How to use the pyccel.ast.core.For function in pyccel

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    Substitutes old for new in an expression after sympifying args.

    new_elements : list of tuples like [(x,2)(y,3)]
    if len(list(new_elements))==0:
        return expr
    if isinstance(expr, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
        return [subs(expr, new_elements) for i in expr]
    elif isinstance(expr, (Expr, Assign)):
        return expr.subs(new_elements)
    elif isinstance(expr, While):
        test = subs(expr.test, a_old, a_new)
        body = subs(expr.body, a_old, a_new)
        return While(test, body)
    elif isinstance(expr, For):
        # TODO treat iter correctly
        target   = subs(, a_old, a_new)
        it       = subs(expr.iterable, a_old, a_new)
        target   =
        it       = expr.iterable
        body     = subs(expr.body, a_old, a_new)
        return For(target, it, body)
    elif isinstance(expr, If):
        args = []
        for block in expr.args:
            test  = block[0]
            stmts = block[1]
            t = subs(test,  a_old, a_new)
            s = subs(stmts, a_old, a_new)
            args.append((t, s))
        return If(*args)
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body += list(stmts)
    # ...

    # ...
    if isinstance(generator, ZipGenerator):
        for i,n in zip(index, length):
            for x,xs in zip(iterator, iterable):

                if not isinstance(xs, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
                    body = [Assign(x, IndexedBase([i])] + body

                    for v in xs:
                        body = [Assign(x, IndexedBase([i])] + body

            body = [For(i, Range(0, n), Tuple(*body), strict=False)]

        for i,n,x,xs in zip(index, length, iterator, iterable):

            if not isinstance(xs, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
                body = [Assign(x, IndexedBase([i])] + body

                for v in xs:
                    body = [Assign(x, IndexedBase([i])] + body

            body = [For(i, Range(0, n), Tuple(*body), strict=False)]
    # ...

    return decs, body
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return [mpify(i, **options) for i in stmt]

    if isinstance(stmt, MPI):
        return stmt

    if isinstance(stmt, Tensor):
        options['label'] =
        return stmt

    if isinstance(stmt, ForIterator):
        iterable = mpify(stmt.iterable, **options)
        target   =
        body     = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        return ForIterator(target, iterable, body, strict=False)

    if isinstance(stmt, For):
        iterable = mpify(stmt.iterable, **options)
        target   =
        body     = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        return For(target, iterable, body, strict=False)

    if isinstance(stmt, list):
        return [mpify(a, **options) for a in stmt]

    if isinstance(stmt, While):
        test = mpify(stmt.test, **options)
        body = mpify(stmt.body, **options)
        return While(test, body)

    if isinstance(stmt, If):
        args = []
        for block in stmt.args:
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def set_fst(expr, fst):
    if isinstance(expr, (tuple,list,Tuple)):
         for i in expr:set_fst(i, fst)
    elif isinstance(expr, For):
         set_fst(expr.body, fst)
    elif isinstance(expr, (Assign, AugAssign)):
    elif isinstance(expr, GC):
         set_fst(expr.loops, fst)
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def __new__(

        if isinstance(iter, Symbol):
            iter = Range(Len(iter))
        return For.__new__(cls, target, iter, body, strict)
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if isinstance(expr, Expr):

        atoms = expr.atoms(Symbol)
        return READ*len(atoms)

    elif isinstance(expr, Assign):
        return count_access(expr.rhs, visual) + WRITE

    elif isinstance(expr, Tuple):
        return sum(count_access(i, visual) for i in expr)

    elif isinstance(expr, CodeBlock):
        return sum(count_access(i, visual) for i in expr.body)

    elif isinstance(expr, For):
        s = expr.iterable.size
        ops = sum(count_access(i, visual) for i in expr.body.body)
        return ops*s

    elif isinstance(expr, (Zeros, Ones)):
        import numpy as np
        return WRITE*

    elif isinstance(expr, NewLine):
        return 0
        raise NotImplementedError('TODO count_access for {}'.format(type(expr)))
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return expr
    if isinstance(expr, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
        return [subs(i, new_elements) for i in expr]

    elif isinstance(expr, While):
        test = subs(expr.test, new_elements)
        body = subs(expr.body, new_elements)
        return While(test, body)

    elif isinstance(expr, For):
        target = subs(, new_elements)
        it = subs(expr.iterable, new_elements)
        target =
        it = expr.iterable
        body = subs(expr.body, new_elements)
        return For(target, it, body)

    elif isinstance(expr, If):
        args = []
        for block in expr.args:
            test = block[0]
            stmts = block[1]
            t = subs(test, new_elements)
            s = subs(stmts, new_elements)
            args.append((t, s))
        return If(*args)

    elif isinstance(expr, Return):

        for i in new_elements:
            expr = expr.subs(i[0],i[1])
        return expr
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def get_assigned_symbols(expr):
    """Returns all assigned symbols (as sympy Symbol) in the AST.

    expr: Expression
        any AST valid expression

    if isinstance(expr, (CodeBlock, FunctionDef, For, While)):
        return get_assigned_symbols(expr.body)
    elif isinstance(expr, FunctionalFor):
        return get_assigned_symbols(expr.loops)
    elif isinstance(expr, If):

        return get_assigned_symbols(expr.bodies)

    elif iterable(expr):
        symbols = []

        for a in expr:
            symbols += get_assigned_symbols(a)
        symbols = set(symbols)
        symbols = list(symbols)
        return symbols
    elif isinstance(expr, (Assign, AugAssign)):
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ind = vars_new[i].indices
            tp = list(stmts[i + 1].atoms(Tuple))
            size = None
            size = [None] * len(ind)
            for (j, k) in enumerate(ind):
                for t in tp:
                    if k == t[0]:
                        size[j] = t[2] - t[1] + 1
            if not all(size):
                raise ValueError('Unable to find range of index')
            name = str(vars_new[i].base)
            var = Symbol(name)
            stmt = Assign(var, Function('empty')(size[0]))
            stmts[i] = For(ind[0], Function('range')(size[0]), [stmts[i]], strict=False)
    lhs = create_variable(expr)
    stmts[-1] = Assign(lhs, stmts[-1])
    imports = [Import('empty', 'numpy')]
    return imports + allocate + stmts