How to use the pycalphad.variables.StateVariable function in pycalphad

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github PhasesResearchLab / ESPEI / espei / error_functions / View on Github external
exc_search = (where('excluded_model_contributions').test(lambda x: tuple(sorted(x)) == exclusion)) & (where('solver').exists())
                curr_data = get_prop_data(comps, phase_name, prop, datasets, additional_query=exc_search)
                calculate_dict = get_prop_samples(dbf, comps, phase_name, curr_data)
                mod = Model(dbf, comps, phase_name, parameters=symbols_to_fit)
                if prop.endswith('_FORM'):
                    output = ''.join(prop.split('_')[:-1])+'R'
                    mod.shift_reference_state(ref_states, dbf, contrib_mods={e: sympy.S.Zero for e in exclusion})
                    output = prop
                for contrib in exclusion:
                    mod.models[contrib] = sympy.S.Zero
                    mod.reference_model.models[contrib] = sympy.S.Zero
                species = sorted(unpack_components(dbf, comps), key=str)
                data_dict['species'] = species
                model = {phase_name: mod}
                statevar_dict = {getattr(v, c, None): vals for c, vals in calculate_dict.items() if isinstance(getattr(v, c, None), v.StateVariable)}
                statevar_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(statevar_dict.items(), key=lambda x: str(x[0])))
                str_statevar_dict = OrderedDict((str(k), vals) for k, vals in statevar_dict.items())
                phase_records = build_phase_records(dbf, species, [phase_name], statevar_dict, model,
                                                    output=output, parameters={s: 0 for s in symbols_to_fit},
                                                    build_gradients=False, build_hessians=False)
                data_dict['str_statevar_dict'] = str_statevar_dict
                data_dict['phase_records'] = phase_records
                data_dict['calculate_dict'] = calculate_dict
                data_dict['model'] = model
                data_dict['output'] = output
                data_dict['weights'] = np.array(property_std_deviation[prop.split('_')[0]])/np.array(calculate_dict.pop('weights'))
    return all_data_dicts
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            out = getattr(mod, output)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError('Missing Model attribute {0} specified for {1}'
                                 .format(output, mod.__class__))

        # Construct an ordered list of the variables
        variables, sublattice_dof = generate_dof(phase_obj, mod.components)

        site_ratios = list(phase_obj.sublattices)
        # Build the "fast" representation of that model
        if callable_dict[phase_name] is None:
            # As a last resort, treat undefined symbols as zero
            # But warn the user when we do this
            # This is consistent with TC's behavior
            undefs = list(out.atoms(Symbol) - out.atoms(v.StateVariable))
            for undef in undefs:
                out = out.xreplace({undef: float(0)})
                logger.warning('Setting undefined symbol %s for phase %s to zero',
                               undef, phase_name)
            comp_sets[phase_name] = make_callable(out, \
                list(statevar_dict.keys()) + variables, mode=mode)
            comp_sets[phase_name] = callable_dict[phase_name]

        # Eliminate pure vacancy endmembers from the calculation
        vacancy_indices = list()
        for idx, sublattice in enumerate(phase_obj.constituents):
            if 'VA' in sorted(sublattice) and 'VA' in sorted(comps):
        if len(vacancy_indices) != len(phase_obj.constituents):
            vacancy_indices = None
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def __init__(self, equation):
        Construct a generic equilibrium condition.

        equation : SymPy object
            Independent condition in the form: `equation` = 0
        self.equation = equation
        self.variables = equation.atoms(v.StateVariable)
    def __repr__(self):
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# Construct models for each phase; prioritize user models
    models = unpack_kwarg(model, default_arg=Model)
    if verbose:
        print('Components:', ' '.join(comps))
        print('Phases:', end=' ')
    for name in progressbar(active_phases, desc='Initialize (1/3)', unit='phase', disable=not pbar):
        mod = models[name]
        if isinstance(mod, type):
            models[name] = mod = mod(dbf, comps, name)
        variables = sorted({key for key in conditions.keys() if key in [v.T, v.P]}), key=str)
        site_fracs = sorted(, key=str)
        maximum_internal_dof = max(maximum_internal_dof, len(site_fracs))
        # Extra factor '1e-100...' is to work around an annoying broadcasting bug for zero gradient entries
        #models[name].models['_broadcaster'] = 1e-100 * Mul(*variables) ** 3
        out = models[name].energy
        undefs = list(out.atoms(Symbol) - out.atoms(v.StateVariable))
        for undef in undefs:
            out = out.xreplace({undef: float(0)})
        callable_dict[name], grad_callable_dict[name], hess_callable_dict[name] = \
            build_functions(out, [v.P, v.T] + site_fracs)

        # Adjust gradient by the approximate chemical potentials
        hyperplane = Add(*[v.MU(i)*mole_fraction(dbf.phases[name], comps, i)
                           for i in comps if i != 'VA'])
        plane_obj, plane_grad, plane_hess = build_functions(hyperplane, [v.MU(i) for i in comps if i != 'VA']+site_fracs)
        mass_obj, mass_grad, mass_hess = build_functions(Add(*[mole_fraction(dbf.phases[name], comps, i)
                                                               for i in comps if i != 'VA']), site_fracs)
        phase_records[name.upper()] = PhaseRecord(variables=variables,
github PhasesResearchLab / ESPEI / espei / error_functions / View on Github external
from scipy.stats import norm

from pycalphad.plot.eqplot import _map_coord_to_variable
from pycalphad import Database, Model, ReferenceState, variables as v
from pycalphad.core.equilibrium import _eqcalculate
from pycalphad.codegen.callables import build_phase_records
from pycalphad.core.utils import instantiate_models, filter_phases, extract_parameters, unpack_components, unpack_condition
from pycalphad.core.phase_rec import PhaseRecord

from espei.utils import PickleableTinyDB
from espei.shadow_functions import equilibrium_, calculate_, no_op_equilibrium_, update_phase_record_parameters

