Codegen(ast, name)

    # reset Errors singleton
    errors = Errors()
github pyccel / pyccel / tests / errors / View on Github external
def test_syntax_blockers(f):
    # reset Errors singleton
    errors = Errors()

    pyccel = Parser(f)

    with pytest.raises(PyccelSyntaxError):
        ast = pyccel.parse()

github pyccel / pyccel / tests / codegen / fcode / View on Github external
def test_codegen(f):

    pyccel = Parser(f)
    ast = pyccel.parse()

    settings = {}
    ast = pyccel.annotate(**settings)

    name = os.path.basename(f)
    name = os.path.splitext(name)[0]

    codegen = Codegen(ast, name)

    # reset Errors singleton
    errors = Errors()
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / parser / View on Github external
def parse(self, verbose=False):
        """converts python ast to sympy ast."""

        if self.syntax_done:
            print ('> syntax analysis already done')
            return self.ast

        # TODO - add settings to Errors
        #      - filename

        errors = Errors()
        if self.filename:
            errors.set_target(self.filename, 'file')

        PyccelAstNode.stage = 'syntactic'
        ast = self._visit(self.fst)

        self._ast = ast

        self._visit_done = True

        return ast
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / parser / View on Github external
def annotate(self, **settings):

        if self.semantic_done:
            print ('> semantic analysis already done')
            return self.ast

        # TODO - add settings to Errors
        #      - filename

        errors = Errors()
        if self.filename:
            errors.set_target(self.filename, 'file')

        # then we treat the current file

        ast = self.ast

        # we add the try/except to allow the parser to find all possible errors
        PyccelAstNode.stage = 'semantic'
        ast = self._visit(ast, **settings)

        self._ast = ast

        # in the case of a header file, we need to convert all headers to
        # FunctionDef etc ...
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / codegen / printing / View on Github external
from pyccel.ast.core import PyccelPow, PyccelAdd, PyccelMul, PyccelDiv, PyccelMod, PyccelFloorDiv
from pyccel.ast.core import PyccelEq,  PyccelNe,  PyccelLt,  PyccelLe,  PyccelGt,  PyccelGe
from pyccel.ast.core import PyccelAnd, PyccelOr,  PyccelNot, PyccelMinus

from pyccel.ast.builtins  import Range
from pyccel.ast.core import Declare
from pyccel.ast.core import SeparatorComment

from pyccel.codegen.printing.codeprinter import CodePrinter

from pyccel.errors.errors import Errors
from pyccel.errors.messages import *

errors = Errors()

TODO: add examples

__all__ = ["CCodePrinter", "ccode"]

# dictionary mapping sympy function to (argument_conditions, C_function).
# Used in CCodePrinter._print_Function(self)
known_functions = {
    "Abs": [(lambda x: not x.is_integer, "fabs")],
    "gamma": "tgamma",
    "sin"  : "sin",
    "cos"  : "cos",
    "tan"  : "tan",
    "asin" : "asin",
    "acos" : "acos",
    "atan" : "atan",
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / codegen / printing / View on Github external
from sympy.core import Mul, Pow, S
from sympy.core.compatibility import default_sort_key
from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify
from sympy.core.mul import _keep_coeff
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter

from pyccel.ast.core import Assign

from pyccel.errors.errors     import Errors
from pyccel.errors.messages   import PYCCEL_RESTRICTION_TODO

TODO: add examples

__all__ = ["CodePrinter"]

errors = Errors()

class CodePrinter(StrPrinter):
    The base class for code-printing subclasses.

    _operators = {
        'and': '&&',
        'or': '||',
        'not': '!',

    def doprint(self, expr, assign_to=None):
        Print the expression as code.
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / parser / View on Github external
def _infere_type(self, expr, **settings):
        type inference for expressions

        # TODO - add settings to Errors
        #      - line and column
        #      - blocking errors

        errors = Errors()

        verbose = settings.pop('verbose', False)
        if verbose:
            print ('*** type inference for : ', type(expr))

        d_var = {}
        # TODO improve => put settings as attribut of Parser

        if expr in (PythonInt, PythonFloat, PythonComplex, PythonBool, NumpyInt,
                      Int32, Int64, NumpyComplex, Complex64, Complex128, NumpyFloat,
                      Float64, Float32):

            d_var['datatype'   ] = '*'
            d_var['rank'       ] = 0
            d_var['precision'  ] = 0
            return d_var
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / codegen / View on Github external
folder        = None,
                   language      = None,
                   compiler      = None,
                   mpi_compiler  = None,
                   fflags        = None,
                   includes      = (),
                   libdirs       = (),
                   modules       = (),
                   libs          = (),
                   debug         = False,
                   extra_args    = '',
                   accelerator   = None,
                   output_name   = None):

    # Reset Errors singleton before parsing a new file
    errors = Errors()

    # TODO [YG, 03.02.2020]: test validity of function arguments

    # Copy list arguments to local lists to avoid unexpected behavior
    includes = [*includes]
    libdirs  = [*libdirs]
    modules  = [*modules]
    libs     = [*libs]

    # Store current directory and add it to sys.path
    # variable to imitate Python's import behavior
    base_dirpath = os.getcwd()
    sys.path.insert(0, base_dirpath)

    # Unified way to handle errors: print formatted error message, then move
github pyccel / pyccel / pyccel / errors / View on Github external

        for path in self.error_info_map.keys():
            errors = self.error_info_map[path]

            if print_path: text += ' filename :: {path}\n'.format(path=path)
            for err in errors:
                text += ' ' + str(err) + '\n'
        return text

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyccel.errors.messages import NO_RETURN_VALUE_EXPECTED
    from pyccel.errors.messages import INCOMPATIBLE_RETURN_VALUE_TYPE
    from pyccel.errors.messages import UNDEFINED_VARIABLE

    errors = Errors()

    errors.set_target('', 'file'), severity='warning', line=24)

    errors.set_target('make_knots', 'function'), symbol='y', severity='error',
                 line=34, column=17)


    errors.set_target('eval_bsplines', 'function'), symbol='x', severity='error', blocker=True)