EqPropData = NamedTuple('EqPropData', (('dbf', Database),
                                       ('species', Sequence[v.Species]),
                                       ('phases', Sequence[str]),
                                       ('potential_conds', Dict[v.StateVariable, float]),
                                       ('composition_conds', Sequence[Dict[v.X, float]]),
                                       ('models', Dict[str, Model]),
                                       ('params_keys', Dict[str, float]),
                                       ('phase_records', Sequence[Dict[str, PhaseRecord]]),
                                       ('output', str),
                                       ('samples', np.ndarray),
                                       ('weight', np.ndarray),
                                       ('reference', str),

def build_eqpropdata(data: tinydb.database.Document,
                     dbf: Database,
                     parameters: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
                     data_weight_dict: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
                     ) -> EqPropData:
github pycalphad / pycalphad / pycalphad / io / View on Github external
def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
        if isinstance(expr, v.StateVariable):
            # Thermo-Calc likes symbol references to be marked with a '#' at the end
            return + "#"
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#pylint: disable=E1121
        new_self = StateVariable.__new__(cls, varname, nonnegative=True)
        new_self.phase_name = phase_name.upper()
        new_self.multiplicity = multiplicity
        return new_self

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return self.phase_name, self.multiplicity

    def _latex(self, printer=None):
        "LaTeX representation."
        #pylint: disable=E1101
        return 'f^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \

class Composition(StateVariable):
    Compositions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real
    and nonnegative.
    def __new__(cls, *args): #pylint: disable=W0221
        new_self = None
        varname = None
        phase_name = None
        species = None
        if len(args) == 1:
            # this is an overall composition variable
            species = Species(args[0])
            varname = 'X_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
        elif len(args) == 2:
            # this is a phase-specific composition variable
            phase_name = args[0].upper()
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species = None
        if len(args) == 1:
            # this is an overall composition variable
            species = Species(args[0])
            varname = 'X_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
        elif len(args) == 2:
            # this is a phase-specific composition variable
            phase_name = args[0].upper()
            species = Species(args[1])
            varname = 'X_' + phase_name + '_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
            # not defined
            raise ValueError('Composition not defined for args: '+args)

        #pylint: disable=E1121
        new_self = StateVariable.__new__(cls, varname, nonnegative=True)
        new_self.phase_name = phase_name
        new_self.species = species
        return new_self
github pycalphad / pycalphad / pycalphad / plot / binary / View on Github external
conds[v.N] = [1.0]
    if 'pdens' not in calc_kwargs:
        calc_kwargs['pdens'] = 2000

    species = unpack_components(dbf, comps)
    parameters = eq_kwargs.get('parameters', {})
    models = eq_kwargs.get('model')
    statevars = get_state_variables(models=models, conds=conds)
    if models is None:
        models = instantiate_models(dbf, comps, phases, model=eq_kwargs.get('model'),
                                    parameters=parameters, symbols_only=True)
    prxs = build_phase_records(dbf, species, phases, conds, models, output='GM',
                               parameters=parameters, build_gradients=True, build_hessians=True)

    indep_comp = [key for key, value in conds.items() if isinstance(key, v.Composition) and len(np.atleast_1d(value)) > 1]
    indep_pot = [key for key, value in conds.items() if (type(key) is v.StateVariable) and len(np.atleast_1d(value)) > 1]
    if (len(indep_comp) != 1) or (len(indep_pot) != 1):
        raise ValueError('Binary map requires exactly one composition and one potential coordinate')
    if indep_pot[0] != v.T:
        raise ValueError('Binary map requires that a temperature grid must be defined')

    # binary assumption, only one composition specified.
    comp_cond = [k for k in conds.keys() if isinstance(k, v.X)][0]
    indep_comp =[2:]
    indep_comp_idx = sorted(get_pure_elements(dbf, comps)).index(indep_comp)
    composition_grid = unpack_condition(conds[comp_cond])
    dX = composition_grid[1] - composition_grid[0]
    Xmax = composition_grid.max()
    temperature_grid = unpack_condition(conds[v.T])
    dT = temperature_grid[1] - temperature_grid[0]

    boundary_sets = boundary_sets or ZPFBoundarySets(comps, comp_cond)
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"State variables can be added with the `additional_statevars` "
    state_variables = sorted(state_variables, key=str)

    for name in phases:
        mod = models[name]
        site_fracs = mod.site_fractions
            out = getattr(mod, output)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError('Missing Model attribute {0} specified for {1}'
                                 .format(output, mod.__class__))

        # Build the callables of the output
        # Only force undefineds to zero if we're not overriding them
        undefs = {x for x in out.free_symbols if not isinstance(x, v.StateVariable)} - set(parameter_symbols)
        undef_vals = repeat(0., len(undefs))
        out = out.xreplace(dict(zip(undefs, undef_vals)))
        build_output = build_functions(out, tuple(state_variables + site_fracs), parameters=parameter_symbols,
                                       include_grad=build_gradients, include_hess=build_hessians)
        cf, gf, hf = build_output.func, build_output.grad, build_output.hess
        # trigger the JIT
        if gf is not None:
        if hf is not None:
        _callables['callables'][name] = cf
        _callables['grad_callables'][name] = gf
        _callables['hess_callables'][name] = hf

        # Build the callables for mass